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Welcome to  the February  '99 ADHD ezine.

As you can see from the search facility, our sponsor this month is .We have explored for you, a number of books that we absolutely recommend are worth while reading to help you get more insight into ADHD and stock them! They also have the facilities for you to order on line, with a secure site, and we love them as we can get books from them so easily and quickly, just by using the PC! Life is so easy these days! 
Just click on the book you are interested in and you'll go straight to the Amazon site! 
We have included reviews from other ADHD families so you can more easily assess the books relevance to you. 

Click on the link below of the book that may be of interest: 
* Adhd: a path to success with no drugs!
* How to Help Your Child and Teen to Pay Attention in School and Behave at Home
* No More Ritalin : Treating Adhd Without Drugs

Adhd : A Path to Success : A Revolutionary Theory and New Innovation in Drug Free Therapy
                     by Lawrence Weathers, Kelsey Loughlin 
                     ADHD: A Path to Success tells a gripping story of the author's own 
                     struggle with ADHD to become a successful child clinical psychologist. 
                     By combining his own personal experience with his professional 
                     experience he develops an innovative and insightful theory of ADHD. 
                     ADHD: A Path to Success presents a thorough rethinking of ADHD 
                     (ADD), Learning Disabilities and Behavior Disabilities. 

 Based on a learning, rather than a physiological model, the author demonstrates how these problems are really short-term adaptations to the stresses of family, school and the community. These children are only manifesting
exaggerated forms of common adult defenses. This new perspective helps  integrate the empirical research on ADHD and provide direction for  helping these children. Specifically, a radically new form of therapy,  Computer Aided Emotional Restructuring (CAER), is described. CAER is a powerful, drug free, tool for extinguishing the learned, self-defeating  responses that comprise ADHD.

 The concepts are illustrated with many lively cartoons, diagrams, and case studies. Though the volume presents many new concepts, it is easy  reading for all

From the Author
With terror in my heart, I can still remember sitting in emotional and almost physical pain at Palm Elementary School in Beaumont, California. It was fourth grade, and what was going on in the classroom was beyond  my attention. That's because my mind had escaped. Looking out the  window was my only escape from the endless monotony of the classroom. Being "jerked back" when the teacher called on me, was overwhelming and nauseating. I felt I had missed so much while being "spaced out" that the demands seemed insurmountable. I had no clue  where to begin. Since I felt little hope of being rewarded for my feeble  efforts, my biggest desire was to escape on another mental vacation. That is exactly what I did. My mind traveled out the window again -- even  though I dimly knew that I was digging myself into a deeper hole. As  self-defeating as this strategy was, it was my only defense. My understanding of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is deeply  rooted in my own experience. I was an ADHD child. I am now a Ph.D.  Clinical Psychologist with a thriving and successful practice. Parents, there is hope for you and your ADHD child.

Why My Interest in ADHD?
Professionally, I have been working with ADHD children since 1971. For the first twenty years I read the books, took courses, and did the therapy as prescribed. As hard as I tried to make it work, the theoretical picture did not seem to fit the children I was seeing, nor did the prescribed therapy approaches prove very useful. In 1991, I began to develop a  radically different approach to psychotherapy for all of my patients, ADHD and others.
This led to the invention of a computerized psychotherapy machine, Computer Aided Emotional Restructuring (CAER). Computer Aided Emotional Restructuring is a new, patented, treatment that sprang from another new therapy, Eye Movement  Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMD/R). (EMD/R is fully explained in chapter 24). Unlike traditional therapies, CAER does not depend much on talking. Rather, it taps powerful neurological mechanisms to elicit deep relaxation and vivid mental imagery. When these two effects are  juxtaposed, pathology producing emotions are extinguished through a process called desensitization. More simply put, CAER uses lights and  sound to help the ADHD child enter a relaxed state. Then, the relaxed and calm child, with the aid and supervision of a therapist, imagines an  anxiety-provoking situation -- such as school. Quickly, the relaxed state  erases the anxiety state so that school, or whatever the provoker might be, no longer causes stress in the child. No drugs are used at all.

Initially I used Computer Aided Emotional Restructuring on my adult patients who had a variety of common problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias and marriage problems. The results were exciting. Many times these  problems were eradicated in just a few sessions. Therefore, I began to extend the procedure to other problems not commonly addressed by  EMD/R, including ADHD. Even with my early, primitive CAER machines, the results were striking. I really did not know why CAER  worked, but two different sources began to yield insights. By reflecting on my own difficult school history and listening to the ADHD children themselves, my understanding developed. These children were telling me about feelings and experiences that I could remember well from my own
school years.
That's why ADHD: A Path to Success is a story of hope for parents of ADHD children. It is a personal story. It is my story. It is the success story of my patients.

What other ADHD parents and teachers think? from university place, wa , February 5, 1999 says," A must for every parent and teacher to read.I was very impressed with Dr. Weathers book. So much vital information in this book have help improve the quality of life for my family tremendouly. The book points out how everyone involve in the child's life could have a big impact on there daily behavior problems. I highly recommend anyone whose child have been observe or diagnois with ADHD to read Dr. Weathers' book. Thank you for writing this book. from Michigan, USA , January 5, 1999 says,"
 The best book on ADHD available!!!As parents of a pre-teen ADHD child, my wife and I have read many books on the subject. Most of them describe ADHD behavior well, but none of them accurately describe how it is formed. And NONE of them provide truly effective methods of treatment. This book was an eyeopening experience. I am not a psychologist, but I have never read anything that seemed so right on target as this book is. My wife and I 
were so impressed that she and our son travelled to visit Dr. Weathers.The treatment was everything the book describes. If you have, or know someone who has an ADHD person in their life, I strongly suggest you read this book. It can literally change lives for the better.
Get more details by clicking here

No More Ritalin : Treating Adhd Without Drugs
                     by Mary Ann Block, May A. Block 
                     Ever year in the U.S., over two million children are given the drug Ritalin 
                     to combat Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Now, 
                     Dr. Mary Ann Block shows why Ritalin may be very dangerous to a 
                     child's health--and offers parents safer and more effective alternatives. 
                     Using thorough research and actual case histories from her clinic, Dr. 
                     Block provides powerful evidence that a drug-free approach works. 

A reader from United States , November 28, 1998 says,"
The most informative book I have ever read! If your child's doctor has diagnosed him/her with ADD/ADHD then this
book is for you. Dr. Block gives excellent alternatives to the causes of the symptoms that doctors are "diagnosing" as ADD/ADHD. I feel better equipped to find the causes for my son's symptoms rather than putting  him on Ritalin as a quick fix. I highly recommend this book to frustated parents everywhere. Click here for more information and ordering.

Living With ADHD Children and 2 Cassette Tapes
                     by Peter H. Buntman
Jeanette Allenbach ( from Lake Elsinore,says,"
This package consists of a book and two cassette tapes
The first  cassette tape, "How to Help Your Child and Teen to Pay Attention in School and Behave at Home--Hope for Our Childrens Future" gives  parents alternatives to Ritalin and similar drugs. Mr. Buntman believes with all his heart in the use of natural Super Foods to help children with ADHD. He is one of the pioneers in the use of natural Super Foods with ADD and ADHD children and this unusual tape tells you everything you should know about Super Foods. In the tape Mr. Buntman gives background about the use of Super Foods. You hear from doctors why the Super Foods work, you hear from parents and children their first-hand stories and experiences on how the Super Foods help them. 
The 2nd tape, "Help For Parents of Hyperactive/ADHD Kids" is a companion to the book and gives you practical information on helping your child with behavior problems both at home and at school.

As a teacher of kindergarten children, I know the enormous difficulty parents have with children with ADD and ADHD. This book is really great in helping parents learn how to get their child to behave at home and  learn at school. This is an outstanding book and really great because:

1) It gives parents a specific method of what they could do to get their  children to behave at home. Mr. Buntman gives you six steps which help you to reprogram your childs brain so they behave at home. This material  has never been published before.

2) Mr. Buntman gives you specific suggestions on how you can work with your teacher and child to have your child do better at school. His suggestions are specific, concrete and detailed and you can put them into  practice immediatley.

3) This is a basic manual on how to get your children to behave at home and learn in school. It is not full of theory. It is full of practical, workable  advice. As a teacher, I can tell you his suggestions work. I find this book invaluable and I know moms will find it a great resource for their ADD  and ADHD children.
Click here for ordering information

 That's us for another month
All the best
Tricia and Mike Legg
Adhd Ezines
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