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Some stories from people who use it:

This one comes from Bill and Grace Wright in Kaimaumau:
Overdrive is a hot item in Kaimaumau these days as the mussel-spat pickers have discovered!
Bill gave a very tired worker 2 Overdrive, just before he left for a very late night session harvesting mussel spat from the local beach.
It made a huge difference to the ability of the worker to work those late hours and so the worker recommended it to the other harvesters.
Next time the call went out, all took 2 Overdrive. They worked through the night to harvest 5 tonnes of mussel spat. The work was done faster , more efficiently and the cost of the harvest was halved.
But there's more.
The truck driver, took 2 Overdrive and then drove the mussel spat to Picton. He achieved the journey in 2/3  of the time, was not tired and more costs were saved.
Bill is happy , the harvesters reckon he's got what they need, and Overdrive saved the day again

But wait there is more
Last year Tricia was very close to being an unwilling passenger in a fatal car crash and suffered whip lash (we think) Her neck was stiff and sore for the week and no amount of massage and topical products were helping.
Bill had been on the phone to us about Overdrive helping his back pain so we ordered it!
It arrived Saturday morning.
By Saturday afternoon, Tricia's neck was coming right and by Saturday night it was forgotten.
How's the neck now.?
No more pain and Tricia only took 4 Overdrive, 2 with lunch and 2 with dinner., on that Saturday. We love this product!

But wait there is more
William M. Mullen wrote: Oh yes, Overdrive works for pain, especially pain and stiffness from inflammatory arthritis and physical exercise. It works great for anyone, not just athletes, who is stiff and sore for some reason.
I have a bunch of arthritis in several places resulting from old ski  racing injuries. Have it in my neck from a downhill racing crash  (when I was 42) and in my hip from hitting a tree and crushing my pelvis. (And, yes I still ski fast and hard as well as play golf and  ride my road bike at 61, and let's see the 40 year olds keep up  ):)) I used to need up to six ibuprophen a day. And that can be  hazardous to one's health. When Overdrive was first introduced, two  IDN orthopaedic surgeons and one professional sports trainer told me to stop the  ibuprophen and take a couple Overdrive. They said a person can take  two, three times a day, with no problem if necessary; however, I  have not had to do that.
 After a hard day skiing, riding or playing golf, I walk and carry my  bag, I take an Overdrive before going to bed. Although it gives one energy and dramatically reduces one's recovery time, it does not  give you a buzz and keep you awake.
 In my view, both Overdrive and Cartilage Formula are just about essential for anyone with arthritis problems or who is active in  sports.

And still more
SandyParke wrote:
Pain....... Does it help for pain?
   Are you serious,?  I can't believe you didn't know that it works great  for many kinds of pain.  I always ask if a person has any aches or pains when  I start them on Overdrive.  Lifepak works longterm (it takes a few days to see the difference) but Overdrive kicks in within 23 minutes.  I have rheumatoid arthritis.  If I am hurting (because I have forgotten to take my Lifepak twice  a day for a couple of days) I take 2 Overdrive.  It makes my hands, feet  ankles, wrists, old injuries, neck, back, and anything in between feel better I think they should rename it Overpain.
Across the board, I have seen people take it for all kinds of aches and pains, anxiety, lack of concentration, stress, depression, and sometimes even for sleep! However, if I recommend it  for sleep, I tell my patients to take it at breakfast and then again at lunch. You will sleep like a baby.   Sandy Parke,.PA-C
So its time to stop talking, right, and give you some facts?

    includes three phytonutrient sources of powerful antioxidants:
    grape seed extract, which has been increased five-fold;
    citrus bioflavonoids in a new, more powerful extract;
    and now quercetin, a flavonol with powerful antioxidant activity.
Overdrive now also has folic acid in its repertoire of B vitamins.
    Overdrive's complement of B vitamins are designed to help assist these biochemical events and to
    assist in the body's normal process during exercise.
Overdrive contains N-acetyl L-Cysteine, an important amino
    acid used by the body as a building block for the powerful
    antioxidant, reduced glutathione.
Every athlete is aware of the importance of replacing minerals
    and electrolytes lost during perspiration. Overdrive now
    incorporates an entirely new concept in electrolyte
    supplementation with Hydromins, essential trace elements
    extracted from the pristine cold deep ocean water off the
    coast of Hawaii. Hydromins naturally contain a wide array of
    minerals including the electrolytes sodium, magnesium, and
    potassium. Hydromins comes from a pure, clean source and is
    guaranteed to be free of dangerous heavy metals, something
    more difficult to achieve with minerals extracted form the


       * Includes three phytonutrient sources of powerful
         antioxidants: grape seed extract, which has been
         increased five-fold; citrus bioflavonoids in a new, more
         powerful extract; quercetin, a flavonol with powerful
         antioxidant activity
       * Newly added magnesium plays a key role in muscle energy
         transfer reactions
       * Contains proteolytic enzymes
       * Hydromins, extracted from pristine cold deep waters off
         the coast of Hawaii, contain electrolytes and trace
         elements and is an entirely unique approach to
         micronutrient supplementation.

    Recommended Usage
    Recommended Adult Use: Take one (1) or more capsules with
    eight (8) ounces of liquid one hour prior to exercise
    according to the following chart. Take one (1) or two (2)
    capsules one hour after exercise, or whenever you need a boost

    Nutrition Facts

    One Capsule Provides: % Daily Value
    Vitamin A (100% as Beta-carotene from Dunaliella Salina,
    Beta-carotene) 2500 IU 50%
    Vitamin C ( as Ascorbic Acid) 300 mg 500%
    Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate) 75 IU 250%
    Thiamin ( as Thiamine Mononitrate) 0.75 mg 50%
    Riboflavin (as Riboflavin) 0.85 mg 50%
    Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 1 mg 50%
    Folate (as Folic Acid) 100 mcg 25%
    Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 3 mcg 50%
    Pantothenic Acid (as d-Calcium Pantothenate) 5 mg 50%
    Magnesium (as Magnesium Aspartate, Magnesium Oxide) 60 mg 15%
    Selenium (as l-Selenomethionine) 35 mcg 50%
    Chromium (as Chromium Chelate, Chromium Picolinate) 100 mcg
    Bromelain (from Pineapple Extract) 50 mg *
    Papain (from Papaya Extract) 50 mg *
    Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex 50 mg *
    Hydromins (from Sea Salt Extract) 50 mg *
    n-Acetyl-l-Cysteine 20 mg *
    Quercetin 12.5 mg *
    Grape Seed Extract with Leucoanthocyanin 2.5 mg *
    *Daily Value not established

    NOTE: Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemics,
    and people with known medical conditions should consult with a
    physician prior to taking supplements.

    GUARANTEE: No added sugar, salt, wheat, yeast, or dairy
    products. No preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors.

            They will ask for this number NZR001766 and our
            names Tricia and Mike Legg, and your credit card details.
            They are available from 6.30am till midnight Monday to
            Friday MST and 8 am till 9pm on Saturdays. If you  have a
            fax, fax them on 1 800 487 8000 24 hours a day.
                  Order # 01 003148     S22.15 for 60 capsules