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Diet and ADHD. Solutions that have worked for others
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Welcome to  the June  '99 ADHD ezine.

Gail Miller

Gail's website is very much of a supportive nature, so you will feel reassurred that you are not alone. She tells of her own experiences and you may relate to them, as she brings up her son.

Gail's Book has had excellent reviews, and  is available with online ordering, direct from the UK.We have set up a direct link to a UK internet bookstore if you want to get a copy. Click on the book for the link.


 From the National Institute of Mental Health

"Controversial Treatments

Understandably, parents who are eager to help their children want to explore every possible option. Many newly touted
treatments sound reasonable. Many even come with glowing reports. A few are pure quackery. Some are even developed by
reputable doctors or specialists--but when tested scientifically, cannot be proven to help.

     Here are a few types of treatment that have not been scientifically shown to be effective in treating the majority of children
or adults with ADHD:

restricted diets
allergy treatments
medicines to correct problems in the inner ear
iropractic adjustment and bone re-alignment
treatment for yeast infection
eye training
special colored glasses

A few success stories can't substitute for scientific evidence. Until sound, scientific testing shows a treatment to be
effective, families risk spending time, money, and hope on fads and false promises. " 

So now we can say we have got that side of the story out of the way, lets find out more from those who think we are what we eat! 

Past issues of this ezine have covered diet

such as the lack of amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and nutrients which may lead to brain disfunction and the classic ADHD behaviours. Click on the link above for back issues explaining these findings, in detail, and how the supplements we endorse may help.

Solving Your Child's Puzzle...
The jigsaw!!! Which part of it will best suit the ADHD people in your family.

From a web site that sells an ADHD online magazine, click on this link to browse through the rest of the site. We couldn't find the name of the author to acknowledge him/her.

Helping a child with hyperactivity, irritability, learning problems, headaches, fatigue, depression, and/or chronic allergies is like solving a jigsaw puzzle. You have to identify the important pieces of the puzzle and fit them together to complete the puzzle. Here are possible biological pieces to your child's "ADD/ADHD jigsaw puzzle": 

    - Lead toxicity (rare but extremely important for those who have it). 

- Iron deficiency if your child is tired, pale, inattentive and irritable 

- Thyroid abnormalities (rare, extremely important for those with it) 

- Poor diet 

- Food and food additives sensitivities,important for many ADHD 

- Essential fatty acid deficiency if your child has excessive thirst, frequent urination, dry skin, dry hair, dandruff and/or brittle nails

 - Yeast allergy (important for those children who have taken many antibiotics) 

- Inhalant allergies and chemical sensitivities 

< - Vitamin and mineral supplements 

Stimulant Medications: Pros and Cons

If your child is taking stimulant medication such as Ritalin, Adderall or Cylert, don't stop this medicine without
thoroughly discussing this treatment with your doctor. What are the pros and cons of medication?

First, the pros:

-These drugs work quickly so you'll know if they're going to help or not (the dosage may have to be
adjusted by your doctor).

- The medications are relatively inexpensive and have been used for many years. For families with children
who are about to be expelled from school or where the family structure is falling apart, stimulant
medication may provide some relief. Many of the parents I've interviewed in our study at Purdue
University commented that medication had been a life saver.

What are the cons?

- About 30% of children with ADHD do not respond to medication.

- Some children experience side effects such as appetite reduction. This may lead to a reduced intake of
foods containing essential nutrients. This problem can be somewhat overcome by giving medication
after meals and offering only healthy foods.

Some children may be especially difficult to manage late in the day and evening when the medication has
worn off. This can be a trial for families who are tired and stressed out at the end of the day.

children on stimulant medication complain of frequent stomachaches and headaches.

- One to two percent of children on stimulant medication may develop tics.

- Medication does not answer the important questions, "Why is my child hyperactive? What is
physiologically causing this behavior?" It's like taking an aspirin for a headache--it helps the
headache but does not address the basic cause of the pain.

- Many parents do not like the idea of medicating their children for any length of time

-Some children don't like the way the stimulant medications make them feel.

- Surprisingly, some long term studies of children who have taken stimulant medication do not show that
these individuals are better off than those who did not take medication.

>So there are no easy answers to these issues. But many children with ADHD have significantly improved or
achieved "normal" behavior after searching for and correcting biological factors.

Foods and additives are common causes of the attention deficit hyperactive disorder in children.

Boris M, Mandel FS

North Shore Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, Manhasset, New York.

The attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a neurophysiologic problem that is detrimental to children and their
parents. Despite previous studies on the role of foods, preservatives and artificial colorings in ADHD this issue remains
controversial. This investigation evaluated 26 children who meet the criteria for ADHD. Treatment with a multiple item
elimination diet showed 19 children (73%) responded favorably, P < .001. On open challenge, all 19 children reacted to many
foods, dyes, and/or preservatives. A double-blind placebo controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) was completed in 16 children.
There was a significant improvement on placebo days compared with challenge days (P = .003). Atopic children with ADHD
had a significantly higher response rate than the nonatopic group. This study demonstrates a beneficial effect of eliminating
reactive foods and artificial colors in children with ADHD. Dietary factors may play a significant role in the etiology of the
majority of children with ADHD.

The Feingold diet~ controversial for many, and a real solution for others.

 Why Can't My Child Behave?

by Jane Hersey

The Feingold® Association of the United States announces a new book which brings Dr. Feingold's work up to date.

  About the Book & Author
  PART ONE -- Introduction to diet, learning, & behavior
  PART TWO -- Additives: those funny things in food
  PART THREE -- Coping Skills
  PART FOUR -- The Cost to Society

Why Can't My Child Behave? is written by Jane Hersey, editor of the Pure Facts Newsletter; in its 480 pages, the
book comprises 15 years of experience in the Feingold Association -- experience helping thousands of new
members help their children, and experience being a member and watching her own children grow. Our Price: $US22.00
click on the book for a direct link to a safe and secure online bookseller.

In 1974, Dr. Ben Feingold's book, Why Your Child is Hyperactive, burst onto the scene, shaking up the medical and

industrial establishments in the United States, as well as abroad. The effects continue to this day. What looked like a modest little book about a doctor and the children he helped has had a positive effect on the lives of many thousands of people. It has triggered far-reaching changes in what we eat and how health, learning and behavior is perceived.

But while the affected industries are well aware of the enormous potential of Dr. Feingold's work, most of the public is not. This is why you may have had to search long and hard to find our association, and it is why you may be having trouble gaining the cooperation of those around you. This book can help.

 It's contents are:
PART ONE -- an introduction to diet, learning, and behavior
   Tell Me About Your Child
   The Ages and Stages of ADD/ADHD
   Questions Parents Ask
   Four Days of Feingold: a Trial Diet
   Can a Diet Help Improve Your Child's Behavior?
   Our Kids -- on the Program for More than a Decade
   How Can I Gain My Child's Cooperation?
   How Do I Actually Begin?
   Stage One
PART TWO -- Additives: What are all those funny things in food?

   Food Colorings
   The Troublesome Antioxidants
   Five "Little" Food Additives
   Other Additives
   Salicylates: What's Wrong with Apple Juice?
   Foods: from Bread to Wine

PART THREE -- Coping Skills
If You Hate Cooking
   Saving Money on Food
   Low Cholesterol Diets and Feingold
   How do you Deal with Cheating?
   When Dad Won't Cooperate
   Parenting the Feingold Teen
   Health and Illness
   Seasons and Holidays
   Your Child in School
   Social Skills Deficits
   How Food Additives Affect the Brain
   Medication for ADD
On the Program Away from Home
   Travel Abroad
   Babies and Adults
   Non-foods can Trigger Reactions
......Carpet, Cosmetics, Paint, Perfume
   Other Problems
......Ear Infections
......Eye Muscle Disorders
......Seizure Disorders
......Sleep Disorders
......Tourette Syndrome
   Food Allergies

   To further review the book, Why Your Child is Hyperactive having seen the contents above, click here

Books on ADD and ADHD diets

The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet! :

A Comprehensive Look at Contributing  Factors and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder 
     and hyp  by Rachel Bell, Howard Peiper, Nina Anderson (Editor), Doris Rapp  Our Price: $9.95 
A reader from usa , January 23, 1999  excellent alternative to giving children drugs 
 I highly recommend this book to all teachers, doctors and parents. I am very grateful to the authors. from U.S.A. , April 15, 1998
  A good book, informative, alternate solution and a choice. Good information to read. It gives a person education on a subject that could influence a treatment for an ADD or ADHD child. It is good to know that medication is not the only choice a parent has for a child's treatment. 

Carbohydrate-Addicted Kids :
Help Your Child or Teen Break Free of Junk 
 Food and Sugar Cravings-For Life! 
by Rachael F. Heller, Richard Ferdinand Heller
Doctor, What Should I Eat? : Nutrition Prescriptions for Ailments in Which 
Diet Can Really Make a Difference 
by Isadore Rosenfeld, Asadore Rosenfeld
Eat Right for Your Type : 
The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight  by Peter J., Dr. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney (Contributor), Dr. Peter J D'Adamo Click herefor direct ordering 
A reader from St. Louis, Missouri , May 19, 1999
A truly extraordinary book deserving the broadest audience 
I have long believed that in matters of health "one size does not fit all," and Dr. D'Adamo finally and 
brilliantly explained why a diet that works for one person might fail for another. This book represents 
a breakthrough insight into diet and, more importantly, all aspects of health. Whether you are 
interested in the science, the anthropology, or the diet concepts, this book is an absolute must read. 
Antioxidant Power: 366 Delicious Recipes for Great Health and Long Life 
by Dolores Riccio 
The Complete Book of Alternative Nutrition : Powerful New Ways to Use 
Foods, Supplements, Herbs and Special Diets to Prevent and Cure Disease 
by Selene Yeager, Jennifer Haigh, Sari Harrar, Prevention Magazine hea, Sar I. Harrar
 Eat Smart, Think Smart : How to Use Nutrients and Supplements to Achieve 
Maximum Mental and Physical Performance 
by Robert Haas, Hilarie Porter
Eat to Heal : The Phytochemical Diet and Nutrition Plan 
by Kristine M. Napier 
Food Smart!: Eat Your Way to Better Health by Cheryl Townsley 

The list of Test labs to see if you need to change the diet of your ADHD person is on a separate page so click on this link to get there.

Go that's us for June... a lot to think about isn't there!
Have a wonderful month and as always, we love to hear from you.
Email us (the NZ flag is the link!Isn't it great!)
Kind regards....
Tricia and Mike Legg
ADHD ezines
P.S.You may have picked up that our sponsors this month are Giftpoint, Proflowers, and American Greetings. We would appreciate you using the direct links to visit their sites as it is through their support  we can have a free ezine. Many thanks.
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ADHD ezine backcopies  ADHD forum to find support  links to  ADHD  sites
  ADHD books that will give you anwers
Diet and ADHD. Solutions that have worked for others
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