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Welcome to  the May '99 ADHD ezine.

This month we are focussing on behaviour modification ideas from around the globe, to help you manage. We have had many emails from parents asking for ideas in this area so we hope you will perhaps get some new strategies in this  ezine issue.
If you have excellent strategies, email us with them and we will share them.

Behavior and Discipline Plans by Judy Connell

As a parent and parent advocate I can only offer some ideas that have worked for children for whom I have advocated.

You can explore the law very thoroughly at and other sites listed at  my links pages.

If a child is violent the options are fewer. If a child is not a danger to himself or others, (and  the law is very explicit on what constitutes such a "danger"), then he/she needs to be with appropriate peer  role models as much as possible.

What has proven effective having a POSITIVE behavior plan and possible alternative discipline plan in place.

I would look first and foremost to identifying the child's strengths and  interests. It is amazing what can happen when the focus shifts from expecting poor behavior to building on a  youngster's strengths. This does not have to be in the area of academics, although that is wonderful if there is  an academic strength. Sometimes a mentor in the community for such an interest, say in pottery, music, or art,  can be a very positive force in such a child's life. Even one hour or two a week can make a dramatic difference  in the life of the child. I believe this should be a one-on-one activity to help the child build self-esteem and to  know one person wants to help him build on his unique strengths.

It is extremely helpful if the parent has access to a child psychologist's expertise to help write those behavior and discipline plans. Unfortunately, school staff sometimes don't appear to feel free to offer services that will be meaningful. Perhaps they do not want to rock the boat. Again, the focus can end up not on education, but on other influences. This is very sad,  as the child cannot grow in competence if those new behaviors are not cultivated.

   On the other hand, I have seen a really great behavior plan, written by the team and endorsed by the team,
help a child improve in leaps and bounds. A good plan identifies rewards that are truly meaningful to that
particular child, puts in contingency plans(ie what to do if a sub does not know about plan) and is totally
directed toward teaching the child to new behavior, not to something that is rewarding and convenient for the
district, (i.e. throw him in an empty room and call it time out). If punitive measures have been used before you
can point out that obviously that method did not work, now lets use something that will actually teach to new

    A good behavior plan always addresses 3 things, called the ABC's of behavior. The antecendent(what was
going on just before the behavior) the behavior itself, and the consequence (what happens as a result of the

What schools invariably miss is addressing the antecedent. No one looked at what was going on that
lead to the behavior.Invariably something happened during a time of transition(change), teacher was attending
to something other than the class, or the child. has become the class scapegoat and the teacher enables the
class to continue this behavior. Perhaps the child is tactily sensitive, and becomes overheated in P.E., or
overwhelmed and overstimulated by large crowds.

I.D.E.A. makes it clear that if there are behavior issues there needs to be a professional behavior assessment, and ALL interventions must be documented on paper, which ones worked and which ones were not successful. This is the approach that will pinpoint a lot of problems and can start a child on the road to compentency in the area of behaviors. Here is a favorite area for throwing around the word "responsibility". A child who lacks competency in the area of social behavior is told to "act  responsibly." The district must also shoulder "responsibility" to properly identify the child's needs and draw  up a logical well thought-out positiveapproach to changing the behavior.

The law also stresses the use  of positive interventions, not punitive interventions or punishment. Punishment does not teach a child to new  behaviors. It manages to stop the behavior but only temporarily. The key is to replace the unacceptable behavior with positive behavior.

Books on Behaviour modification for ADHD people

Click on the book or the blue underlines for more information
Keys to Parenting a Child With Attention Deficit Disorder
                        (Parenting Keys) - Barry E. McNamara, Francine J. McNamara;
Your Hyperactive Child : A Parent's Guide to Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder
- Barbara Ph.D. Ingersoll, Barbara D.

Give your body the food it needs to help you cope.

You may not know but Tricia has taken on a year programme with 10 teenagers. They are 16 and 17 year olds, who have left school, for many reasons, with no qualifications and  she is helping them become employable and secure jobs, as well as gain qualifications. Some of these teenagers are ADHD, some are just disadvantaged and you can perhaps imagine the pressures and stresses that are involved. We went for a search for a natural product to help reduce the inevitable fatigue, and keep her spirits up. This is the supplement we featured last month... Bio St Johns . If you are in circumstances that require a lot of your emotional energy, click on the blue link... it will help!
Bio St Johns
The story doesn't stop there though as often the parents of these teenagers spy Tricia's supplement bottle and take a capsule or two as well...we love to share them...because they do make a difference.

And as our theme this month is behaviour modification, we thought we'd revisit a supplement for  helping the brain . Researchers are finding evidence that a lack of Omega Oils in the form of essential fatty acids can affect how the brain functions. If you have want to find out if a dose of EFA's is going to help you,  the brand we recommend is reliable, safe ,available on line, and competitively priced. We recommend it as it has the EFA's researchers say are needed, and we have used it ourselves. Once again click on the link and have a look for yourself.
Optimum Omega

And then there is Overdrive! This one means what it says. This is the supplement we take when we have to keep going... when we would rather jump into bed and sleep and its only early afternoon!! It was designed for the sports people of the world to run the last few miles, or help their stamina until the end of the game, but we need it too. Do you get that sleepy feeling in the afternoon? Do you wonder sometimes how you are going to get to that meeting and keep your eyes open? That's when we know we need Overdrive. It's filled with nutrients, all natural to keep us going until we can sleep... and then the sleep you have is a good one! We only take it as we need it, but its always handy! Click on the link if you want to know more.

That's us for another month! We hope the information this month is of help, keep in touch on the email link below and take care
Tricia and Mike Legg
ADHD ezines
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