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Welcome to  the Christmas '98  ADHD ezine.

Tthis "ezine" is a long one! We look at Nutrition for ADHD people, possible deficiencies, proper diagnosis and supplements that may help.
We sincerely hope it helps you and your family in some way.

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Is ADD really an abnormality?

Paul T Elliott. MD.  Hyperexpress April 1998 no.97

 "In my opinion, the ADD brain structure is not truly an abnormality. In fact, I believe a very good case can be made that it is not only normal, though in the minority, but may well be a superior brain structure.
However, the talent of the person with the ADD brain structure are not those rewarded by our society at its current stage of development. '
In other words, the problems of the, person with ADD are caused as much by the way we have our society, educational system amd business methods organised as by other factors more directly related to the ADD itself.
I fullyrealise that these are not concepts generally shared by most other professionals. 1 have not always felt about ADD as 1 now do, but twenty years of experience treating ADD in all ages under a variety of conditions have lead me to my current beliefs.
A superior brain structure?           A review of some of the things we know about the ADD brain structure and performance will demonstrate this possibility.

The average IQ. of the person with ADD is higher than that of the average person in society. This is not to imply that all persons with ADD are more intelligent, but simply that the average l.Q is greater.
The person with ADD has a greater ability to think creatively.  This refers not only to creativity in the fine arts sense, though a person may have such a musical or painting talent, but to the ability to problem solve, create, or invent.

The person with the ADD brain structure has an increased sensory awareness. This stems not only from  a heightened sensitivity of the senses,but also from the increased intrusion of those sensations into the conscious awareness of the person.   I n other words, the person sees, feels,  hears, tastes and smells more, and these sensations are more likely todistract the person. Finally,the higher one goes on the 1Q. scale, the greater the percentage of ADD one finds.

 I encourage patients and their parents or families to view brain function in several unorthodox ways, not because that is the true way brains work, but because they effectively illustrate what we observe about brain function.
One is the Channel Method. There are two possible channels of functon in the brain: Channel A and Channel B.

Everyone in the word is born with Channel A in his or her brain. This is the average channel and the only one which the majority of people have, those with the average brain structure.

About one-third of the population also has a Channel B in the brain and we refer to these individuals as having ADD. The people with ADD use Channel B because, it is the only channel they can get to work very well. They have the 'wiring" for Channel A, but they cannot get it to work very well for themselves for very long.
Thought processing in the Channel A mode is very linear, or non- dimensional, and driven by time, priorities,tasks and a desire for completion. It is though the person were on a rail
going all the way to the end, finishing the task, turning around coming back down the rail, finishing  the task and so on, back and forth in  an orderly fashion.

 Thought processing in the Channel B is very three-dimensional. It is not only fore and aft, but up, down, side to side, and diagonally, broadly ranging from,horizon to horizon, and the floor to the stratosphere".
From an IQ of about 160 and above virtually everyone is ADD. Now, if that is "brain damage" as was previously felt, we should all be so damaged!
Certainly it is not brain damage, and the sooner we acknowledge this, the sooner we will be able to take a more appropriate approach to ADD."

Proper Nutrition research is clearly showing up as indispensable, for everyone

Studies have shown that humans suffering from these disorders have certain nutrition deficiencies in their blood.  A regular diet and/or vitamin supplement does not help with these deficiencies The vitamins, minerals and amino acids they are lacking are what spark the neurotransmitters in their brain to function correctly.

 SCIENTISTS HAVE TOLD us that PROPER NUTRITION is the key to PROPER FUNCTIONS of the brain and body.  Yet today, with our fast paced microwaveable-instant world, nutrition can be shockingly absent in the diet.  The effects of mild to moderate nutritional deficiencies in children AND adults are documented to result in the indication of moderate to severe attention, emotional, and behavioural abnormalities.

UNFORTUNATELY, the broad clinical presentation of these nutritional deficiency symptoms are very time consuming for a health professional to identify, and are commonly OVERLOOKED during evaluations.  Many times this leads to the administration of drugs and various chemical therapies for behaviour modification that can ‘mask’ the underlying cause...nutritional deficiency symptoms.

WORSE YET, the side effects of chronic or long term use of drugs in children can have profound growth and psychologically damaging effects.  For example, the 1997
 Physicians Desk Reference states that side effects of the increasingly popular Ritalin therapy administered as a chemical treatment for ADHD are as follows:  Nervousness, insomnia, hypersensitivity, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, heart arrhythmia's, headache, dyskinesia, hair loss, to name a few.
AS A RESULT of the potential side effects of drug therapy, many parents and medical physicians today are seeking a more conservative approach to the subject of ADD and ADHD.  Through dietary modification and nutritional supplementation, TREMENDOUS decreases in the symptoms associated with ADD and ADHD have been observed.  In the majority of cases, a substantial decrease in hyperactive behaviour is noted and in some cases it has been TOTALLY eliminated by modification and nutritional supplementation alone! 

THE BRAIN can be a child's most underfed organ!  Speech, reading, and all learning processes from sports to academics are dependent on normal brain function.  There are an estimated 10 billion plus neuronal cells in the human brain that have a continuos appetite for fuel, oxygen, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, amino acids and fatty acids which must be satisfied every second of every day for proper and normal neurological functions to occur.  The brain cannot store or ‘borrow’ these from other parts of the body, it must be produced locally, by the billions of neurones that use the energy.

 SEVENTY PERCENT of American children consume less than two thirds the RDA standards.  Proper and adequate nutrition is necessary to generate neurotransmitters which allow brain cells to ‘communicate’ with each other.  Scientists have confirmed that inadequate levels of these chemical ‘messengers’ can deplete normal mental  and cognitive functions.  For example, a deficiency of specific amino acids and nutrients like vitamins B3, B6, Copper, Iron and vitamin C have been shown to result in:
* attention deficit  disorders 
* hyperactivity 
* difficulty in concentrating 
* learning disorders 
* depression 
* mood swings 
* lethargy 

 INSURING THE PRESENCE of all nutritional factors in a child's daily diet by nutritional supplementation has medically been shown to literally increase intelligence in children and adults.  This  combined with good dietary choices and regular exercise is fundamental to achieve an optimum level of good health with tremendous long-term  benefits.

 Current methods of treating these disorders include the  use of prescription drugs.  One of the biggest concerns at this time is getting their child off traditional treatments and on to something natural. As with any other changes in treatments, we recommend that you consult with your physician, and that he or she does have a background in nutrition.

 Scientists and Doctors have shown us that proper nutrition is the key to proper functions of the brain and body.  All learning processes are dependent upon normal brain  functions.  The brain cannot store these nutrients, they are needed every second of the day.  Mild to moderate deficiencies in nutrition can lead to severe attention, emotional and behavioural  abnormalities.

 Common sense summary from Dr Gleenblat

ADHD is the most recent name for a complex neuro-biological disorder which can occur in
children, adolescents, or adults. Symptoms usually include difficulty with attention,
concentration, memory, organization, and. for some, impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggressiveness,
and relationship problems. There is a wide range of behaviours associated with ADHD.
Variability of symptoms is a hallmark of this disorder.

      Diagnosis and Assessment

  There is no one test for diagnosing ADHD.
  A comprehensive evaluation by experienced
  professionals is necessary to rule out the
  presence of other conditions. Learning
  disabilities, depression, anxiety, oppositional
  behaviours, and other psychiatric or medical
  disorders may coexist with ADHD.

                                         Individuality & Variability

                                     It is important to emphasize that every case
                                     of ADHD is unique. Biological,
                                     psychological, and social factors can all work
                                     together to, create an individualized symptom
                                     picture. Genetic predisposition, brain wave
                                     or neuro- chemical imbalances, nutritional
                                     deficiencies, food sensitivities, family and
                                     school dynamics, and emotional stressors
                                     may be involved. For this reason, it is best to
                                     design a treatment plan able to address
                                     specific individual needs.

    The Importance of Treatment

  Without treatment, ADHD can lead to
  profound distress at school, work, or home,
  resulting in academic or professional failures,
  poor social skills, low-self-esteem,
  depression, anti-social behaviours, or
  substance abuse.

                        Treatment Options

A multidisciplinary, multi modal approach is believed to provide the most effective treatment for
ADHD. This includes options for both conventional medical and alternative therapies, with
behavioural management, nutritional modifications, parent training, and individual, family, or
group therapy, and medication as needed.

          Medical Treatment

  Symptoms of ADHD often improve through
  the use of medications. The most common are
  stimulant drugs, particularly Ritalin and
  Dexedrine. With the right choice of medication
  at the correct dosage for a particular
  individual, many report significant symptom
  improvement. Other medications are also
  prescribed. Unfortunately, none of these
  medications treat the biochemical or
  neurological imbalances underlying ADHD,
  and many have side effects,

               Natural & Alternative Therapies

  Many forms of alternative treatment have been effective in resolving, symptoms of
  ADHD without reliance on long-term use of medications. These therapies work to
  rebalance the brain neurochemistry in a variety of ways.

                                              EEG Biofeedback

                                       EEG Biofeedback is computerized training
                                       which teaches children and adults to
                                       recognize and control specific brain waves.
                                       Researchers have found that those with
                                       ADHD have an abundance of Theta
                                       waves (associated with daydreaming and
                                       inattentiveness and lowered levels of Beta
                                       waves (associated with concentration and
                                       focus). Through a series of training
                                       sessions, EEG Biofeedback helps
                                       individuals learn to control these brain
                                       wave patterns and their behaviours.

         Nutritional Therapies

  Brain function and neurochemistry is very
  sensitive to the intake of nutrients through diet.
  The need for specific nutrients can vary
  greatly, with some individuals requiring much
  higher or lower amounts of certain foods or
  food components. Further research in this area
  is needed, but many doctors and patients
  report long-term improvements following the
  application of dietary changes and/or
  nutritional supplementation. Those with
  symptoms of ADHD should be assessed
  through blood work and nutritional analysis to
  see if the following factors have an impact on
  their disorder,
       Food Allergies/ Sensitivities
       Carbohydrate Sensitivity
       Essential Fatty Acid Imbalances  dealt with in October ezine~ click here
       Protein/Amino Acid Deficiencies dealt with in this Christmas issue
       Vitamin and Mineral Deficienciesdealt with in November ezine~click here
       Free Radical Damage
       Sensitivity to Sugars or Caffeine
       Sensitivity to Food Additives
       Exposure to Environmental Toxins
Each of these areas may have a powerful  effect on symptoms. For example, the removal of a wheat or dairy allergen for a sensitive  individual, or the addition of the correct form  and dose of an essential fatty acid can lead to far-reaching positive changes in brain chemistry, function, and associated behaviours.

                                          Blood Chemistry Analysis

                                       Standard blood chemistry profiles
                                       currently used by general practitioners are
                                       not able to provide a full picture of a
                                       patient's health status. New biochemical
                                       laboratory tests, using computerized
                                       databases, can now provide detailed
                                       information on bodily systems and
                                       nutritional status. Such a blood analysis
                                       helps the doctor to understand how to best
                                       treat and rebalance the biochemistry of a
                                       particular patient, through changes in diet,
                                       elimination of allergens, or the addition of
                                       missing nutrients.

           Dr. Greenblatt writes:

           "I have learned many things from the thousands of families
           and children I have worked with over the years. The most
           significant lesson I relearn with every patient is how complex
           our uniqueness really is. This concept of individuality extends
           beyond looks, intelligence and personality. This individuality
           defines our core metabolism and biochemistry. This unique
           metabolic puzzle supports our ability to pay attention, inhibit
           unwanted behaviours and regulate our moods.

           "In children and adults suffering from ADHD, we have found
           profound nutrient deficiencies and biochemical abnormalities.
           The science is now available to explore these unique metabolic
           profiles and begin to understand our individualized
           biochemical fingerprints. Treating the underlying biochemistry
           addresses the core of the problem. I believe this is preferable
           to only providing temporary relief of symptoms through

Protein/Amino Acid Deficiencies

We have spend many hours researching this one for you as it was mentioned in October to us, and then again in the article by Dr Greenblatt, and in the October ezine by Dr Chris Reading, and we know of some ADHD people who need to eat massive amounts of protein to help them control gain control. 
The more we researched the more  we found the same thing, and we have become quite excited about it all. 
There seems to be two amino acids that are often repeated as being essential. Are you ready for the technical stuff!!! 

Amino Acids

From the book " Brain Longevity" by Dr Dharma Singh Khalsa, page 251

 ....some amino acids (or partial proteins) are also of special value.


The major nutritional precursor of the energizing neurotransmitter norepinephrine, phenylalanine helps brighten mood, stimulate energy, and improve memory. To feel energetic and to have a good long-term memory, it's absolutely vital that you have sufficient intake of phenylaianine. Some people take phenylaianine supplements, although this is not always necessary.


The major nutritional precursor of GABA, the calming neurotransmitter, glutamine can also improve clarity of thought, and can increase alertness--probably because it helps produce glutainic acid, which neutralizes metabolic wastes in the brain. Some people ingest glutamine prior to events that require increased alertness.


Another amino acid that helps to "clean' the brain of toxins, methionine acts as a powerful antioxidant, and helps prevent the accumulation of heavy metals in the brain, such as mercury or cadmium.


 This amino acid is partly converted in the body to a chemical called spermine, which helps the brain to process memories. Low levels of spermine are sometimes a biological indicator of age-associated memory impairment. Arginine is also an effective stimulator of the metabolism, and is used by some people as part of a weight-loss formula.


. As mentioned previously, tryptophan is easily available in supplement form, but can be ingested in foodstuffs (especially by eating high-carbohydrate foods). It is the major nu-tritional precursor of serotonin, the primary "feel good' neureo transmitter. If you frequently feel agitated, or have insomnia, this may be caused by a deficit serotonin

We have found a source of the Phenylaianine and Glutamine in a supplement called "Amino build", believe it or not originally designed for sports people, but it has these amino acids in it that ADHD people may be lacking, and it is a very pleasant drink, in chocolate or vanilla!
You may wish to trial it for 10 days to see if all the information we have shared with you amino acid deficiency being part of the reason for the "foggy brain" we all know about, is worthwhile, so if you are interested in the product, the ingredients, how amino acids work ,how they could help with ADHD and perhaps trialling it , click on this link as we have set out all the details about the product  on a separate page.

So that's us for the year, we hope you have a wonderful time with Christmas and we'll talk again in January. Our best regards to you and your family
Tricia and Mike Legg
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