Safe Driving Tips For Older Drivers
From: Meltzer's Driver Training Center
- Start by reading the basic tips for safe driving by clicking here.
- Get a Driver Evaluation to see if your driving ability and use of that ability is still sufficient for driving.
- Re-aim mirrors to eliminate blind spots which you can not check by turning your head.
- Keep the radio low and conversation to a minimum so you can hear outside sounds (sirens, horns, etc.)
- Increase the three second rule to a four second rule (travel space between vehicles).
- Use mirrors effectively and more often (keep your eyes moving).
- Check your eyeglass prescription (annually?).
- No sunglasses or tinted lenses at night.
- Keep windows clear.
- Sit high in the seat. The top of your head should be 3-4 inches from the car's ceiling.
- Drive on familiar road when possible.
- Be aware of your emotions. If you get frustrated, pull over and stop when possible. Breathe. Calm down. Maybe call a friend.
- Take a Defensive Driving Course.
- Take a Driver Rehabilitation lesson... FROM ME.
- Call Today 845-297-3966
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