B U G C H A R T Playstation and Playstation2 Last Update 07/27/2001 Ver. 1.00 http://clix.to/mikeeville -home page mikee7x@yahoo.com -email ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This FAQ is copyright(c)2001 by Mike Skubna. All of the characters, items, and everything else about the certain game in question is copyright to its respective copyright owner. I am in no way related to any of those companies, nor do I have anything to do with them. If you want to put this FAQs on a public or private site, I give you the right to do so under three conditions: (1)This FAQs mush show credit and the correct credit (2) This FAQs must not be altered, and (3) This FAQs must be for non profit. ==================================================================== Table of Content: 01. Intro 02. Update 03. Nintendo Entertainment System 04. Super Nintendo Entertainment System 05. Playstation 06. Dreamcast =================================================================== 1. Intro --------- Have you ever played a game and something unexpected happens? Something that shouldn't happen? Well you just hit a gold mine! :) You found what is called a "Bug" or a "glitch". No matter what kind a person you are its always fun to go on an adventure. In this FAQs were going on an adventure for "bugs". This is mainly cause but something unexpected in the programing of the software/hardware. You can get cool things like the minus world in Super Mario Bros. or bad bugs like the sketch glitch in Final Fantasy 6 which crashes the whole game. Whats a "crash" its when the programs hits something thats cause it to loop infinite or end up doing nothing and stops..... forever. So without further ado the bug chart. *At the end of the description there is a #/10 star rating. That means how hard it is to perform the bug. =================================================================== 2. Update ------------ Version 1.00 - 02/03/2001 - First release - Big celebration... of thats it :) ==================================================================== 3. Nintendo Entertainment system ------------------------------------------ >>SUPER MARIO BROS (1)Minus World When you get to world 1-2, go to the end of the level but dont enter the pipe. Break the second and third brick blocks from the left of the pipe. Then face left and jump backwards towards the pipe. Make sure your standing at the edge of the pipe before you jump and do not break the brick block. If you keep trying to will float through the block and the pipe and get stuck in the wall. Move to the right til you find a pipe behind there then go down it. Go in it before the "welcome to warp zone!" appears. 8/10 Stars ======================================================================= 4. Super Nintendo Entertainment System --------------------------------------- >>CHRONO TRIGGER (1)Double Speed Chrono Theme This trick will speed up the 2nd Chrono's Theme (When you ram through Lavos with the Epoch) by 2x. This won't affect gameplay, but it is a neat trick to use. 1. First, get in the Epoch and go to 1999 A.D. 2. When you get to the part where you choose whether to fight Lavos or escape, choose to escape. 3. Press B to return to the game, and it will ask you the question again. This time, choose to fight Lavos. When the 2nd Crono theme plays, it will be sped up by 2x. Not that the music will cut out before the scene ends, but don't worry. Everything will return to normal when Epoch crashes. 5/10 Stars >>FINAL FANTASY 3 (1) Sketch Glitch In some battles have relm use sketch to cause a great number of glitches to happen. Most of the time this won't happen but one place that seems to happen quite a few times is in the Dinosaur Forest near the Velt. When the glitch happens the graphics might turn into garbage and get rearranges. Ether finish the fight or run away. When you get back on the map check to see if any items have been added or number changed. Be careful though, this glitch can erase all your saves. 7/10 Stars ====================================================================== 5. PLaystation ---------------- >>FINAL FANTASY 4 (1)Skip Sealed Cave event When you go to the Underworld and go to the Dwarf Kingdom, after you have to fight the dolls in the secret crystal chamber, Rydia returns and helps you fight. After you are done and back in the main chamber, use her warp spell to get back to the crystal room. The crystal will still be there. Approach and examine the crystal to take it. Later when you have to go to the Sealed Cave, if you have the Crystal, you will not have to enter it. You can skip that event and the game will automatically go to the sequence that normally happens as you are coming out. 3/10 Stars (2)Duplicate 255 Weapons Equip Cecil with arrows in his good hand and a bow in his bad. Get in a fight, and go to item. Select the arrows he has and put them in an empty space. Without leaving the window, choose the Avenger sword and move up and trade it for the bow you had equipped. Leave the item window, and his commands will disappear. Do NOT have anyone else do anything! Once Cecil has cleaned up all the enemies, go to the EQUIP screen and you should see the Avenger in his bad hand and a number in his good hand. Unequip the Avenger, and equip whatever weapon you want duplicated in his good hand (where the number is). De-equip, then re-equip. Voila! The weapon in the item screen will have a black box and a number beside it. 255 of them! 6/10 Stars (3) Duplicate Items During a battle, go to your item list and select an empty space. Next select one of the items you are holding (sword, shield, etc.) Run away, then re-equip the item and you will have two of them! 4/10 Stars ========================================================================= 6. Dreamcast ------------ >>PHANTASY STAR ONLINE (1)Walk thru walls Equip a Double Saber or no weapon. Then, go to the farthest side of the door and move as close to the door as possible. Get as sharp of an angle as possible without moving when doing Triple Attack. After doing Triple Attack once, go towards the door that was just attacked. Get as sharp of an angle as possible, then repeat. After the second or third Triple Attack, you should be able to walk through the door. If not, try again. 7/10 Stars (2)Avoid walking near traps and enemies Normally, you cannot run when near a trap or enemy. To avoid this, press Start to display the main menu. You may now run again. 5/10 Stars (3)Duplicating items You must be online to do this trick. You need a secured room with password lock and a trustworthy friend. Two people are required. Have one person stay in the room while you do the duplication. The person that stays in the room must never leave until the process is done or you lose all your items. Empty everything in your character's inventory, such as money and equipped items. Do not worry about your bank -- leave it alone. You must carry only the items you want duplicated. Do not equip anything or the duplication would not work. Carry the items you want duplicated. Quit then save. Log back in, do a search on your friend, enter the password locked room and drop all the items that you want to duplicate. After dropping the items, press the power button to turn off the Dreamcast. Since the file is already saved, it will not be affected. However, the items you dropped will still be there in the room. Repeat the process until desired number of items has been reached. If done correctly, you will now have a multiple supply of items. 7/10 Stars ====================================================================== More updates to come..... Copyright (c) 2001 Mike Skubna