The story begins in the year 1969 and is about a woman (Tamika) who attempts to contribute to the B. P. movement, but finds that she can't give her all because of other involvements. The story is also about two woman; Sange and Gloria who give there all to the movement and as a consequence sacrifice their lives. The story is about love, passion, pain, life lessons and the eventual move to the fictitious island off of the coast of Africa. There are a number of characters who color the book encompassing anumber of locations. The reader can experience a little of corporate life, marriage, an activisim, college living, yet the main impetus of the book is to bring out the point of forty acres and a mule.
I understand that you have put quite a number of people in your book who are real live persons. Yes I changed the names for some and others I left as the real people. For instance Ella Fitzgerald is Ellie Gatsby and Sarah Vaughn is Sarah Harper. In fact there are quite a lot of twisted names for some that have been turned upside down or related in some way to the person's original being. I had fun changing names and how I arrived at some of the changes was sometimes deliberate and at other times abstract. I think some people will have fun figuring out who the original people and places are. All together I would say that there are 19 pseudo people/places with name changes.
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The book is available in local bookstores and it is available online at your favourite dot com. You can also purchase the book through mail. Just write and request a copy to be sent to you. The cost is only $5.99. If you are interested in finding out where black folk should be politically and emotionally...this is the book for you. There is a bit of fantasy too!!