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'Weird World "
February 17, 2000


When Flesh and Blood Fell from the Sky

Incidents of blood and flesh falling from the sky have been recorded throughout history, from all over the world.

Three of these events occured in North Carolina and 34yrs later in Sampson County and in Chatham County.

On the 15th of February 1850, the first incident of flesh fall was recorded. Flesh and blood fell on the farm of Thomas Clarkson.

A description of this event can be found in the North Carolinian newspaper published in Fayetevil. It describes them as being pieces of flesh, liver, brains and blood. The blood appeared to be fresh.

Witnesses stated observing a cloud overhead, having a red appearance, nothing else.

The materials were examined with two of the best microscopes of that time and it was determined that the samples being examined were indeed flesh and blood, but from who or what it was unknown.

On February 25th, 1884, the second fall of flesh occurred. This time it happened on another farm owned by Mrs. Kit lasater and her husband. This time the sky was clear.

A doctor examined the saturated area and said it was blood. Also, a respected and probably the moste qualified man in the state to examine the material, also declared that is was indeed blood. Exactly what kind of blood remained unknown.

How flesh and blood could fall from the sky in the days before powered flight will for always remain a mystery.

Once In A Thousand Year Event Captured On Film

An astronomer from the University of Arizona in Tucson and four Brazilian amateur astronomers last month observed an event not witnessd from Earth in more that a thousand year, if ever. The observation was made from Brazil's east coast, 100km N. of Recife.

This event was visible in the night sky of the southern Atlantic Ocean. An no other place on earth was this event visble in the sky.

The image above shows the moon together with Venus and Jupiter at the top. The image at the lower left is with a telephoto lens. The image at the lower right was taken an hour earlier. Venus is above the moon at the lower left.

Astronomers believe that the last time an event of this nature occurred was around the morning of August 18, A.D. 567, and visible from the NW corner of the Indian Ocean.

Its is believed that it may be possible that noone saw it at that time. Only a few people saw it this year, since most of them were asleep. Darn! Darn! Darn!

Antisocial Personality Disorder

The February issue of the "Archives of General Psychiatry" has found evidence suggesting a relation between a structural deficit in the brain with antisocial personality disorder. This condition if often diagnosed in people convicted of criminal acts.

The study was done comparing the prefrontal brain mass area of a control group against the prefrontal brain mass of 21 volunteers diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

The results indicated a possible link to this structural deficit. Still , doctors were quick to say that caution against attributing all inappropriate social behavior to brain injury or deseases should be taken.

Other Interesting Sites:

Internet Disaster Information
The Health Network
Solar System Live
National UFO Reporting Center

Awakening From 16 Years in Near-Coma (LA TIMES) Thursday, February 3, 2000

Mrs. Bull lay in a coma, her eyes open, but not recognizing anything. Then, without warning, she awoke from her 16 year long deep sleep on December 21st. She ordered the nurse, who was adjusting the blankets on her bed, not to do what she was doing.

Mrs Bull, is a member of the Cochiti Pueblo tribe, and will need plenty of rehabilitation. Combing her hair, brushing her teeth and learning to eat again will be a challenge to her.

It is a rare occurrence and so unusual that not too many studies have been done on what to do when someone comes out of a years-long coma.

Mrs. Bull's four childern, including her 16yr old, Mark Jr., were at her bedside as soon as they learned she was awake.

She's watched the Sunday's Super Bowl game between the St. Louis Rams and the Tennessee Titans. She was rooting for the Titans.

Huge Sapphire Found in SRI Lanka
February 17, 2000

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP)

A 3.3 pound stone is being tested to establish if it is the world's largest blue sapphire. Gemologists say that its' physical appearance suggests that it is a blue sapphire, but they need to do more tests to certify it.

The gem was found in a mine in Pelmadulla, 75 miles east of Colombo two weeks ago. This area is known for producing other large sapphires including the "Star of India".

If test results are positive, this will be the largest sapphire in the world.

See the Star of India