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ISSUE NO. 5. ..... March

Fresh Evidence Could Date Truin Shroud to Christ. A Swiss scientist claims Turin shroud might be genuine.

Her claim prompted demands for the Vatican to order new tests based on her findings linking the shroud to fragments of another cloth produced in the Milddle East about 2000 years ago.

The way it was stitched on both the hems and on a lengthy seam down one side was similar to the cloth found in the ruins of Masada. A mountain stronghold overlooking the Dead Sea.

Her conclusion that the shroud is not a fake is based on these simalarites thus proving that it could have existed at the same time as Jesus Christ.

It is now up to the Vatican to decide whether to go ahead with new tests.

The Shroud will be on public display this year from August to October as part of the church's clelebration of the 2,000th birthday of Christ. 3 million people are expected to attend.

Planet Strange: The Zone of Silence

On this planet there are many mysterious places. Places where the strangest things occur , for what science has no answer or explanation.

One of these sites is in Mexico and is known as the
Zone of Silence.

It all began in the 1930's when a man named Francisco Sarabia, became the first person to experience this Zone of Silence phenomena.

He reported that his radio had mysteriously ceased to function.

It wasn't till about the 70's when the public became a litte more aware of the Zone of Silence. This is when the U.S. military lost two rockets over this area, and began to investigate.

It was discovered that in the Zone many electrical devices seem not to work. In Ceballos, Durango, some 25 miles away, is a settlement, where tv and radios are useless. If you want to explore the Zone of Silence, Ceballos is a good place to start.

Other reports of seeing strange lights in the sky and meeting strange beings have been reported numerous times.

The zone lies just north of the Tropic of Cancer and south of the 30th parallel, which places it in the company of a number of other planetary anomalies, such as the Bermuda Triangle.

The Mexican government has set up a research center in the heart of the Zone to study strange biological creatures found there.

Human Flesh Laboratory

Knoxvill, Tenn. - A man by the name of William Bass, a professor, who dedicates his life to the study of human remains has a three acre plot of nondescript forested land in Knoxville, covered and littered with dead bodies.

Professor Bass works for the University of Tennessee's Anthropology Research Facility-an outdoor laboratory known to many as the Body Farm.

Various bodies in various stages of decompostion are scattered around the farm, some in the open, some in shallow graves, some in stuffed suitcases and some wrapped in cloth and submerged in water.

This farm is not for the timid or weak. It is disturbing to walk through the land littered with exposed cadavers and body bags with an occasional decaying rotted limb peeking out.

You may be asking yourself as to why this lab exists and the answer is very simple. How else are law enforcement and forensic medicine students going to study the effects of different environments on the decay of bodies.

This knowledge has been very useful especially to solving murders and investigating war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.

The University collects bodies from three main sources: the unclaimed dead, donations and those who have specifically stated they want to go there when they die.

This lab has provided local, state and federal law enforcement with a means of understanding death and murder.

Everything about the dead body is taken into account, how it was buried, how deep, if the soil is dry or wet, was the body submerged in water, were there insects near the body. The fatty acids from a body in the ground provides critical clues even if the body is no longer there.

To read more about this go to:

http://www.sightings. com/politics6/flesh.htm

Computer Tech Site of the Month


New Super Antibiotic Drug

BBC television producer in Australia has accidently found a substance the can kill bacteria immune to standard antibiotics.

Greg Dyke, the BBC's director-general, says the discovery was made during the filming of a saltwater crocodiles in northern Australia by his producer.

The producer, Jill Fullerton-Smith, commented on the strange fact that with all the fighting that goes on and the nightmarish injuries they inflict on each other, the wounds on these crocs rarely get infected.

She commented this to a young crocodile expert who became interested also and together set out to find out why.

After taking blood samples and having a leading research institute isolate the anti-microbial peptied. A peptide is a natural chemical made of amino acids strung together that can destroy bacteria by penetrating their membranes without damaging normal cells.

In tests, this substance killed strains of virulent bacteria that are resistant to all standard antibiotics.

This new antibiotic was named crocodillin, and it may one day be used in drugs to treat human infections.

The Tree of GOD

Lockhart, Tx-
Many people are making a pilgrimage to a tree located in the city of Lockhart, Texas because the image of Christ has been seen on the trunk and limbs.

Many people claim to have seen it. The image is said to appear and disappear.

People from all walks of life have gone there in the hope of catching a glimpse of Christ for themselves.

Lots of them have sworn to seeing Christ's image. Many have fainted when touching the image.

So far the Church has not commented on this phenomena and refuses to acknowledge that any of the stories about the image of Christ appearing on this tree are even true.

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