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Daisy's Story

Daisy was conceived our third month of trying. We were evry happy and excited to be pregnant again! Of course now there was the fear of miscarriage lurking in the background of our happiness. After losing Noel to miscarriage it was hard not to be a little nervous about the pregnancy. I kept trying to tell myself that lightning wouldn't strike twice. I had a hard time bonding with the baby because I was having such a hard time letting down my guard. That didn't mean I loved her any less though. As each day passed after the 8th week (when we lost Noel) I began to relax a little more.

When I reached my 10th week I was really beginning to think that everything would be O.K. Just before bed on July 26, 1999 I noticed a very tiny amount of spotting. I tried not to worry and keep in mind that spotting IS common in pregnancy and not necessarily a bad omen. The next day I had a doctor's appointment so I just went to bed and prayed everything would be alright in the morning. By morning I had no sign of spotting! The doctor saw on sign of anything during my exam and told me everything looked good. I went home much relieved. When I began spotting later that night I told myself it was because of the exam. When it increased the next day I began to fear the worst. Around 11:00 P.M. on July 28th I lost our precious baby.

"There's a hole in my soul that's been killing me forever.
It's a place where a garden never grows."
From "Hole in My Soul" by Aerosmith

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