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Thank You's and Dedications

This area is devoted to the people without whom this site wouldn't be possible. Here we go....

Dedicated To....

Holly Ivany, my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without her, I honestly don't. She is my sanity, she helps me deal with life, she's everything a best friend could be plus more. I miss her a lot, I haven't seen her in years, yet I love her like a sister. I thank you a hundred times over, Holl. You've been nothing but the best. Thank you.

Thanks To....

Aimee Gibson. Aimee is the original one who inspired me to create webpages. Thanks.

Mr. Boss, wherever you are I send you a million thank-you's. Without you my website wouldn't be here today, it'd never have been made. It started as a class project and is now a site for the entire Nightmare Before Christmas community to enjoy.

Jeff Rizzo, Nightmare Fan Extrodinaire. The creator of the one and only, Jeff is an inspiration to Nightmare fans everywhere. He has long been an inspiration to me, and for that I thank him.

Andre van Haren. A great friend, always ready to talk when I need him to be. Too bad he lives so far away!!! Thanks Andre, you're a doll.

Joe Stilwell. For linking to my site and being so damned funny. You're a great pal and I'm glad we're friends now.

Guzzy Milne, for simply being a great fan!

Travis Wright. He knows why.

To the fans and frequent visitors of this can't be done without you! A million thanks for your stories, emails, and patience.

And of course, to Tim Burton and Danny Elfman. They strike in me something that no other person has been able to tdo, they've opened me up and made me who I am. My hopes, my dreams...these two men inspire it all, they fuel the madness. They are geniuses, masters at what they do, and I thank them a million times over.

And FUCK YOU to all of the following....

Nicole Cartier, for ripping out my heart and stepping all over it.

A few other Peace River people. You act as if because I move it gives you the right to act as you do. You know what I'm talking about. Fuck you.

Everyone who ever doubted me, and those who doubt me still!
