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DogFighters Gaming Arena

How It All Works.. !!

The Dogfighter Gaming Arena.. what is it..??  It is a method of launching direct ip games  from a message forum base.. this allows interactive chat and  the ability to plan games in advance.. plus leave farewell messages..  most US evening times there is at least one game active.. they are all posted in a main games thread..

The different aircraft types are all available for download from within the individual gaming Topics.. all time periods of aerial combat are covered.. WWI dogfighting.. between wars 1930s Biplanes.. WWII.. 1950s Jets rite thru to Starwars and UFOs.. the accent is on "Visual Realism" and good "Gameplay".. the type of game that can be played is only limited by the imagination of the players..

The rules are pretty simple.. use Dogfighter planes only and dont mix the groups.. all the groups are designed to fly realistically  and match each other.. even the spaceships.. ask "Marvin the Martian" a well known "urbane" space traveller who drops in from time to time

Recommended FFA game settings are med flight model .. limited fuel .. unlimited ammo .. with ggggs and sunglare off.. 75% .. a good location is Interlaken..

When u download a plane or planes.. download to your destop at first.. u need winzip for this.. then make a "temp" folder in your cfs aircraft folder.. unzip the zip on your desktop to the new temp folder.. check what u have.. with the trog packs all u have to do is move the complete folder or folders in some cases into your main cfs aircraft folder.. the later packs are special multiplane packs.. for example the wwiidogpack-x2 has ten planes all in the one folder.. this folder is called Dogpackx2 it simply needs moving into your cfs aircraft folder as it is.. all ten planes will work then.. do not attempt to take the bits out ..okay.. with the earlier packs.. the planes all have their own folders similar to the stock ones.. with these u move them all into your cfs aircraft folder.. dont let the new multiplane packs confuse u.. its easy to tell which is which..

the basic idea is not to mix the groups.. ie group 1 should be flown against group 1 and so on.. the trainer can be flown in either group 1 or 2  all the packs except group 1 are scaled up.. this is so as u can see real planes instead of black specks..

oh just a comment regarding aircraft titles.. every aircraft has to have the correct title.. online cfs references the title so if they dont all match it dosnt work.. no one sees the correct planes.. never change the titles.. the titles are the key.. if the titles match so do the planes

enter the Arena and select your type of game.. the full instructions and required downloadable aircraft are all at the top of the thread. Have..Fun.!!...

Enter the Gaming Arena

