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"Not again!," shouted Lavidicus as he ran down the south end of Dopple Street. "You aren't going to get away with that you… you… you commie!

Mr. Norbert heard this commotion from his high rise apartment on the south end of Dopple Street… and it frightened him. He went to look out his window and saw a nerdy looking, pale skinned man who looked about middle aged screaming at apparently nothing.

"Uh-oh," thought Mr. Norbert. "I bet he is a German." Mr. Norbert got out his "handbook" and started to beat himself with it… in front of the window.

Meanwhile, Lavidicus remained running down Dopple Street, still shouting out phrases that cursed communism.

Mr. Norbert still continued to injure himself with his "handbook." His "handbook" was actually a book full of pictures of him and his "family;" Mr. Norbert considered his old puppets his family. He was a retired champion puppeteer. He decided to just ignore the anti-communism remarks coming out of the strange pale faced man; for now at least, because his Granddaughter had just walked in the room.

His granddaughter wore a black and gold cheerleader uniform that appeared to never have been washed. She carried 3 pompoms, and wore only one shoe, partially because she only had one leg. A few years back, she was playing by herself at a construction sight when a crazy construction worker cut off her leg and ate it.

"Hello Viola dear. How are those jumps coming?" Said Mr. Norbert as Viola hopped over to him.

"Like, totally great Grampy Nobs! Give me a B! Give me a 9! Give me a…" just then, Viola came tumbling down and cracked her head open on the hard wooden floor of the apartment.

"Not again…" Mr. Norbert said to himself. He scooped up Viola and set her on the only piece of furniture he owned that was less than 40 years old, the coffee table that he made out of cardboard. Of course, it collapsed, but he just let Viola lay. She cracked her head open often so the cardboard had a lot of bloodstains on it.

"Man," thought Mr. Norbert to himself. "If only I had my puppets still… I could live without the hassle of anything!"

Twenty minutes passed.

"I've got it!" shouted Mr. Norbert as he walked around his granddaughters still body. "I can build some more puppets and take over the world! A puppet fantasy land, where human and puppet can live together in harmony!"

Immediately after that statement was made, Mr. Norbert grabbed the "handbook" and ran into the kitchen and scribbled some message on a piece of paper and left it on the table for Viola. He needed to get rid of Viola so he scrabbled down the first thing that came to his head so he could work on his project alone. He then ran out the door with the intention of buying supplies for his puppet fantasy land.

* * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, Lavidicus finally stopped running and shouting. He had come to his so-called "ending point," in front of a 3-story large building, presumably a house. It was painted red and blue, and had some strange writing on it that almost looked Japanese or Chinese.

Lavidicus went and sat on the sidewalk in front of it, and thought to himself: " Finally, I will be able to stop all of this communism. No more commies will invade the culture of Japanese animation. Pika-Pika-Pika I gotCHU!"

Lavidicus laughed aloud, startling a man that was walking on the sidewalk. That man just happened to be Mr. Norbert.

Mr. Norbert hit Lavidicus with the "handbook" and starting cussing at him. "Don't laugh in this neighborhood, you anticommunist!" shouted Mr. Norbert.

That made Lavidicus mad. The pale faced man's face was now a bright green. He punched Mr. Norbert in the face several times, knocking him out. Lavidicus then kicked Mr. Norbert several times. After he had decided he had done damage to the old man, he sat down next to his still body and stared at it.

"What an ugly man!" he thought.

Meanwhile, back at the high rise apartment, Viola was conscious again. " Like Grandpa Nobs? Like, umm… where are you?" she said. Of course she got no answer. She looked around, and saw a note on the kitchen. She hopped into the kitchen and read the note. It said


I have gone out to purchase some needed items. I feel you are mature enough to handle playing at construction sights again.


Grampy Nobs

"Alright!" thought Viola! "Grampy, like, totally thinks I am like, mature enough to handle playing on umm… umm… like those construction thingies!" She then hopped out the door with an intention as strong as her grandpas. She will play at one of those thingies. Viola hopped down the street incredibly fast, causing her to fall over multiple times. The fact she had a head wound earlier that day didn't contribute anything to her balancing skills.

"Like, Hello? Um...," said Viola as she hopped onto the construction site. It appeared to be empty of people for the moment.

"Hmmm..." thought Viola as she eyes a piece of scrap wood, "I am pretty hungry... And like, that umm... yah! Wood is there! Give me a W! Give me a P."The poor girl couldn't spell if her life depended on it, and technically, it did, considering she was a cheerleader.

Viola hopped over to the wood, bent over and grabbed it an began to nibble on it. Dante, the crazy fat female ex-construction worker had been on the site the entire time. Dante watched in disgust as Viola ate the scrap wood.

Dante was very obsessive with construction work. She practically lived on sites... ( well she did considering she was a homeless fat ex-construction worker bag lady). When the sites were closed at the end of the day she snuck on to them and played with all the equipment and "tried" to help out the other workers by "fixing" things.

Dante had met Viola many years ago. Viola was trespassing on a site. It made Dante mad. She got a chainsaw and cut Viola's leg off and ate it. That is how Viola became a one-legged cheerleader.

Dante was very mad now, too. "Viola shouldn't be here," thought Dante, "This is my turf! My home soil!"

Immediately after that thought Dante grabbed a hammer and old saw blades that were laying around the site. She snuck up on Viola even closer. Viola was oblivious to the whole situation. She was too busy snacking on wood scraps.

"On the count of three!" thought Dante. "1, 2, 3!"

Dante lunged at Viola and beat her over the head with the hammer about thirty times. She then cut off one of Viola's arms and ate it. So now Viola was a one legged, one armed cheerleader, possibly braindead.

After Dante had ate her limb, she felt satisfied and possibly a bit happy. She started skipping around the construction site when she tripped over a piece of wet, soggy wood. That frightened her. She knew what happens with wet soggy wood. The eggs of the communist turtle are laid in soggy wood. Dante noticed some sparkling puss on the ground. She quickly realized she had stumbled upon a nest of communist turtle eggs. That was bad news for her. She was deeply afraid of communist turtle egg poachers, especially tall ones.

Dante then ran fiercely across the site and curled up in a ball and started shaking.


Lavidicus got tired of looking at Mr. Norbert's ugly face and picked up the handbook and started looking at the pcitures.

"These are all pictures of puppets!" shrieked Lavidicus. "Why? And that one! The puppet is dressed like a Faberge egg! And… and… the ugly man! He is… AHHHH naked surrounded by puppets that appear to be made of… a chocolate like substance. That puppet looks like Josef Stalin! DOWN WITH COMMUNISM!!!!"

After looking at the book, Lavidicus started beating the apparently "sleeping" Mr. Norbert with his handbook and shouting nasty anti-Communist things out, for about six or seven minutes.

"I'm glad I got that out of my system…," thoughy Lavidicus. "there are some SICK people out there." Lavidicus then ran down the street towards the house of the creator of Pokemon to continue stalking him.

About three hours later, Mr. Norbert regained consciousness. Immediately, he began frantically searching for his handbook. He noticed someone was looking through it and panicked. "I hope it wasn’t the anti communist man. He might spoil my plans for a puppet universe."

Mr. Norbert continued down Dopple St. toward the hardware store. When he entered what he thought was a hardware story, he was greeted by a small old old old old OLD man with a name tag that said "Lester." Mr. Norbert was frightened.