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Operation: Blitzen


Its late at night, suddenly you get a phone call, its the War Room. They have intellegence suggesting that a full scale Soviet attack is going to happen with in the next week. They are ready to attack the Soviets before the Soviets can attack them. Because of your skill you have been chosen to lead the attack.

Now your at the War Room, they give you a briefing and you are ready to attack, this is the greatest surprise attack in history, and if not done successfully the Communist will rule the world.

How to play:
This game is the most complicated game in all of the SabreSoft products, but read this and you will understand really well.

When you start you get a quick briefing on whats happening, it will include you weapons, objective, and time you are allowed for a Mission:Successful. After that you sign in and you enter the War Room with the "Big Board." The board shows Soviet and American cities and the status of them at the moment. You then start your attack by selecting a Soviet city and selecting a missle to attack. You attack until either you have no weapons, your country has been annihilated by a Soviet counter-strike, run out of time, or have won by taking out your targets.
After that you will recieve a score depending on your time, weapons used, and how well your country held up. After this you will see a news paper headline either saying that your a hero or your a person who just caused World War III. Either way you're going to be famous.

Weapons Info & Map

This is the weapons view and the War Room (you can only see one or the other during the game.) In the weapons view, you can look at your weapons, and see what each one does and how powerful it is.
In the War Room you will see this map (The Big Board) looking at this you will see your weapons count, U.S. city damage status and Soviet City damage status. You will conduct your attack with this board and hopefully, you will be able to see on your board "We have rid the world of communism... " rather then "We're Doomed."

68000 Mac Proccesor or Better.
385 KB of Ram
75 KB of empty Harddisk
Stuffit Expander

Download Game (.SIT) (29k)


Verson History

World War III
¥ Original release

Operation: Blitzen
¥ New Looking Map
¥ More enemy cities to take out
¥ Easier to use

Operation: Blitzen
¥ More strategy feature
¥ Name/Date Fill in
¥ News Update Feature Added

¥ Enemy now can take you out
¥ News Paper articles tells story
¥ Weapons information (in game)
¥ Capable of Higher Score