(Part II: thirty minutes on film)


                  FADE IN:

                  EXT.   SIANFU (AIRPORT) - DAY

                  Close shot: Boeing 247 wheels and under-
                  carriage rake tarmac on landing. Plane
                  rolls into offload area. ROYAL exits
                  alone carrying a long, narrow box.
                  FRANK approaches and greets. Friends
                  walk together to the debriefing room.


                              Welcome back. How
                              was Hankow?

                              OK. Got the repairs
                              done. Got laid, too.


                  FRANK spins around to focus on
                  B-247's new tires.


                              Good. Nice tires.


                              Look like Goodyears.
                              What's in the box...
                              golf clubs?


                              Oh yeah, the .22 you
                              wanted. You're gonna
                              shoot crows. Last few
                              days been crow conven-
                              vention around here.
                              Missionaries complain
                              devil's persecute'n em.
                              Still peck'n the roof
                              lookin' for seeds or
                              ...bugs? When do you
                              start thinning out
                              the population?


                              Hey! You really mean
                              it, don't you?

                              Never more serious,


                  EXT.   SIANFU - MORNING

                  Townspeople gather to watch ROYAL
                  LEONARD shooting crows off tree
                  limbs and roofs as he walks down
                  Sian's streets. Credulous at first,
                  people now gleefully kabitz and
                  carouse until ROYAL stops, and
                  picks a target. Quiet as death.
                  Shootist FIRES. As each bird
                  drops, crowd dances up and
                  down SHRIEKING approval.


                              Dinghow!  Dinghow!


                  After each rare miss, a MURMMER
                  runs through the crowd. People
                  always blame misses on crow's
                  sudden movement, never pilot's

                  As ROYAL is about to dispatch
                  another pesky critter he hears
                  a false CAUGH. Without moving
                  cheek from stock or eye from
                  sight, he speaks to a young
                  Nationalist officer standing
                  close by at attention.


                              What is it...

                              Orders from the Young
                              Marshal, sir. You are
                              to fly to Shanghai to-
                              morrow morning. There
                              you will pickup food
                              for delivery to Gener-
                              alissimo Chiang Kai-
                              shek at Loyang head-
                              quarters. Do you have
                              any questions?


                  ROYAL does not immediately answer the
                  officer. He keeps his head on the stock,
                  and continues to take aim on a particu-
                  larily plump speciman from the corvus
family perched on a
                  nearby rooftop. Rifle FIRES. Crow slides
                  bleeding to the edge of the roof before
                  slowly dropping to earth for the last

                  People SQUEEL with happiness. ROYAL
                  swings rifle about thirty degrees left,
                  and takes aim at another crow. Without
                  moving his head from the aiming position,
                  pilot speaks.


                              No questions,


                  Officer moves smartly about face,
                  and as we spy his shapely backside
                  walking away, rifle SPEAKS again.
                  Crowd dances and SQUEELS again.


                  EXT.   SHANGHAI - DAY

                  B-247 with ROYAL LEONARD at the con-
                  trols, flys over the city of Shanghai.
                  Plane eventually lands, and taxis to
                  loading area where two trucks wait.
                  Pilot waves soldiers in trucks over
                  to plane. Soldiers begin loading
                  boxes containing fresh meat and vege-
                  tables into plane. A genial, bald,
                  middle-aged Englishman appears. He
                  asks pilot's permission to board.


                              Good day, sir. I'm
                              Jimmy Elder, the
                              Young Marshal's new
                              financial advisor.
                              I have a letter of
                              introduction here
                              from the general and
                              I'll be flying to
                              Sian with you. Ok?

                              Hop in, Mr. Elder.


                  JIMMY ELDER steps up into the airplane,
                  and settles in cabin amidst fifteen hun-
                  dered pounds of food as the soldiers
                  complete loading. ROYAL starts engines
                  and rolls. Suddenly, a Nationalist of-
                  ficer appears running alongside the
                  airplane. He's shouting and motioning
                  for< pilot to open cockpit window.
                  Window slides open.


                              Generalissimo Chiang
                              Kai-shek has within
                              the last hour flown
                              to Sian on emergency
                              mission. You not go
                              to Loyang. Fly to Sian!

                              Ok! Sianfu it is.


                  Officer stops jogging, and salutes.
                  B-247 proceeds.


                  INT.   B247 - DAY

                  Just before takeoff, JIMMY ELDER
                  appears in the cockpit doorway.


                              Mind if I sit up
                              here with you?

                              Suit yourself, Mr. Elder.


                  Twin-engine bomber takes off,
                  and climbs into the air with
                  grace and style.


                  INT.   B247 - DAY

                  Enroute Sianfu, ROYAL asks JIMMY
                  a question.


                              Your father was an
                              advisor to the Old
                              Marshal, Chang Tso-
                              Lin, wasn't he?

                              Yes. He died of a heart
                              attack soon after the
                              Old Marshal was killed
                              by the Japanese. The
                              Young Marshal and I
                              were boyhood friends.

                              Do you understand the
                              situation at Sianfu?

                              Perhaps. I'll tell you
                              what I know. The Young
                              Marshal and Chiang
                              Kai-shek are in ser-
                              ious disagreement over
                              military priorities.
                              Chiang Kai-shek wields
                              the greatest power in
                              China because he has
                              the strongest face. His
                              face is strong because
                              he's phenomenally strong
                              willed. The Generalis-
                              simo's penchant for
                              sticking to what he
                              believes to be right
                              amounts almost to a
                              mania, but it has
                              been his salvation
                              and that of China.
                              Recently, the Gener-
                              alissimo was quoted
                              in a newspaper as saying,
                              "I will not rest until
                              every Red in China is
                              wiped out". One of his
                              chief instruments for
                              the removal of the Com-
                              munists is the well
                              financed army of the
                              Young Marshal. Last
                              month, while in the
                              northwest with the
                              Tungei army, the Young
                              Marshal experienced what
                              he has described as a
                              change of heart. His old
                              grudge against the Japan-
                              ese for the murder of
                              his father was apparantly
                              revived when Japanese
                              soldiers killed some of
                              his student proteges. I
                              attended a meeting last
                              week in Loyang where the
                              Young Marshal told the
                              Generalissimo that his
                              soldiers kill more inno-
                              cent peasants than Red
                              bandits, and that his
                              most recent battle dem-
                              onstrates how difficult
                              it is to rid China of
                              Communism under present
                              circumstances. He des-
                              cribed how the bandits,
                              once overpowered, merely
                              vanish into hills to re-
                              appear for battle at a
                              more propitious time.
                              Further more, said our
                              boss, he has recently
                              talked with some of the
                              captured Communist leaders
                              and they did not seem a
                              bad sort to him. And
                              finally, Chang argued
                              that his troops were so
                              enraged against the Jap-
                              anese that they were
                              seriously considering
                              going over to the Commun-
                              ists in order to fight
                              the Japanese.

                              Interesting. Is it
                              true the Generalissimo
                              informally relieved the
                              Young Marshal of his
                              command when he refused
                              to attack Communists
                              last week?

                              The Generalissimo demanded
                              assurances from the
                              Young Marshal that he
                              would obey orders in
                              the future. When Chang
                              answered that obedience
                              was not possible without
                              troops willing to attack
                              Communists, the General-
                              issimo became furious and
                              ordered Chang Hsueh-Liang
                              to resign his command or
                              have it forceably taken
                              from him. The Young
                              Marshal stated that he
                              would not give up his
                              army as long as his
                              father lay under the
                              feet of the Japanese
                              occupying Manchuria.


                              The Young Marshal spoke only
                              praise for Chiang Kai-shek at
                              at our meeting on the fifth.
                              No hint of disagreement...but
                              many of us realize that real
                              disagreement exists.


                              Where will they be when we land
                              in Sianfu?

                              If I know the Young Marshal,
                              he'll suggest they go to Lintung
                              and steam themselves in the hot
                              springs there. They'll sweat and
                              eventually open up to eachother.
                              Maybe reach some kind of agree-
                              ment in a few days.

                              Fat chance. I'm going back with
                              the meat and potatoes to take a
                              ciesta, Ok?

                              Be my guest.


                  JIMMY ELDER rises and walks through
                  the cockpit doorway.


                  INT.   SIANFU (ROYAL'S HOUSE) - EARLY

                  Loud, sporadic GUNFIRE heard - not seen.

                  JIMMY ELDER steps into ROYAL LEONARD'S
                  bedroom not without considerable noise.
                  ROYAL awakens, and jerks up into a
                  sitting position in bed.


                              Royal, have you heard the


                              What do you make of it?

                              Sham battle.

                              Is it customary to have a sham
                              battle this early?

                              Sure. Go back to bed.


                  JIMMY reluctantly retreats, but in a few
                  minutes he popped back into ROYAL'S room
                  causing same lurch into a sitting position,
                  eyes closed.


                              Say, are you sure it's a sham


                              Well, I don't know. Bullets are
                              whizzing over the house.

                              Doesn't mean anything. They
                              often use real bullets. Shoot
                              them into the air.


                  ROYAL slowly decends into a prone
                  position drawing a sheet over
                  himself. ELDER returns to his

                  In a minute or so, sustained rifle and
                  pistol FIRE shatters the peace. Bullets
                  strike the roof with solid impact!

                  LEONARD springs out of bed to confront
                  ELDER rushing back into the room. Men
                  stare at eachother wide-eyed.

                  CUT TO:


                  EXT.   KANSU, CHINA - AFTERNOON

                  For the past six weeks the Nationalist
                  First Army under the command of General
                  Hu Tsung-Nan, perhaps the ablest tactician
                  under the command of Generalissimo Chiang
                  Kai-Shek, has for six weeks been moving
                  almost unimpeded into northern KAUSU. Na-
                  tionalists drive four regiments of the
                  Communist "Red" Army constantly before it.
                  Mysteriously, Reds put up only nominal
                  resistance and almost willingly retreat
                  toward the Nationalist stronghold of Kansu.

                  Today is no different. An English newspaper
                  reporter has managed to reach the side of
                  GENERAL HU overseeing troop movement.


                              General, why has the Red Army
                              retreated before you without
                              as much as a fire fight?

                              They're trying to get us to
                              join forces with them against
                              the Japanese. They have dis-
                              tributed propaganda about a
                              "united front" and called for
                              us to halt our offensive. They
                              say the Red Army will attack
                              no anti-Japanese troops. They
                              say "Chinese must not fight

                              Do you believe they are sincere?

                              They are sincere enough, but
                              misguided. We need a united
                              front against the Japanese
                              but it can come only from
                              absolute defeat of the rebels.
                              I have a job to do; to retake
                              lands taken by the bandits. We
                              do not waste time wondering why.
                              Ours is but to do...or die.



                  Reds continue their retreat until both
                  armies have almost reached Holienwan.
                  Reds decide to retreat no farther. It
                  is time to show GENERAL HU and GENER-
                  ALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK, back in NANKING,
                  that the "united front" has sharp teeth
                  as well as patience.

                  Turning suddenly and swiftly, the Commun-
                  ists maneuver GENERAL HU'S troops into
                  a valley. Following a brief Nationalist
                  air bombardment, Reds surround the con-
                  fused Nationalists at dusk. In the middle
                  of the night the Red army stages a
                  surprise frontal attack supported by
                  bayonet charges from both flanks.

                  It is zero-degree weather and the Com-
                  munists' bare hands are so cold they
                  cannot pull the pins from their hand
                  grenades. Hundereds of them charge,
                  nevertheless, into the enemy lines using
                  their "potato-masher" grenades as clubs.

                  Fierce combat results in the complete de-
                  struction of two infantry brigades and a
                  regiment of calvary. Thousands of
                  of rifles and machine-guns are captured,
                  and one entire regiment is turned over
                  intact to become part of the Red Army.

                  As the sun rises, a Fokker C2 tri-engine
                  swoops low over Communist and Nationalist
                  troops assembled in close juxtaposition.
                  Most duck down instinctively, then point
                  and laugh at eachother for the first time
                  in years.

                  CUT TO:


                  EXT. SIAN, CHINA (AIRFIELD) - MORNING

                  A Fokker C2 lands on a dirt runway.

                  GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK steps down
                  from his airplane onto the flying field
                  of SIAN. It's the morning of December
                                    7, 1936.

                  China's head of state is respectfully
                  greeted by GENERAL CHANG HSUEH-LIANG
                  and GENERAL YANG HU-CHENG.


                              If you prefer, Generalissimo,
                              we can go to Lintung for our
                              conference. The hot-springs
                              there will put more warmth
                              into our discussions.


                  The Generalissimo's eyes penetrate
                  into CHANG'S for several seconds.


                              Lintung it is.


                  Generals enter black official cars
                  that streak away to the mountain
                  resort of LINTUNG, about twelve
                  miles from SIAN.

                  DISSOLVE TO:



                  Nude male figures are barely discerned
                  amidst clouds of steam rising from a
                  grotto in which they sit. Eventually
                  someone speaks.


                              Did you meet with that bandit
                              Chou En-lai last week?

                              We did.

                              And did he assure you both that the
                              Communists were loyal patriots with
                              no ambition to take over our country
                              but only interested in helping us
                              save it from the Japanese?

                              He did.


                  Silence: then GENERAL YANG speaks.


                              My subordinate commanders took a
                              vote three days ago and informed
                              me they were no longer willing
                              to fight the Communists.

                              Generalissimo, we both are com-
                              pletely loyal to you and willing
                              to obey any order you may give
                              us. However, our commanders and
                              troops absolutely refuse to fight
                              anyone but the Japanese.

                              Negociations with us or our sub-
                              ordinates will not accomplish what
                              you want at this time. You must
                              accept the situation as it is. We
                              can no longer force our troops to
                              fight the bandits.


                  Silence: then the Generalissimo speaks.


                              You will force your men to fight
                              the bandits. Period.


                  Immediately after the Generalissimo
                  has spoken a disturbance is heard in
                  the streets below them.


                              Sounds like a damn student
                              protest march.

                              Then call the damn police,


                  Warlords leap from their grotto like
                  large, pink frogs suddenly attacked
                  by a natural preditor.


                  EXT.   LINTUNG (HOTEL) - AFTERNOON

                  For several days conferences are held
                  at CHIANG'S hotel. In the midst of
                  them a student demonstration begins
                  in SIAN and spills over into a protest
                  march in LINTUNG.

                  A throng of chanting students marches
                  to the Generalissimo's villa to
                  present him with an anti-Japanese

                  A platoon of nervous soldiers block
                  the students at villa's outer gate.


                              No admittance! You cannot
                              pass through here!

                              We come in loyalty and peace
                              to see the Generalissimo
                              and present our petition.
                              (waving to comrads) Come on!


                  Students begin to surge forward as
                  if to pass the troops. Troops open
                  FIRE. More than a dozen students fall
                  wounded to the ground. None are
                  killed; all shot in legs.

                  A match has been struck over a
                  powder keg.

                  The YOUNG MARSHAL, dressed only in a
                  white bathrobe, rushes to the scene.
                  In a few seconds he evaluates the
                  situation, and moves to pick up the
                  petition still clutched in the hand
                  of a fallen student. He then marches
                  alone into the compound and through
                  the door to CHIANG'S villa.

                  Inside, the Generalissimo,
                  also dressed only in a bathrobe,
                  confronts his general who
                  silently presents the
                  petition with a deep bow.


                              You cannot represent students
                              to me. You are already pledged
                              as my representative.

                  DISSOLVE TO:


                  EXT. VILLA (GROUNDS) - PREDAWN

                  At 5:30 am, well before sunrise, we
                  crane over twenty soldiers appearing
                  like uniformed ghosts on guard around
                  CHIANG KAI-SHEK'S villa. Generalissimo
                  and virtual king of all China is
                  dressed in sweat clothes and exercises
                  outside (very cold) in the compound.
                  He performs classic Tai Chi. It's
                  December 12, 1936.

                  From serenity there transitions
                  certain ominous overtones. CHIANG
                  has noticed two unfamiliar figures
                  (silhouettes) atop nearby hill
                  watching him intently.

                  As CHIANG completes routine, loud
                  passing vehicle NOISES are heard.
                  The Generalissimo stands up on
                  villa's doorway steps to view a
                  convoy of military trucks proce-
                  eding rapidly eastward on the
                  Sian-Lintung highway.


                  INT. VILLA (INTERIOR) - DAWN

                  CHIANG, stripped to the waist, is
                  seen in washbasin mirror splashing
                      water on face, and toweling to
                      complete shave. He enters his
                  bedroom, and begins dressing in
                  civilian attire. Suddenly, GUNFIRE,
                  sourced nearby, destroys the tran-

                  CHIANG calls out for his personal


                              Lieutenant Mao!


                  Bodyguard enters bedroom, and displays
                  some distress as he salutes at atten-


                              Go and determine the cause of the
                              gunfire. Then report back here at

                              Yes, sir!


                  Bodyguard departs. CHIANG rapidly
                  resumes dressing. As seconds pass,
                  GUNFIRE grows louder and louder. The
                  Generalissimo summons more help.


                              Guards! Come here!


                  Two lieutenants enter the bedroom
                  almost immediately.

                  GUNFIRE and impact of bullets are heard
                  continuously. Sounds like war.


                              Find out what's causing the dis-
                              trubance. Report back, immediately.


                  Guards salute and bug. CHIANG
                  completes dressing. Soon a body-
                  guard bursts into the room and
                  reports, almost hysterically.


                              Mutiny, sir! They're at the second
                              gate. Lieutenant Mao's in command
                              of guards near the bridge. He
                              begs the Generalissimo escape
                              to the hill behind this villa.

                              What do the mutineers look like?

                              Northeastern troops - they wear
                              the fur caps.

                              Tell Tso Pei-Chi and Chiang Hsiao-
                              Chung to assemble at the back of
                              this villa. I shall join them in
                              less than one minute. Go!


                  As GUNFIRE continues, sporadically.
                  CHIANG hastily grabs a bag and stuffs
                  it with essential items. Then, he
                  departs the bedroom for the back of
                  the villa. With his two trusted
                  lieutenants, the Generalissimo starts
                  the villa. With his two trusted
                  toward the hill in haste.


                  EXT. VILLA (GROUNDS) - MORNING

                  After crossing the Fei Hung Bridge
                  the party finds outer wall's eastern
                  door securely locked and the key no-
                  the villa. With his two trusted
                  where to be found. They decide to
                  scale the nine foot, terra cotta
                  and tile wall.

                  Just outside the wall there's a
                  moat (no crocs) with only about
                  about a foot of water in it. Moat
                  makes the drop from the wall's top
                  about fifteen feet. Because it's
                  still dark, especially in shadow
                  of the wall, CHIANG badly under-
                  estimates the drop distance, and
                  falls awkwardly and almost disaster
                  ously into the moat and one foot of

                  Back is severely injured, he groans
                  in pain as he struggles to rise.
                  CHIANG'S companions realize that
                  the drop is dangerous, and go down
                  wall to a place where the drop is
                  safer. They drop down safely, and
                  hasten to their commander. With
                  their help CHIANG manages to rise
                  to his feet, and walk slowly as
                  GUNFIRE and bullet IMPACTS get louder.

                  After about fifty yards they reach
                  a small temple where other bodyguards
                  are on duty. About ten guards leave
                  with CHIANG and help him to climb the
                  steep hill limping severely and in
                  constant pain.

                  When the Generalissimo and guards
                  reach the top of the hill they sit
                  down on a level spot to rest. It
                  is still quite dark. CHIANG talks
                  to whoever is listening.


                              I believe the attack is local...
                              possibly only Communist bandits.
                              If the whole Northeastern army
                              were in revolt my villa would
                              have been completely surrounded.
                              If we hang on until mid-morning
                              the trouble should be over.


                  GUNFIRE now breaks out on all sides
                  of the little mountain. Bullets WHIZ
                  and POP close to CHIANG'S body. Several
                  bodyguards are hit and drop to the
                  ground bleeding, either dead or dying.


                              I was wrong. We are surrounded.
                              The mutiny is not just local.
                              It's the entire Northeastern
                              army under Chang Hsueh-Liang
                              and Yang Hu Chi'eng.


                  Instead of taking cover like the
                  guards, CHIANG unexpectedly stands
                  up, and breaks away groaning with
                  each painful step. He runs and
                  stumbles down the mountain in the
                  direction of his villa.

                  Halfway down he stumbles and falls
                  into a cave overgrown with thorny
                  shrubs and in which there is barely
                  enough space to admit man's anguished
                  body. He lays face down and motionless.
                  GUNFIRE stops.

                  CUT TO:


                  - MORNING

                  MADAMNE CHIANG KAI-SHEK is holding
                  a conference for the Commission of
                  Aeronautical Affairs in the Shanghai
                  palace China's first couple calls
                  home. Dr. H.H. KUNG, minister of
                  finance, appears from the main door-
                  way full of anxiety. Eventually,
                  he gains the great lady's ear.


                              There has been a mutiny, and there
                              is no news of the Generalissimo.


                  MADAMNE'S high spirited mood is
                  visibly dampened by the ominous
                  tone of KUNG'S words. She has been
                  long accustomed to peril and danger-
                  ous situations but this is different.
                  Assembly of animated, conversant
                  aeronautical officials gradually
                  falls silent...staring at their

                  CUT TO:


                  EXT. B-247 AIRBORN TO SIAN - AFTERNOON

                  Sun shines bright on our old Seattle
                  bomber. B-247 flown by ROYAL LEONARD
                  and carrying MADAMNE CHIANG KAI-SHEK
                  and her chief advisor, MR. WILLIAM
                  DONALD, speeds at 2,500 feet toward
                  danger and history at SIAN.

                  POV (downward from aircraft window)
                  MADAMNE CHIANG views shadow of B-247
                  speeding along a railway line (famous
                  chinese navigation aid); along and
                  just over snow covered mountains
                  including the peak of the sacred
                  mountain of HWASHAN that looks like
                  a huge, sparkling ice sculpture.
                  Distorted plane shadow moves over
                  the valley that opens to SIAN.


                              (pointing) There's Lintung, where
                              the Generalissimo was captured.


                  A walled town framed by white hills
                  passes below like a tank invented by
                  Leonardo Da Vinci.

                  Realizing they are about to land
                  with a million things on her mind,
                  MADAMNE gets an odd look on her
                  face and reaches for her purse,
                  extracting a .44 caliber revolver.
                  She addresses DONALD who turns
                  from his window and is taken
                  aback by the presentation of
                  weapon. She rotates the gun
                  expertly in one hand, then ex-
                  tends the gun-but to her confidant.


                              Promise me that if troops get
                              out of control and seize me
                              you will not hesitate to shoot


                  DONALD stares at her without expres-
                  sion or comment.

                  CUT TO:

                  Plane decends downwind, baseleg,
                  final...lands without incident.
                  B-247 taxis to a stop near three
                  black, chauffeur driven cars. No
                  troops or civilians in sight.

                  Before engines completely stop, the
                  YOUNG MARSHAL exits one of the cars,
                  and climbs awkwardly, into the Boeing.
                  As he confronts those enplane he
                  appears tired, even haggard, and
                  is quite embarrassed, even ashamed.


                              Greetings my old friend, Chang-
                              Hsueh Liang. You look tired.
                              I hope you are feeling well.
                              Please take us to the General-
                              issimo at once.


                  CHANG can only bow as MADAMNE CHIANG
                  and DONALD exit the aircraft. On the
                  ground MADAMNE CHIANG speaks to CHANG
                  before they reach cars.


                              Do not let any of your men search
                              my baggage. I dislike having my
                              things messed up.

                              Oh, Madamne, I would never dare do
                              a thing like that.


                  A short, stocky general comes into
                  view from behind the cars about thirty
                  yards away.


                              General Yang Hu-Chen. Today his
                              army controls most of Sian. Be


                  YANG is obviously nervous as he arrives,
                  and extends his hand to MADAMNE CHIANG.
                  When she shakes his hand calmly and
                  cordially he is obviously relieved.


                              You are most welcome, Madamne. I
                              am humbly at your service.


                  MADAMNE does not reply but rather moves
                  to enter the car vacated by CHANG. Its
                  rear door is held open by a caucasian
                  chauffeur at attention. Once all pas-
                  sengers onboard, cars speed away.

                  ROYAL LEONARD remains, impassively,
                  at the Boeing's controls.


                  EXT. SIAN - AFTERNOON

                  Three black cars snake through the
                  streets of SIAN and arrive at a strongly
                  guarded compound where CHIANG KAI-SHEK
                  is held captive. Machine-gun placements
                  are noticed as MADAMNE CHIANG aggres-
                  sively exits her car, and strides
                  through the compound into a villa.


                  INT. SIAN (CHIANG'S VILLA) - AFTERNOON

                  As MADAMNE CHIANG KAI-SHEK walks into
                  her husband's chambers she sees him in
                  bed looking very tired. He is surprised
                  and tries painfully to sit up, but cannot.


                              Why have you come? You have walked
                              into a tiger's lair.


                  CHIANG shakes his head sadly as tears
                  begin to stream from his eyes.


                              I have come to see you...

                              Although I urged you not to come
                              in any circumstances to Sian, I
                              knew that I could not prevent it.
                              I opened the Bible this morning,
                              and my eyes lit on the words:
                              "Jehovah will now do a new thing,
                              He will make a woman protect
                              a man."

                              As you know on December 12th there
                              was an attempt to asassignate me.
                              I escaped on foot through the snow
                              and was injured when I fell into the
                              moat behind this villa.

                              I believe Chang Hsueh-Liang is
                              responsible for my injury and
                              detention. He has demanded that
                              I sign a strange document as a
                              condition for release. I have

                              Please do not ask me to sign any-
                              thing while detained here in Sian.

                              Of course, my dear, I consider the
                              welfare of China even above the
                              personal welfare of my own husband.
                              Have no fear that I will try to in-
                              fluence you to sign anything.

                              I am ready to die for the good
                              of my country.

                              All of China, even those who
                              criticized your policies, have
                              been profoundly affected by
                              news of your detention. People
                              throughout the entire world are
                              praying for your release.

                              Even the smallest school children
                              were crying as though they had
                              lost their father. When it was
                              reported that you had been asas-
                              sinated, many soldiers committed

                              Your words are most comforting,
                              my dear, but I am, nevertheless,
                              prepared for the worse. I will not
                              hesitate to sacrifice my life for
                              the well being of my nation.

                              Please do not speak of sacrificing
                              your life. To save China there is
                              more reason than ever for you to
                              live. Be encouraged, for God is
                              with us.


                  MADAMNE CHIANG picks up and examines
                  the Bible on table beside Generalissimo's
                  bed. She turns to the twenty-third Psalm;
                  then sits down in a chair to read.


                              "Yea though I walk through the
                              valley of the shadow of death I
                              will fear no evil for thou art
                              with me: Thy rod and staff they
                              comfort me. Thou preparest a
                              table before me in the presence
                              of mine enemies. Thou annointest
                              my head with oil; my cup runneth
                              over. Surely goodness and mercy
                              shall follow me all the days of
                              my life. And I shall dwell in
                              the house of the Lord forever."


                  The Generalissimo's eyes slowly close
                  as the Word is read to him in peace.

                  CUT TO:


                  MADAMNE CHIANG is calmly but affirma-
                  tively addressing GENERAL CHANG HSEUH-
                  LIANG in his villa, a mere stone's throw
                  from where CHIANG KAI-SHEK is being detained.


                              If you had asked me, I would have
                              told you that you cannot get the
                              Generalissimo to do anything by
                              using force against him.

                              You and your associates are laboring
                              under a delusion if you think the
                              people of our nation are with you.

                              You have made a real mess of
                              things. And now the only question
                              is how are you going to get out
                              of it.

                              This..."mess" as you call it
                              would not have happened at all
                              had you been here, Madamne.

                              We did wrong to seize the General-
                              issimo, but we tried to do some-
                              thing we thought was for the good
                              of the country.

                              The Generalissimo would not even
                              discuss matters of grave concern
                              to us! He became so angry after
                              we detained him, he would not talk
                              at all.

                              Please try to make Generalissimo
                              less angry and tell him we really
                              do not want anything, not even for
                              him to sign anything.

                              I believe you. However, you must
                              now prove your sincerety to the
                              rest of the world by immediately
                              releasing the Generalissimo without
                              obliging him to make unwilling com-

                              Madamne, I know I have done wrong
                              and I am not trying to justify
                              myself for this action. The
                              motive was good, and it would
                              never have happened if you had
                              been here with the Generalissimo
                              as you usually are. I tried
                              again and again to speak to the
                              Generalissimo, but each time he
                              would shut me up and scold me

                              The Generalissimo only scolds
                              people for whom he has hope. If
                              he thinks people are useless he
                              just dismisses them - he won't
                              take the trouble to scold them.
                              You always told the Generalissimo
                              that you looked upon him as a
                              father, and he took you at your

                              If he will only let us explain
                              our ideas everything will be
                              satisfactory. You can get him
                              to do that.

                              Although we could rehash many
                              issues and policy debates pre-
                              ceeding this mess, the real
                              problem for us now is how to
                              bring this incident to a rapid
                              conclusion. For every hour the
                              Generalissimo is detained, the
                              harder it will be for us to re-
                              store normal conditions. Tell
                              me, how shall we go about
                              solving this problem?

                              As far as I am concerned we can
                              release the Generalissimo immed-
                              iately. However, there are others
                              implicated in this affair and I
                              cannot make a decision without
                              their consent.

                              Well then General, you had better
                              go and talk to them and tell
                              them what I have said.

                              If any of your associates want to
                              communicate with the Generalissimo
                              I will speak to him for them. If
                              they want to see me, or if you
                              think I can influence any of them
                              positively, send them here and
                              I'll see them. I shall wait up
                              for your reply.


                  The YOUNG MARSHAL stares inscrutably
                  at MADAMNE CHIANG KAI-SHEK for several
                  seconds before bowing silently and taking
                  his leave.

                  DISSOLVE TO:

                  MADAMNE CHIANG waits until eleven pm.
                  The YOUNG MARSHAL has not returned.
                  She telephones his office and asks
                  his wereabouts. She is told he's in


                              When the meeting is over please
                              remind him to come and see me.


                  At two am the YOUNG MARSHAL has still
                  not appeared, and MADAMNE CHIANG calls
                  his office again. No answer.

                  A few minutes later he appears looking
                  dead tired.


                              The meeting ended so late I...
                              thought you'd be asleep and I...
                              did not want to disturb you.

                              What did they say?

                              Yang and his men are not willing
                              to release the Generalissimo.
                              They say that since Madamne
                              Chiang Kai-Shek is friendly
                              toward me, my head will be
                              safe but what about theirs?

                              They now blame me for getting
                              them into this affair and say
                              that since none of our condi-
                              tions are granted they would
                              be in a worse fix than ever
                              if they now released the Gen-
                              eralissimo. There will be an-
                              other meeting tomorrow.

                              It is already nearly three o'clock.
                              We'll talk this over tomorrow.
                              You'd better get some rest.


                  Next day, December 23, MADAMNE CHIANG
                  hears that every effort is being made
                  by the YOUNG MARSHAL to break down the
                  doubts of his associates.

                  YOUNG MARSHAL is really bending over
                  backwards to resolve the crisis, and
                  he decides to bring CHOU EN-LAI, the
                  famous Communist leader visiting SIAN
                  at this time (coincidence?), to MADAMNE
                  CHIANG'S quarters for a heart-to-heart

                  They talk privately for about two hours.
                  Their discussion runs over many topics
                  and over the specific issues leading to
                  CHIANG KAI-SHEK'S arrest.


                              We have not participated in the
                              detention of the Generalissmo and
                              our respect for him remains un-
                              changed. We do not say that the
                              Generalissimo does not resist ag-
                              gression. We say he does not resist
                              Japanese aggression frequently
                              enough, or fast enough.


                  As Red leader is leaving he turns and


                              I shall use my influence with Yang
                              to secure the release of the Gener-
                              alissimo as soon as possible.


                  - MORNING

                  On December 24 - Christmas Eve, MADAMNE
                  CHIANG is taking a short walk around the
                  compound in front of her villa. She strolls
                  pensively along a cleared path in the snow.
                  Walking alone is her only relief from days
                  of anxiety and worry. She renters her villa.
                  Seconds after closing the door and taking a
                  seat a KNOCK is heard. She opens the door
                  to view the face of CHANG HSUEH-LIANG.


                              Yang has not consented. It will
                              be difficult without Yang's
                              consent because the guards at
                              the city gates are all Yang's

                              We must get the Generalissimo
                              out by Christmas Day, because
                              the truce officially ends to-
                              morrow and if an attack is
                              launched we'll all be killed.

                              We might have to fight and that
                              will be very dangerous for you.
                              I can smuggle the Generalissimo
                              out. You and Donald fly off to
                              Loyang. I'll have the General-
                              issimo disguised and get him out
                              of the city by car; take him to
                              where my troops are in barracks;
                              from there drive him to Loyang to
                              meet you.

                              He will not be disguised, and if
                              he cannot go openly by airplane,
                              then I will stay with him, and
                              if he is to die because of at-
                              tacks on the city by the gov-
                              ernment forces, then I will die
                              with him.


                  CHANG HSUEH-LIANG looks baffled and


                              It is imperative that you persuade
                              them that the Generalissimo must be
                              freed at once.


                  CHANG turns to leave but as he grabs
                  the doorknob he turns back to MADAMNE


                              All of China demands it, and so
                              does the whole world. Chinese
                              everywhere are sending cablegram
                              after cablegram demanding the
                              Generalissimo's freedom and you
                              are denounced as a traitor and

                              I know it. They send the wires to
                              me. However, they do not under-
                              stand that I mean no harm to the
                              Generalissimo in anyway.


                  As the sun goes down on Christmas Eve
                  there is more dejection than joy as
                  aimless talk goes on far into the night.



                  Christmas day...

                  The Generalissimo and MADAMNE CHIANG
                  play a game on festive occasions. The
                  one who gives the first greeting of
                  the day determines the programme of
                  the day. From the depths of its bed-
                  clothes, just after the dawn appears,
                  a weak voice is heard issuing from a
                  very strong person.


                              Merry Christmas.

                              Merry Christmas to you. I miss
                              our Christmas tree and presents.


                  The door suddenly opens and in parades
                  two servants; each holding what looks
                  like a gargantuan stocking stretched
                  taut by the weight of objects placed

                  One stocking contains a portable type-
                  writer and a cheerful Christmas greeting
                  for MADAMNE CHIANG. The other stocking
                  contains a warm steamer rug and a greet-
                  ing card for the Generalissimo. His own
                  rug was lost with other possessions
                  in the mutiny.

                  The Generalissimo sits up painfully in
                  bed, and then throws his head back,
                  laughing out loud.


                              So, Santa Claus has come to Sian!


                  So. Cheer and hope have come to the
                  captive couple...but their fears remain.


                  We transition to ten-thirty am, same
                  room. No word has come about release.
                  MADAMNE CHIANG begins to pack her suit-
                  case in silence.


                              What are you doing?

                              Packing to go.

                              The recalcitrants wanted me to
                              sign orders before they were
                              willing to let us go back to
                              Nanking. I refused.

                              Did they want money or land?




                  China's first lady makes no further
                  comment as she continues to pack her
                  bag in faith.


                  INT.   ROYAL LEONARD'S HOUSE - NOON

                  The YOUNG MARSHAL'S pilot is eating
                  cranberries from a tin can alone in his
                  house on Christmas afternoon. His cook
                  enters the room, and makes an emotional


                              The Young Marshal's car is waiting
                              outside for you!


                  ROYAL LEONARD goes outside and gets
                  into the car. It speeds away at break-
                  neck speed to the YOUNG MARSHAL'S villa.

                  Entering the villa, ROYAL is immed-
                  iately confronted with the fearsome
                  visage of a chinese warlord about to
                  do battle.


                              Can you be ready to leave Sianfu
                              in the Boeing within ten minutes?

                              Nine minutes...



                  ROYAL runs to the waiting car. Norweigian
                  chauffeur dashes pilot back home to grab
                  his bag, and then rushes him to the airport.

                  Airport is guarded by several ranks of
                  GENERAL YANG'S soldiers. All facing
                  outboard, bayonets fixed and guns ready
                  to fire. As the car skids to a stop
                  beside the B-247, ROYAL jumps out;
                  jerks the charcoal heaters from under
                  the motors, and yanks off the engine

                  Two minutes after arrival at the air-
                  port pilot is in the cockpit firing up
                  engines and ready to fly. He observes
                  in a corner of the field a group of
                  students talking with enthusiasm.
                  Several hold banners aloft. A brass
                  band with highly polished instruments
                  stands near the students. Chinese
                  national ANTHEM starts up.

                  Loud SQUEELING of tires is heard and
                  three of the YOUNG MARSHAL'S cars come
                  skidding around a corner at full speed.
                  They skid on dirt runway; stopping near

                  Students take arrival of cars as their
                  cue, and begin to march forward aggres-
                  sively. Band remains in place playing

                  YOUNG MARSHAL steps out of his car,
                  and orders the soldiers to hold back
                  the students. Soldiers thrust bayonets
                  at students who escape puncture by
                  halting their advance only ten yards
                  from the aircraft.


                              Hold them back! Keep them away!


                  YOUNG MARSHAL climbs into the cabin;
                  comes up to the empty co-pilot's seat
                  and sits down in silence. ROYAL hears
                  a woman's voice directly behind him and
                  turns around to see the beautiful face
                  of MADAMNE CHIANG KAI-SHEK.


                              Are you ready to go?

                              Yes, mam...anytime.

                              Okay, get out of here. Let's go!


                  ROYAL observes the cabin is packed
                  with people in a mild state of panic.
                  He speaks to MADAMNE CHIANG.


                              Sure those people are ready?

                              We're all set. Get out of here!


                  ROYAL signals soldiers outside to pull
                  the wheel blocks, then shoves throttles
                  forward as if commencing an air race.

                  B-247 leaps into the air. Many Chinese
                  hearts leap for joy. Some despair.

                  FADE OUT:


Part III will include scenes from the Mao Tse-Tung / Jiang Qing
love affair and marriage in 1939. Parental discretion, even for
just reading the script, will be advised. Part III will be
completed for you on or before March 1, 2005.

Peace and happiness for all friends and fans.
ShoSho: EMO

