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Letter Perfect

Off-Site Secretarial Services

Are there times when your business could
use an extra pair of hands in the office?

Letter Perfect offers quality off-site secretarial services
with a professional, expedient,
and confidential manner.

Letter Perfect staff has experience and training in an array of areas.
Some of our most popular fields are:

Three simple ways we can help with your growing business needs

  • Saves you money.

  • Letter Perfect is an entity of its own. You only pay for the services you receive. No need to pay for fringes or benefits such as you would have with conventional employees. No need for sick time, vacation time, holiday pay, or expensive worker's insurance programs.

  • Saves you time.

    No need for lost time training new employees. No more lost time due to key people being away on sick leave, vacation, or other personal time.

  • All work is guaranteed to customer satisfaction . . . every time.

    We take a great deal of pride in the quality of work we turn out. Our number one priority is to make our customers look good.

    Letter Perfect is dedicated to making our customers look good.

    Whether you are an indivicual needing that one time resume

    or a corporation looking for an annual report,

    we guarantee our BEST work . . .
    the first time and every time.

    Some of our services include:
      Database Management
      Bid Packages
      and much, much more

    Letter Perfect also offers:
    • Rush Services
    • Extended Hours
    • Pick-up & Delivery (sorry, Kansas City Metro area only)

    Let Letter Perfect be your extra pair of hands. Contact us
    today to discuss your secretarial office needs.
    We guarantee . . . you'll be glad you did.

    Call Today.

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