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Letter Perfect - Offsite Secretarial Services

Letter Perfect

Off-site Secretarial Services

Hello. My name is Malinda Threadgill. I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my site and to find out more about my business.

Letter Perfect Off-site Secretarial Services is a home based operation. Prior to Letter Perfect, I worked full time secretarial/administrative assistant positions over the last 16 years. I have part time assistance from two other ladies, which makes our combined secretarial experience about 85 years. (Now that's some experience!)

If you have been to my personal web site (there's a link below) you know that I have four trying children, all boys - just my luck. The oldest is a junior in high school now. He took his ACT for the first time this October. The two middle boys are textbook "middle child" kids. It came to the point where I was spending all my vacation and sick time on these two boys. I eventually came to the conclusion that the philosophy I had been preaching to my husband made me a hypocrit. I was always telling him that he should be "working to live" and not "living to work".

What can I say? I have worked myself crazy over the years with double shifts, working holidays, even having to work more weekends than you get off. And now I am beginning to realize just how much I have missed out on. Many times I put my work before my family. I refuse to make that mistake any longer.

Now, I am completely set up at home to do everything I was doing in the company's office. The only difference is that I don't have to account to "the boss" for every time I need to use the restroom or run an errand. The situation got so tense that I even felt guilty about talking to vendors and customers on the telephone. Who needs that kind of hassle during the day only to come home to my very own "Goof Troup". Don't think for a minute that those endearing calls from the school have stopped. You know the kind . . . come pick up your child for sore throat, lice, rash, behavior problems, whatever. . . I've seen them all at one time or another. And they continue. Although now the time I spend with the kids doesn't interfere with the number of hours I put in at the office.

Since beginning Letter Perfect, my customer list is steadily increasing, the kids seem to be a lot less "chaotic", and I don't feel as stressed as I did a year ago. All in all, I made the best decision of my life by going with my dream. Letter Perfect is becoming all I hoped it would be. Happy kids, happy customers (which translates into prospering business), less stress . . .

What more could I possibly hope for?

If you would like to hear more about starting you own business from home, I would be glad to offer whatever advice or assistance I could.
Also, if you have ADD or ADHD kids, I would definitely be happy to talk with you about that.
If Letter Perfect can do anything for you or your business, please contact me. I will be pleased to quote any job, large or small. Please see my Letter Perfect brochure (see links below) or e-mail me with your address and I will mail a hardcopy of my brochure to you.

Other business and personal links

Letter Perfect Brochure
Letter Perfect HomePage
Personal Web Page for Malinda Threadgill
Personal Web Page for Jerry Threadgill
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