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Serenity Gardens

All Natural Soap & Scented Wonders

Along with our bath products we also sell a few scented crafts. If you came to this page thru a webring be sure to check out our other products before you leave!

Product List

  • All Natural Scented Bunnies $7.00
    Cute little bunnies that look like bunnies--not some dressed person! Made from 100% cotton fabrics with satin or lace ribbons between their ears. Scented with essential oils to match soap scents. Specify color preference.

  • All Natural Sachets 2/$4.00
    Beautiful 100% cotton fabric bags filled with rice, flax seed & cellulose. Scented with essential oils to match soaps & tied with satin or lace ribbon.

  • Potpourri $22.00 lb. $12.00 half lb.
    Made with REAL flowers, nuts, cones, herbs, etc. NO dyed wood curls or fake whatever that stuff is !! This is the real stuff!!! Scents to match soap

  • Potpourri Bags $2.50
    One cup of potpourri tied in colored tulle & tied with satin ribbons.

  • Refresher Oils $3.75
    Use to refresh potpourri, bunnies, birds,etc. 1/2 oz. Cobalt blue bottles.

Soaps & Toiletries

Natural Scents Fragrance Scents

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