Drew Bevan
British Columbia,Canada
Hello folks. I'd like to say welcome to my Friends web page. These are some people who I have met in the chatrooms and a few that I didn't.(*~s~*)
Feburary_Love aka Rach - What to say about my bestest friend. The wonderful thing about Rach is that she is always there for me when I need to talk or for anything that may be chapping my ass.*LMAO* I love her to pieces. I just hope that we will someday meet and have a lot of fun. Seriously though,she is the first person that I can really call a friend and here they are listed below.
Almost everyone else is logged into the aquaintance catergory,but there are other people that I call friend as well.
Shadow Dancer aka NeeCee aka Denise - Denise is a real good friend,but I haven't talked with her in ages,but I do hope she is doing well.
Bronnie Swansson - I like this chicky,she's a bit weird,but that's what makes Bronnie interesting.
There are quite a lot of others that I have forgotten at the moment,but will put them in when I remember.