Pictures of Yours Truly!!!
Here's the Group
Here are some of my pics. Can you guess which one is me.Just joking. I'm the one at the top.Then right below me on the left is my cousin Melissa and on the right is her cousin Marlene. Right below them on the left is my cousin Justin and on the right is my cousin Jill. Look at my cousin Melissa,she looks like she's holding the bottle of Banff Ice for an advertisement. My cousin Justin is the one on the bottom left. My cousin Jill is on the bottom right. |
Hey! It's ME!!!
Here I am,Saluting all you people who like to have a good time while you are drinking. (~*LOL*~) |
Hey! It's ME!!!
Here I am again,posing for my picture in true gangsta fashion.This was taken during my Tupac stage of music.
I do hope you enjoyed the Pics,more will follow if I ever get any new pics of me taken. |