Robert Feeney as you should know played Snoddy. Apparently he's like second oldest of like 6 kids (something liek that) but no one has heard from him for several years. It's been difficult on (from what I know) his Mother and sister, who are both attempting at finding him, and probably the rest of his family. I don't know the story of why, when, or how he left but the important thing is he's missing. Who knows where he is, or why he left, or if he dosent want to be found...or in the worst case if he's dead? So this is why I'm dedicating my page to Robert Feeney.
One other person i am dedicating this page to is my old friend Curls. Most everyone knows she died last October because of a drunk driver. I miss Curls just like everyone else and I tribute the page to her :) Luv ya Curls!