ObSeRvAtIoNs! this took me forever!
this took forever so be happy! its one of the most compleate ( i mean Piano Book, Soundtrack, Novel, and Movie stuff) sooo enjoy! got any to add? email me at: mushchik@hotmail.com
Family Observations
The little kid sleeping at the foot of the statue is David Lohr, Aaron's little brother.
Christian Bale's sister is at the rally. She the chick in the maid looking outfit behind Medda and that scary fat guy when Race is getting beat.
Where's Christians dog???
Random Thoughts...
Boot isn't asleep.....
Skittery likes pink....
Mush's hair is nappy....like a chia pet! cha cha cha CHIA!
Jack has greasy hair..
Skittery dosn't comb his hair....he looks like a hobo
Pie eater is a space cadet!
Swifty is scary and gay....
Spot is weak, but his eyes are scary.....I like his cane.....
Bumlets reminds me of Donetelo the Nija Turtle with purple bands and a bow :)
Itey has cool suspenders....
Denton looks constipated alot...
Daveys hair bounces when he's mad....
Pulitzer has a receading hair line...
Morris is ugly!
Oscar's laugh bugs
Sarah is mentally ill
Easther bugs...
Kloppman is kewl :)
I like the civil war guy...
The dancing waiter wishes he could be a newsie.
Les is a piss ant!
Snipe is a butterball
Kloppy is kewl!
the nuns bug
davey is a whimp and complains
the candy Toby has looks really good!!!
Crutchy 's laugh is irritating--aww Crutchy is just anyoying!
I like hot dogs....i want to steal Les's.....
Spot's eyes freak me out..
MoViE ObSeRvAtIoNs!
Snitch blows his nose then inspects the findings.
Mush's pants are unbuttoned when he's drying his hands on the curtin.....hes buff :)
Why is Dutchy rubbing his hair when he comes out of the bathroom????
Jake goes into the bathroom with his pants around his ankles! This is when Crutchy is pumpinh the water for Snipes bath..ewww!
Kid Blink is ALWAYS smiling....it starts to bug....
Mush says "Jacky just got laid!" at the begining right after Race says, "Not like last time."
Look at the lent ball on the nun's head!
Durring the nun scene, when Kid blink sings "Something to wake me up." the kid behind him is also singing it but catches himself and stops. What an idiot!
Jack trips right after/before (i forget) the 2nd pelvic thrust, HAHA
When David is buying his papers and he startes whining, Mush and Kid Blink start looking up and rolling their heads around like "Geez this is gonna take forever!"
David talks to Kid and Mush before he bought his papers.....arn't they sapost to NOT know eachother??
Why don't the newsies who dont where suspenters pants fall down?? like Mush. In the beginning he uses one strap to hold his pants on but for the rest of the movie dosen't use any and they stay up???Why? I want to see his underwhere like that Brooklyn guy!
Snoddy always trys to take Mush's hat, grrrrr.
Whats up with Snoddy's stupid red polka dot arm bands????I hate them!!!! They flash across the screen every 5 minutes! and they BUG!!!!!!
When Jack kicks Oscar and Morris in the face its really fake.....I like the baker dude! ^_^
Pie Eater dosen't like Jack...or it seems that way. In the begging when Pie is pumping water and Jack is singing "Try any banker..." Pie gives him a "grrrr go away" type look. And when Jack says "We'll split it 60/40.." He turns his head in disgust and goes like "hmph" then walks away with Jake.
why isn't Pie eaters name Bread Eater??? All you ever see him eat is bread! and evrey time you see him he is eating bread and he waves it around like its oh so special and wonderful! (Domino, this one was for you! AH HAHAhAHA! *ducks incase of punch*)
Crutchy ditches his crutchy and dances around on both legs!!! whats up with that?!
Why dose snitch have that Indian pouch thingy mergigger??? it buggs and makes 1 pic in the Newsies piano book look quite repulsive! (if you see it you'll know what i'm talking about...)
The boxing match takes place right in front of Tibby's, YUMMY! ^_~
Ghetto stuff at the Jacobs house! hehe 1. Why is there a cupcake thing hanging on like the stove??thats what cupboards are for! 2. Easther dosen't understand how to close cupboards! she leaves them wide open for all to see! 3.The glasses are gross clear ones with red tops with ugly little dents in them. 4. the curtans.... earth to Sarah! you CAN see through lace! soo dont hide behind it! 5.There's a bathrack looking thing on the bedroom wall 6. Why would you keep a hot dog in your dresser? 7. David gets excited over getting the knife....he almost slits Mayers neck. 8.Adding more water to the soup wouldn't make me feel welcome..its like saying "Lets water the soup out even more! It's gonna taste just like a horse trof when we're done with it!"
Medda's hair and Jack hair get tangled together when they hugg. When JAck pulls away his hair gets messed up :( poor Jack.
Speaking of hair....Medda's is orange!
Mr. Gamon has scary eyebrows! They look like some evil owl....
Johnathan is a studmuffin! hahaha! He prances....
Durring KONY right after Mush says his line and Races says his Mush turns and gives him a look like "dont disrupt my fantisys!" he gives it to Spot to.
Jake takes Dentons plate away.....he prob eats it.....Do you blame him??
in CTB Mush fakes out that guy with the hose and then the other guy like kicks him when he jumps off the barrel and dose a flip. HOW MEAN!!!!
It looks really really fun to slid down the newspaper shoot!
sarahs hair changes lenght...ALOT
Morris lip hair changes...ALOT
Jack never eats his second serving of soup....
Spot has and obvious stunt double...
Mush looks like hes gonna cry alot :(
In KONY, Skittery's feet are never shown cuz he can't tap dance. I got this streight from the lips of Goorjian ;)
Crutchy is pretty stupid for saying "Hey thats Jack!" that happened on July 13 or 14...the calender is on the wall.
In WWK, Skittery pushs Mush out of his way....and where did that pole comefrom that jack got? When he throws it back you can hear it hit the ground :)
Christian Bale's R's are weirdo but neato!
where did the produce come from when they were ripping up the papers
Why is it an insult to knock someones hat off???
David is always cut of in dance scenes cuz he sucks at dancing, HAHAHAHA!
Isn't it nasty that teenage boys are going crazy over like a 50 year old lady? ewww
IN CTB the nuns are checking out Boots...
In STD, Jack and Davey are playing footsy on the statue.....ewww
Mush lands on his face in STD when hes launched for the toe touch...you can hear him screaming.
In OAFA (I like abrivating...), it looks like Mush is wearing a bra! Really! When he's at the window the first time getting a stack of papers. The next time with blink, it looks like he has no pants on.
Davey almost gets him fingers smashed when they're printing the NEWSIES BANNER. HAHAHA!
Isnt that one scab who throws down his papers the same kid as the Blacksmith that Race gives the NEWSIES BANNER to???
When the Delancys are leaving at the end, It looks like skit hacks up on them.
Race yells "Bye POO face!" too Snyder in the paddy wangon.
In the newspaper pic...everyone looks demented! davey got his foot smashed by Pie Eater (YAY! PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!) Look where spottie's hand is......
Davey laughs like a girl...ALOT!
At the end of KONY Skittery knocks off Spec's hat and starts laughing at him.
Skittery looks drunk....ALOT
Jack, at the trolly strike, kicks the air and looks retarded as well as when he punches the air.
What dose conflagration mean and how dose jack know what it means???
Specs dosen't bend his knees when he jumps and looks very demento!
That clown thing, not Toby, that bounces by Les during Lovey Dovey Baby, looks like a sailor and is reallllllllllyyyyy scary looking! I hate clowns......
Jack kicks up dust right after it rains....
The horse Jack STEALS! hehe, has a spaz attack...
The guy at the boxing match holding that sign has big bags under his eyes and its ugly and spooky...
The red Exit lights are visable in Irving Hall.....a little before their time hummm????
Pulitzer moves the magnifying glass fastyer than he reads outloud....
When Jack is at Pulitzer's: 1. Pulitzer's coat looks like PJ's. 2. Why does Pulitzer yell at jack to shut up when he's not talking??? 3. Pulitzer says no really cool, like "N-N-N-N-Nooooo." hehe his lip goes psyco. :)
Mush falls off the platform they are walking on at the end..
2 or 3 girls maul Mush at the end....they all grab his head.
Bumlets laughs like a bird after Race's egg joke thing.
Mush is in two places at once.....at the end when he goes "Dave....He's back!" hes on the platform, then they show the coach and hes next to it, then they show him jumping off the platform....
On the final dance scene, behind Jack, Les (whos got jacks hat on..), Sarah, David, and Denton Mush, race, Boots, and Kid are beating eachother with newspapers and almost miss their cue.
final dance scene: skittery is really into waving the paper around :) Race dose the wrong move
At the court house, Hwen Spot says "On the gronds of Brooklyn.."Race gets a demented face! Pie Eater looks really beat up and sad :( Blink has pink cheeks, Skittery looks drunk, Specs has hat hair.
It takes that man along time to respond to the pain of being kicked in the nuts....HAHA!
Sarah looks like little bo peep at the rally..
Debton's "article" sarah finds in the dresser is a blank peice of paper.
"It's the same sun as here." Sarah says that really retardedly! It was oh so kind of her to point that out too.
At the end Kid Blink forgot to take that thing off his hand from the costume closet! sounds like something i'd do....
It soo funny how Blink dose the pelvic thrusts!!! He like swoops his hips down then dose the thrust really forcefully up! its halarious!!!!
I might have mentioned this but...WHY IN HELL[O] DOSE SARAH PUNCH THE WALL BEFORE MORRIS?!?!
The font in the credits make it almost imposible to read...
I like the music durring the credits..its like a NEwsies mega mix!
Hat time! okay 1. Jacks hat durring Santa ZFe macically pops on his head! 2. Kid's hat pops on his head when running out of Irving Hall. Swifty's hat falls off HAHAHA!
At the end, why did Jack's bag just happen to be there?
Why is Spot in Teddy's carriage?
Misc. Observations
OKay the cover, Blinks patch isn't on all the way so you can see his eye.
Mush is described as a cross-eyed since birth, as skinny as a bean pole, and has ears as big as pitchers! Just a little off now arn't we....
It revolves more around Davey really....
The pictures are kewl!
Spot has a lager part..
The story line is alot different..
The guy on the cover is a demented looking elf, thing, kid, fairy whatever!
Some songs are missing like the music in Brooklyn
"High Times, Hard Times" is demented....the boys sing almost none of it!
"Lovey Dovey Baby" is longer...ugh!
Ele Keats isn't credited! HAHA! and she sang in "Once and For All"
Why dose Goorjian, always credit himself as Michael A. Goorjian?? Who cares about the "A"?
The cover is soooooo demented! Okay the bottom half of evey one is the exact same graphic! its retarded! crutchy dosen't have his crutch and is doing like a heal click1 Mush is in pink! Race looks like a pig...also in pink! Davey is actually dancing! hehe! and Jack.....Jack looks sooo demented! He's doing this "L" thing with his legs, like half splitz or something! and its off a stack of newspapers!
They wasted a perfectly good page on a huge picture of Pulitzer when a huge picture of say.. Mush or skittery could be there!
A really good pic of Jack is in it but....Sarah is also in it.....grrrr.
Mush looks demented in most of the pics....
In CTB it says Mush & Racetrack sings "Summer stinks and winter's waiting" right after the "Fist!" line.....they dont! not on the soundtrack or movie!
to the city! VROOM!