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Taylor hails from Scituate, a small town South of Boston where her family still resides and where she's known to all by her given first name, Michelle. Her birthday is August 12.

For Taylor an Acting career was never a matter of choice. Simply put, it's in her blood. Her grandmother, Christine Evans hosted the first female talk-radio show in America, in Boston. Taylor explains in her own words "She always wanted to be an actress but never followed through on it. My Grandfather's cousin was an actor named Billy DeWolf who worked mostly in the 40's and 50's". "I can't remember not wanting to be an actor. If it wasn't for acting I might just want to be a mommy and do mommy things. But I don't think I'd like that either. No, there isn't anything else for me"..

In her spare time, Taylor enjoys reading, painting, writing and cooking. (Not that she has much spare time with her hectic schedule at Another World's studio)! lol