A First Amendment Center


I hope you find what you need on this website. And, if you do have any suggestions, ideas or links that you would like to see here, please send me an
email: jvance@riseup.net

Thank you for visiting.

get this gear!


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Check out and subscribe to my online riseup.net enewsletter website if you get time at:

To subscribe, send an email to jvance@riseup.net and put the word NOTICE in the subject line. In this enewsletter, you will find postings for political/community event schedules in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and their surrounding environs as well as local, national and international alternative news and sources.

Check out PEOPLES BARK NEWS BERKELEY, you'll be very pleased. We do send out notes asking for donations but it's NEVER mandatory. BUT, please HELP if you can!

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Napster News and Related Links

| Napster | Angry Coffee | Open Nap | Gnutella

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Street People and Houseless Resources
Berkeley and San Francisco Bay Area

| Claire's Homeless Resources - Berkeley, Ca
| John Delmos' Homeless Reources for 2005 - Berkeley, Ca
MASC Multi-Agency Service Center, Berkeley, Ca
| Night on the Streets - Catholic Worker Berkeley, Ca
| First Prez - First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley
| St. Marks in Berkeley| East Bay Food not Bombs | Hare Krishnas
| Berkeley Free Clinic | Homeless Action Center - Berkeley, Ca
| Homeless Commission - City of Berkeley, Ca
| Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency - Berkeley, Ca
| List of Free Meals in Alameda County
| Berkeley Homeless Youth Website
| Berkeley CopWatch | Peoples Park - Berkeley, Ca | Art and Education Media
| Berkeley Cable TV - Channel 28 | The Long Haul Infoshop - Berkeley, Ca
| SlingShot - Berkeley, Ca | A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory
| Bum's Paradise - Albany Landfill Emcampment
| Bread and Roses - Corte Madera, Ca
| Center for Independent Living, Inc. - Berkeley, Ca
| Coalition on Homelessness - San Francisco
| Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County
| Drawbridge: Art Program for Houseless Children
| Youth Emergency Assistance Hostel - Berkeley, Ca
| Poor Magazine Online - Poor News Network
| General Assistance Advocay Project - San Francisco
| grassroots.org - Make change!
| Homeless People's Network Discussion List
| Homes not Jails - San Francisco

YEAH! Youth Emergency Assistance Hostel
1744 University Avenue Berkeley CA 94703
510-848-1424 (church)
510-847-6530 (cellphone)
Rev. Sarah Isaakson
We think these people are real good.

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B U S H K N E W - - - - D O Y O U ?

| Wild Child Magazine
| Information Times
| From the Wilderness
| The Center for an Informed America | What Really Happened
| Mad Cow Productions | Online Journal | The Guardian
| Center for Research on Globalization
| Center for Cooperative Research
| Flight 93 Crash Theory Page | The Propaganda Matrix
| The Propaganda Matrix - Prior Knowledge - 9/11 Info | The Jeff Rense Program
| The Power Hour - 9/11 Photos | World Socialist Website
| The emporer's New Clothes | Sniegoski on the Empire | Peter Dale Scott
| Antiwar | Truth Now | Annotated Timeline of the 9/11 Hijackers
| Infowars: Resource Page | Lebanon Wire: Terror Wars | Unanswered Questions
| Killtown

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Conspiracies and the New World Odor

| Council on Foreign Relations | Covert Action Quarterly
| Electronic Civil Disobedience | Foreign Affairs Magazine
| Freedom Domain| Trilateral Commission

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Local Community Groups - Berkeley/Oakland/San Francisco/Bay Area

| Act-Up - San Francisco | A.C.O.R.N.
| American Friends Service Committee
| Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency
| Californians for Justice | Center for Independent Living
| Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
| Chiapas website! - Oakland, ca
| Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft
| Community Peacemakers - Oakland, ca
| Ella Baker Human Rights Center | Emma Goldman Papers
| Global Exchange - SF, ca | GreenPeace USA
| HomeBase - the Center for Common Concerns
| Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace!
| Middle East Children's Alliance
| Peace Brigades International | Peace Pilgrim
| Peaceful Justice - Coalition for Justice Without War
| Peninsula Peace & Justice Center - Palo Alto
| Peoples Park's page | Socialist Action - SF, ca
| Women's Cancer Resource Center - Berkeley, ca

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More Community Groups

| AdBusters | Akha People - Thailand | Animal Rights
| | Biointensive for Russia - Environmental Gardening Project
| Black Radical Congress | Campaign for Labor Rights
| Center for International Human Rights
| Central/South America | Crashing the Party with Ralph Nader
| East Timor Action Network
| Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (Espanol)


| Food First! | Fund for Animals | GapSucks!
| Hemp | Michael Moore - Stupid White Men
| Mid-Atlantic Infoshop | Midwest Treaty Network
| Native People
| Protest.net - North America | Public Interest Research Groups | Rainbow Family | Save SF Bay | Save the Whale
| SweatShop Watch
| The Govt. of Tibet in Exile | Website Development Resources
| Wild Child Magazine
| Women's International League for Peace & Freedom

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Venice Beach Activism

|About Us Now!
|Free Venice Beachhead

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Alternative (and one mainstream) Media Sources

| AJR Link - mainstream media source | Afghan Magazine
| Al-Ahram Weekly - Front Page
| AlJazeera.net | Aljazeera translator
| Free Speech TV | Argentina IndyMedia
| Brass Check - Ken McCarthy | BushWatch | BuzzFlash
| Coalition for a Democratic Pacifica | Common Dreams
| CounterCoup | Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
| East Bay Coalition Against the War
| F.A.I.R. - Fairness in Accuracy and Reporting
| Flashpoints - Dennis Bernstein - KPFA
| Food not Bombs News
| From the Wilderness - Michael Ruppert | GlobalCircle.net
| Global Research | Green Information News
| Ha'aretz daily - Israel | Human Rights Now
| Independent News - London
| Information Clearinghouse NEWS
| Information Times
| Institute for Public Accuracy | KPFA News
| Muslim News - Britain
| (LaborNet - News for the labor movement)
| Media Alliance | Michael Moore - Stupid White Men
| Mother Jones Magazine | NarcoNews.com
| Open Secrets - Money in Politics
| Pakistan News - The Friday Times | Pakistan News Service
| Pakistan - More News | Open Democracy
| Pakistan News, Peshewar | Palestine Indymedia
| Palestine Report | People's Video Network | Rabblerousers
| Radio4All | Revolutionary Worker
| San Francisco Bay Area IndyMedia
| Save Pacifica | The Afghan Women's Mission
| The Newspaper Guild | TomPaine.commonsense
| Utne Reader online | Wild Child Magazine
| Z Magazine online | Cooperative Research | Ratville
| Community Currency | Guerilla News Network | Truth Now
| 9-11 Strike | StandDown | Questions, Questions...
| What Really Happened.Com | Global Free Press | Global Research
| Deception Dollar | WTC7 | 9-11 Dossier | Oil Empire | Legit Gov.Org
| 9-11 Truth | Active Opposition | Online Journal | Attack on America

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Freedom Advocacy ACTION Tools

| ACLU Legislative UPDATE | Citizen Works
| E-the People - Global Interaction Activism

Progressive Secretary
Progressive Letter Writing Cooperative

| Voice Yourself
Wild Child Magazine
| Write Your Representative

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Community Calendars

| ActionLA (Los Angeles Actions) | Activist San Diego Calendar
| A.N.S.W.E.R. - anti-war actions - Los Angeles
| Bay Area Progressive Directory w/calendar listings
| Berkeley Daily Planet Calendar | Change Links Calendar - L.A.
| Earth Neighborhood calendar - Union City, Northern Ca

| Ecology Center calendar | Our Event Calendar Page
| Global Exchange Calendar | Peace Now - Freedom Now - Calendar
| Peoples Bark News Berkeley --- eNewsletter & eCalendar
| San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice
| San Diego La Resistencia - Fighting Immigrant Deportations
| SF Bay Guardian ALERTS | SF Inymedia Calendar

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Community Directories

| San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory
| PeaceNet/EcoNet/Anti-RacismNet/Women'sNet Directory/News/Information

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Ecologically Sound Mass Transit Undermined?

| General Motors and the Demise of the Streetcar
| Electric Railway Historical Association
| Conspiracy Revisited - Demise of the Streetcar
| Wild Child Magazine

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Question Internal Combustion

| CarBusters
| Wild Child Magazine

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Books and other Literary Leanings

| AK Press | Alternative Tentacles | Common Courage press
| Independent Press Association
| Infoshop/Long Haul - Berkeley, Ca
| infoshop.org - your online anarchist community
| Mage Publishers - Bridging East and West
| Mid-Atlantic Infoshop
| New Pages - Alternatives in Print & Media
| Pluto Press - Independent Progressive Publishing
| Ronin Books in Berkeley - Books for Independent Minds
| See Sharp Press - Rabble Rousing Reading
| Socialist Action Bookstore - San Francisco
| Soft Skull Press - Radically Intelligent Books
| Soft Skull Press Links Page
| South End Press - Radical Books for Social Change
| Wild Child Magazine

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Pagans, Wiccans and All That Goodness

| NewPagan.com | Radical Usurper | The Inner Sanctum
| Top 100 Mystical Sites | Witches' Voice

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Legal Resources

| AIDS Legal Referral Panel - San Francisco
| American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California
| Dumb Laws
| Free Advice.com - The easy to use site for legal information
| FREE Online Legal Resources for Street Protesters
| Human Rights Organizations and Resources
Internet Legal Resource Guide
| National Lawyers Guild
| Nolo Press - "The nation's premier publisher of do-it-yourself law."
| The Legal Resource Site | UnderCurrents: Video Activist Handbook
| Women's Law Center

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Resources for Writers

| Indispensable Writing Resources
A Complete Collection of Writing Essentials

| Ms. Smith's Writing Resources | Resource Central for Writers
| Resources for Writers | Wild Child Magazine
The Write Gallery Creative Writing Website
| Writers Exchange - The Writing Resource Site

| Writer Network.com - Online Writers'
Community & Publishing Resources

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Environmental/Defense of Animals

| Alliance for the Wild Rockies - A Directory!
| Black Rhinoceros - a green activist's resource
| Buffalo Field Campaign

| Californians for Pesticide Reform
Progressive Organization List

| California Wild Heritage Campaign | Circle of Life
| Downwinders | Earth Island Institute
| Environmental Defense Fund
| GreenAction | Green Parties of North America
| Headwaters Preserve | International Rivers Network
| National Parks Conservation Assn.
| Natural Resources Defense Council
| North Coast Environmental Council
| Pesticide Action Network | Rainforest Action Network
| Save Ward Valley - Needles, Ca
| The Bay Institute (San Francisco)
Wild Child Magazine

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Nuclear Issues

| Nuclear Disarmament
| Nuclear Information & Resource Service
| Close Indian Point in NY State

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Abolish Death Penalty/Police Brutality News

| Abolish Death Penalty | Copwatch.com
| Death Penalty Focus | Free Lori Berenson
| Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
| Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
| Mobilization to Free Mumia
| Mumia Abu-Jamal's Freedom Journal
| Mumia Abu-Jamal - International Action Center
| Mumia's Audio Files - Pacifica Archives
| Mumia's Campaign News - by date | No Death Penalty!
| Police Brutality and Corruption | Political Prisoners
| PoliceWatch -- Ella Baker Human Rights Center

1-888-NO-BRUTALITY Email: Oct22@unstoppable.com

| The Case of Mumia - Court TV Case Files

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The oppression: Ms Sobhiya Al-Amour (50) facing an Israeli bulldozer. This bulldozer had destroyed two Palestinian houses. In the picture it is digging up her field of olive trees. Thousands of olive trees were uprooted since the beginning of the Intifada as a collective punishment to the Palestinians.

Israeli/Palestinian Information

| Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
| American Jewish World Service

| | B'tselem - The Israeli Information Center for
Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

| Crosspoint - AntiRacism
| Ibdaa Cultural Center - Dheisheh Refugee Camp
| Jewish Voices Against the Occupation
| Middle East Children's Alliance
| Middle East Research and Information Project
| Mideast Web Gateway

| Miftah.org - The Palestinian Initiative for the
Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy

| Muslim Public Affairs Council | New Israel Fund
| New Israel Fund links to Jewish Press
| Palestine Indymedia | Rabbis for Human Rights
| The Electronic Intifada
| The Electronic Intifada Links Page
| The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
| Tikkun - A Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture and Society
| Voices of Palestine

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Immigrant Issues

| Citizens & Immigrants for Equal Justice | Mexico Program @ Global Exchange
| National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
| Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Services

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Help Stop the Globalization - One world Government

| World Trade Organization Home Page | NO2WTO/People for Fair Trade
| Ruckus Society | CorpWatch | Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
| Peoples Global Action | Reclaim the Streets | Third World Network

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All About Cuba

| Global Exchange's Cuba Campaign | Cuban Poster Art | Cuba Solidarity Web
| Pastors for Peace.IFCO | USA-Cuba Infomed | Venceremos Brigade

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For Your Good Health

| Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Canada
| Dr. Shen's Herbal Medicines - Allergies
| Fox Valley Farms Home of the Shiitake Mushroom
| Natural Health Web | Shiitake Mushroom Center - Ozark Mountains, Arkansas
| Shiitake - the Miracle Mushroom - Suzanna Kilby | Shiitake Mushrooms Plus...
Wild Child Magazine

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Community Music Venues

| Ashkenaz by David/Berkeley, ca | LaPena Cultural Center - Berkeley, ca
Peoples Park's page

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| Home | Hemp | Bumperstickers/Buttons | Latin Book Info

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E-Mail: jvance@riseup.net