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  Memorial Day Parade



Planning Your Independence Day Celebration

Day 45: Plan your theme.
Holidays make it easy--IT is the theme!

Day 44: Review your budget.
Your budget will determine what type of party to have, how elaborate and the
number of guests.

Day 43: Inventory:
Take stock of space, seating, serving equipment, utensils, flatware, dishes,
glassware and lighting. This will help you to decide what you must rent or
purchase and how much of your budget will be used up.

Day 42: Agenda:
Briefly outline the activities and menu for the party. This will help you to
decide how sophisticated or how casual the affair will be and also help to
decide what mix of guests to invite.

Day 40: Prepare a guest list:
Generally, summer parties are more casual affairs. That doesn't mean you
can't be the host of a formal event mixing Sousa and fireworks.
But, keep in mind:
  • You are not obligated to invite all of your friends to all of your parties.
  • Similar lifestyles and tastes mix the best.
  • Include a variety of adult ages and occupations.
  • Decide if you are including children or not. Say so on the invitation.
  • Review you list to be sure that for each guest you have invited
    an equal number of the talkative mixers and vise versa.
Day 35: Purchase Invitations:
Select invitations that reflect the mood and theme of your party (formal,
casual, whimsical, etc.). Also, purchase any matching or coordinating
accessories at the same time.

Day 34: Address Invitations:  
  • Be sure all important information is included in the invitation.
    Guests need to know what to expect: Date, time (from/to);
    Place (address, city location); Type (cocktail, babecue, dinner,
    buffet, etc.); Expected dress (casual, black tie, etc.); Children
    welcome, what to bring (if anything--towels, sun protection, side
    dish...); RSVP (date and phone number); Special activities
    (pool party, backyard cookout, fireworks under the stars...).
  • Address the envelope in such a way as to give the first hint of
    what to expect; for example: Mr. & Mrs. Brown or George and
    Martha Brown & family.
Day 30: Mail Invitations

Day 25:
  • Prepare a menu
  • Make a list of every item needed to prepare the menu. Cross off
    the items you have on hand.
  • Prepare a shopping list and keep it with you.
Day 24: Decorations and Accessories:  
  • Make a list of all items, other than food, needed for the party.
    Place an "X" next to the items you have. Place an arrow ("~~>")
    next to any items you need to rent or order.
  • Make a shopping list of all items you need to purchase.
Day 21: Orders and Rentals:  
  • Call and make arrangements for any rental items you may need
    (tent, chairs, large grill, glasses, china, chafing dishes, portable
    bar, etc.).
  • Call florists, caterers, bakeries, food suppliers and place orders.
    Make arrangements for deliveries.
Day 20-
Day 8
  • Purchase all nonperishable foods and decorations whenever and
    wherever possible. Avoid last minute shopping.
Day 7: Cleaning:
Begin any necessary heavy cleaning such as windows, drapes, furniture.
Day 6 : RSVP:
Call everyone you haven't heard from to determine final guest count.
Day 5 : Deliveries:
Call florist, rental company, bakery, caterer, etc. to remind and
verify the date and time.
Day 4 : Shopping:  
  • Review shopping lists
  • Purchase all remaining decorations and non-perishables TODAY!
Day 3 : Furnishings:  
  • Arrange lighting
  • Rearrange furniture
  • Remove collectibles and delicate items from party area
  • Clean the bathrooms, entries, party area and all the knooks/crannies
Day 2 : Final Shopping:  
  • Purchase all meats, dairy, fruits and vegetables
  • Accept all deliveries
  • Bake and cook all items that can be prepared ahead of time.
    Freeze if possible.
Day 1 : Most Active Prep Day:  
  • Bake
  • Chop, slice, dice, puree, thaw, cut pre-cook
  • Decorate
  • Prepare dishes, glassware, silver
  • Clean kitchen
  • Sweep, vacuum, clean floors
  • Select music
  • Arrange flowers and centerpieces
---- PARTY DAY----
6 Hours: Finish food except for last minute meats
5 Hours: Set up for, and chill, beverages
4 Hours: Tidy up work areas
3 Hours: Set out equipment and utensils (plates, dishes, silver, crystal)
2 Hours: Stop! The next hour must be your alone--this is vital!  
  • Bathe, moisturize, etc. (20 min.)
  • Lie down with a thin slice of cucumber over each eye (20 min.)
  • Fix hair, makeup (10 min.)
  • Dress (10 min.)
1 Hour:
  • Set out snacks
  • Have hors d'oeuvres ready to cook or serve
  • Chill wines
  • Walk through party area for last minute inspection
½ Hour: Read--

Reading will slow the pulse, lower temperature, calm nerves

When your guest arrive, everything you have done will look effortless.
Walk slowly. It makes you look relaxed.

Smile. Someone is always watching.

Go somewhere private for 5 minutes each hour.


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