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Book Review: The Core Knowledge Series

By Marcia Colpan


Anyone who has children in school worries about whether or not their child is getting a worthwhile education. How do you judge whether your child is working at his grade level or not? It's a common misconception that there is some sort of general plan that school districts follow to determine what subjects and what subject levels are to be taught at each grade level. In fact, the subject matter and the level of the subject matter can not only vary from one school system to another, but from one school to another and sometimes between one classroom to another. So, how do you know what your child should know? If you are a parent that transfers jobs and must change school districts frequently, how do you know your child is not falling behind? If you are a parent of a child with ADD/ADHD/or other learning difficulties, how do you know what they need to know to keep up with their peers?

This was an excellent question with no real answer until E. D. Hirsch, Jr., and John Holden teamed up to create the Core Knowledge Series. They went to various school systems and gleaned out the basics that should be taught at each grade level of elementary school and published this information in an easy to follow series of books. These books entitled "What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know" up through "What Your Sixth Grader Needs to Know" provides a concise and effective guide to ensuring that your child will not be lost in the school shuffle.

In addition to providing parents with a basis they can follow to assist their child in staying abreast of competence for their grade level, the book meets a variety of different needs.

If you have trouble explaining concepts in mathematics, the books are clearly written to provide an explanation for your child on basic math principles. The same goes for history, science, English, and literature. They become an invaluable homework guide for both of you. How many times has your child asked you a question and you've realized that even though you know how to do it, you can't explain it? These books will help.

If you have a child that tends to be active and has trouble staying put in school, the information in these books is broken down into small sections that are easily digested on the quick take.

For many children, the summer break from school becomes a problem as they lose the routine of school too quickly and have trouble returning to the routine in the fall. A summer routine following the books can help to smooth the transitions of the ending and beginning of the school year. If you choose the grade the child has just completed, you have a great review for the summer months and an opportunity to fill in the holes that were missed. If you choose the grade ahead, you have the opportunity to introduce your child to some of the concepts prior to their seeing it for the first time in school. Either way, you have a great resource available.

Reasonably priced with many $18.00 or less per book, these are a must have for parents.

Order What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know Today!

Order What Your First Grader Needs to Know Today!

Order What Your Second Grader Needs to Know Today!

Order What Your Third Grader Needs to Know Today!

Order What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know Today!

Order What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know Today!

Order What Your Sixth Grader Needs to Know Today!

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