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Submission Guidelines


Our Focus: Our primary goal is to support and assist teachers and the American Public in their understanding and portrayal of the Native American peoples of North America. We are interested in articles that explore the beliefs, history or political concerns of these people.


Submissions: We need articles, interviews, book reviews, stories, poetry, artwork, black and white photos, my stories, self-help and how-to articles, humorous pieces and other interesting works.

Lead articles should be 800-2000 words and all other pieces should be under 1500 words. The shorter the better. We love how-to articles and interviews of authors. ALWAYS INCLUDE A WORD COUNT! If mailing in the submission, include a SASE or your material will not be answered or returned. Include research citations.

We only ask for one-time rights and will accept reprints if you write verifying where the piece was published and what rights they purchased. If your work is published in the print newsletter, you will receive contributor copies as payment. At this time we cannot pay for print or web work.

The newsletter does accept advertising. Write to the below address for advertising information.


The Good Red Road

PO Box 1127

Athens Ohio 45701


You can also ask for information through our contact address.