<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L00S00--> <head> <title>Smokey's Page</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#daa520" text="#000000" link="#228b22" alink="#800080" vlink="#ff0000"> <basefont size="3"> <!--Header--> <h1 align="center">Smokey's Page</h1> <!--EndHeader--> <!--Image--> <div align="center"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats//SmokeyDesk.jpg"></div> <p> <!--EndImage--> <!--Freetext--><P> Well here I am again. I haven't posted for a while since my Bandit passed away. Mommy and I still miss him very much. But it is time to get on with life and stuff. <P> I am man of the house now. I have been very good. haha.....I even let Mommy cut my nails without a fuss. She sure was surprised. For that I got a big kiss and treats. I love to eat food and treats and more treats. Yummy!<P><center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/pinkrose.gif"></center> Our Nana Claire fell in March and broke her pelvis. She has been in and out of the hospital ever since. Do hope she gets better soon. Mommy takes Uncle Mitch and they go to visit her and Mommy leaves me alone. I don't like when she goes out. Mom hasn't seen her grandkids for a while now, she is too busy with Nana. <P><center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/pinkrose.gif"></center> My Mommy fell at her Doctors parking lot and really bruised up her knees [they are black like I am with a little blue thrown in]. She also tore the skin off her left forearm and it was bleeding really bad. She has to wash and bandage it twice a day. So busy is she, we don't have too much time to play together anymore.<P> OhOh, eating time, got to go. Will be back later.<P><center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/pinkrose.gif"></center> So sad for Mommy and Uncle Mitch and the rest of the family. Our Nana Claire passed away 7/28/2000. Oh my, I am going to miss her. Mommy is so upset, she is still crying for her Mommy. After Nana fell, she had a hard time recovering and after a few more hospital stays, she finally gave up. Mommy says she is with Pop Pop Joe now (Bandit too) and is happy again. I guess it will take time for Mommy to stop crying, it is only 3 weeks. We had so much company the day of the funeral, they had to lock me in the bedroom. That was good. Tooo many 2 legged people, especially Max and Leah..Meow.... <P><center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/pinkrose.gif"></center> Oh my, here we go again. Nana Claire's Sister, our Aunt Eidell passed away on 9/3/2000. I feel so bad for Mommy, Uncle Mitch and their Uncle Jack. She had something called Alzheimer's. Lived a long time too. 97 yrs.old. Pretty lady, she was. That is really old, isn't it??? Meow.. <P><center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/pinkrose.gif"></center> Mommy just told me Aunt Eleanor has ALS. That is the same thing Mommy's daddy had. It is part of the Muscular Dystrophy group. Very bad and progresses fast. I will find out more and put in a link to the ALS Page. Aunt Eleanor is having trouble speaking now. What a shame. Mommy said this has been a terrible year with illness and deaths. Hope next year is better.<P>Update....April, 2001...This has been just as bad as last year with losing people....<P>Aunt Eleanor is now on hospice. She is very sick. I miss seeing her. She was always so nice to Bandit and me.......I can't go to see her because she has Miss Muffin, who is a very nasty kitty. Mommy said she hisses and bites everyone. She even bit Aunt Eleanor the other night. Naughty..... I don't think I would like to meet her....... Nobody ever was mean to me......<P> Mommy told me that Aunt Eleanor went over the Rainbow Bridge on Friday, April 27,2001....Mommy is so sad and so am I. She was so nice to both of us. I tried to get Mommy's mind off Aunt Eleanor. I gave her a present......A Big Hairball in two spots on the carpet, of course. That kept her busy for a while......Sure did take her mind off of everything........I don't think she appreciated my thoughtfulness. What's a kitty to do! Prrrrrrr<BR><center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/pinkrose.gif"></center> Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!<P> Here is a great site to help save some kitties! <P><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ma3/cecenfriends/"><img src="http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=13306&a=38071&p=28132343 align left"></a><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ma3/cecenfriends/"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/Sunshine.gif" align=right"></a><p> <center><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/twocats/index.html"></center> <I> Back to page 1 </I></a> <!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--List--> <font size="5">My Favorite Things About Angelfire</font> <ul> <li>Easy <li>Fast <li>Fun </ul> <p> <!--EndList--> <!--Links--> <font size="5">My Favorite Web sites</font> <p> <a href="http://angelfire.lycos.com/">Angelfire Home Pages</a><br> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq/index.html">Free Web Building Help</a><br> <a href="http://www.lycos.com/">Lycos - Search the Web</a><br> <a href="http://www.careerpath.com/">CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click</a><br> <a href="http://WerblunC.tripod.com/">Smokey and Bandit's Family</a><br> <p> <!--EndLinks--> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> <!--Email--> <center>Email: <a href="mailto:cmwerblun@webtv.net"> cmwerblun@webtv.net</a></center> <!--EndEmail--> </body> </html>