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Trade Banners With Us  

Copy and paste the following code to your page, fill in all of the information below, and submit the form.  Code or graphic must not be altered in any way.  We will check your site weekly for our link.  Your banner must be 468 X 60 pixels, less than 15K in file size, and can be animated.  No illegal, offensive, or adult sites allowed.

Add this HTML to your page:

<P ALIGN=Center>

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""

WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" ALT="Click Here to Get Paid for Giving Away Free Stuff"

BORDER="0" ALIGN="Top"></A>

Click Here to Get Paid for Giving Away Free Stuff

Submit this form only AFTER you have added our banner to your page.


Company Name:  

URL Where Our Banner is Located (this is where we will link your banner to):  

URL of where we can find your banner:  

Email Address:  

Email Adress Again:  

For security reasons, we can not accept banners that are emailed to us.  We will get it from your site.  Please press submit to complete this transaction.  We will notify you when the link has been verified.

To add your button to our button wall --- Click Here

To add your link to our 'Cool Site' List --- Click Here

WIN $1,000