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LaSalle Cross Country Invitational - Registered Competitors

NCAA division III cross country championships, college race, x-country software, team scores, individual x-country results
ATTENDING SCHOOLS REPORT                                             10/02/99


George Washington University     MEN       11   WOMEN     13

Haverford College                MEN       35   WOMEN     36

Keene State College              MEN       24   WOMEN     21

La Salle University              MEN       29   WOMEN     15

St. Bonaventure University       MEN       12   WOMEN      8

University of Penn               MEN       23

Villanova University             MEN       38   WOMEN     13

West Chester University          MEN        9   WOMEN      7

Widener University               MEN       18   WOMEN     16


COMPETITOR NAME LISTING                                             10/02/99

COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 277     Adam Raphael                    SR     Haverford College             
 301     Adam Wasileski                  SO     University of Penn            
 158     Al Clay                         SO     Villanova University          
 255     Alex Au                         SR     Haverford College             
 163     Alex Francani                   FR     Villanova University          
 232     Alice Irving                    SO     Haverford College             
  31     Allison Reger                   FR     Widener University            
 117     Amber Webster                   JR     Keene State College           
  99     Amella Bentley                  FR     Keene State College           
 183     Andrew Cameron                  FR     Villanova University          
 168     Andrew Levine                   FR     Villanova University          
 308     Andy Kish                       JR     University of Penn            
 125     Andy Knapp                      SR     Keene State College           
  17     Andy Quaile                     SR     Widener University            
 154     Ann McGranahan                  JR     Villanova University          
 247     Ann Wanner                      SR     Haverford College             
 264     Anthony Fleg                    SR     Haverford College             
 299     Anthony Ragucci                 SO     University of Penn            
 300     Anthony Sager                   FR     University of Penn            
  98     Arin Adler                      SO     Keene State College           
 184     Ben Showers                     SO     Villanova University          
 128     Bill McCarthy                   SR     Keene State College           
 310     Billy Moore                     FR     University of Penn            
 281     Bob Sellars                     FR     Haverford College             
 268     Bobby Hogg                      SR     Haverford College             
 206     Brande Dietrich                 JR     George Washington University  
 113     Brandy Sheeran                  FR     Keene State College           
 156     Brian Anderson                  FR     Villanova University          
  12     Brian Klick                     JR     Widener University            
  53     Brian Kordeck                   JR     La Salle University           
 127     Brian Lorimor                   SO     Keene State College           
  14     Brian McDonnell                 SO     Widener University            
 140     Brian Schutter                  FR     Keene State College           
 191     Brian Tillett                   SO     Villanova University          
 289     Brick Bergeson                  JR     University of Penn            
 147     Bridget Flanagan                JR     Villanova University          
  96     Brigid Mullen                   SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 294     Bryan Kovalsky                  JR     University of Penn            
 192     Bryan Wagstaff                  FR     Villanova University          
 276     Bryon Powell                    SR     Haverford College             
 104     Caitlin Furman                  JR     Keene State College           
 234     Caitlin Kight                   FR     Haverford College             
 146     Carmen Douma                    SR     Villanova University          
   8     Carmine Gentile                 SO     Widener University            
 244     Catherine Terwilliger           JR     Haverford College             
   2     Chris Baker                     FR     Widener University            
 165     Chris Johnson                   FR     Villanova University          
 270     Chris Johnstone                 SO     Haverford College             
  61     Chris Sinclair                  SO     La Salle University           
  89     Chris Wood                      SO     St. Bonaventure University    
  41     Christopher Carvelli            FR     La Salle University           
  44     Christopher Cummins             SR     La Salle University           


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 250     Claire White Crane              FR     Haverford College             
  37     Colin Benner                    SO     La Salle University           
  46     Colin Dooley                    SR     La Salle University           
 171     Colin McManus                   SO     Villanova University          
 214     Colleen O'Rourke                SO     George Washington University  
  25     Corrine Foley                   FR     Widener University            
 102     Courtney English                FR     Keene State College           
 226     Courtney Fairbanks              FR     Haverford College             
 115     Courtney Staab                  FR     Keene State College           
 174     Craig Moss                      FR     Villanova University          
 114     Crystal Smith                   SO     Keene State College           
 253     Damaris Wollenburg              JR     Haverford College             
 196     Dan Emmerson                    FR     George Washington University  
 305     Dan Grenier                     SR     University of Penn            
 267     Dan Heinz                       SO     Haverford College             
 201     Dan Sweet                       JR     George Washington University  
 189     Dan Tantino                     SO     Villanova University          
  60     Daniel Rodrigue                 SO     La Salle University           
 203     Daniel Uriano                   SR     George Washington University  
  38     Dave Benson                     SO     La Salle University           
  15     David McGuire                   SO     Widener University            
 202     David Talbird                   FR     George Washington University  
 187     Dean Smith                      SR     Villanova University          
  42     Dennis Cox                      SO     La Salle University           
 138     Don Royer                       SO     Keene State College           
 256     Doug Bennett                    SO     Haverford College             
 161     Doug Enzler                     SO     Villanova University          
 316     Doug Mascherino                 SO     West Chester University       
 263     Drew Eldredge Martin            JR     Haverford College             
  87     Duane Serpentine                SO     St. Bonaventure University    
  70     Eileen Ford                     FR     La Salle University           
 210     Eileen Kickish                  SO     George Washington University  
 218     Elizabeth Ames                  SR     Haverford College             
 238     Elizabeth Mattson               FR     Haverford College             
 302     Enrique Conde                   JR     University of Penn            
 177     Eric Reese                      SO     Villanova University          
 179     Eric Rollison                   JR     Villanova University          
 137     Eric Rounds                     FR     Keene State College           
 280     Eric Samansky                   SO     Haverford College             
  24     Erin Dirico                     FR     Widener University            
 207     Erin Farrelly                   JR     George Washington University  
 285     Garth Terry                     JR     Haverford College             
  83     Geoff Lee                       SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 153     Geraldine McCarthy              JR     Villanova University          
 119     Godfrey Berger                  SO     Keene State College           
  80     Graham Hackett                  SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 257     Greg Bielecki                   FR     Haverford College             
  39     Greg Blaszko                    SR     La Salle University           
 313     Greg Dinapoli                   SO     West Chester University       
 271     Greg Koehrsen                   JR     Haverford College             
 193     Greg Young                      SR     Villanova University          
  95     Gretta Leary                    SO     St. Bonaventure University    


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 107     Hannah Hurlburt                 SR     Keene State College           
 175     Hao Pan                         FR     Villanova University          
 118     Heather Wood                    JR     Keene State College           
 252     Heidi Witmer                    SO     Haverford College             
  69     Inez Coll                       FR     La Salle University           
 266     J.b. Haglund                    JR     Haverford College             
 260     J.p. Carter                     SR     Haverford College             
 322     Jackie Distefano                SO     West Chester University       
 236     Jacqui Lazo                     FR     Haverford College             
 199     James Moniz                     JR     George Washington University  
 249     Jane Weinman                    SR     Haverford College             
 259     Jared Butt                      JR     Haverford College             
 261     Jared Cavagnuolo                SO     Haverford College             
 262     Jason Dwyer                     JR     Haverford College             
 317     Jason McCambridge               SO     West Chester University       
 319     Jason Reider                    SO     West Chester University       
 126     Jeff Leavitt                    SO     Keene State College           
 198     Jeff McCarthy                   SR     George Washington University  
 215     Jenee Peterson                  SO     George Washington University  
  64     Jennifer Baudreau               FR     La Salle University           
 120     Jeremy Blutstein                SO     Keene State College           
 131     Jeremy Mitchell                 JR     Keene State College           
 103     Jess Francese                   SO     Keene State College           
 112     Jess Pyc                        SO     Keene State College           
 167     Jesse Laudenslager              SO     Villanova University          
 149     Jessica Franks                  JR     Villanova University          
 208     Jessica Gross                   FR     George Washington University  
 159     Jim Copperthwaite               SO     Villanova University          
 122     Jim Edson                       FR     Keene State College           
 273     Jim McGarr                      FR     Haverford College             
 283     Jim Steinemann                  SO     Haverford College             
 248     Jo Wapner                       FR     Haverford College             
  90     Joanna Blaackman                SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 228     Joanna Frang                    SR     Haverford College             
 148     Jocelyn Fontaine                FR     Villanova University          
 166     Joe Kuter                       FR     Villanova University          
  13     Joe Lafferty                    FR     Widener University            
 272     Joe McCool                      JR     Haverford College             
 172     Joe McNamara                    SR     Villanova University          
 180     Joe Santonacita                 FR     Villanova University          
 227     Johanna Francis                 FR     Haverford College             
 109     Johanna Lindberg                JR     Keene State College           
   1     John Alvanitakis                FR     Widener University            
 265     John Frisbee                    FR     Haverford College             
 295     John Krol                       SR     University of Penn            
 178     John Rogener                    FR     Villanova University          
 162     Jon Fasulo                      FR     Villanova University          
 269     Jon Holmes                      FR     Haverford College             
 181     Jon Scaccia                     SO     Villanova University          
 241     Jordan Salcito                  SO     Haverford College             
 254     Josh Adelman                    JR     Haverford College             
 278     Judson Redmond                  JR     Haverford College             


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 235     Judy Lackey                     FR     Haverford College             
 211     Julie Ann Laurance              SR     George Washington University  
 221     Karen Carmody                   JR     Haverford College             
  29     Kasey Moffitt                   SO     Widener University            
  21     Kate Connelly                   SO     Widener University            
 224     Kate Edmundson                  FR     Haverford College             
  71     Kathy Heable                    SR     La Salle University           
 219     Katie Carlson                   FR     Haverford College             
 106     Katie Guerra                    SR     Keene State College           
  28     Katie L'armand                  SR     Widener University            
 246     Katie Unger                     FR     Haverford College             
  92     Katrina Buttleman               SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 327     Kelli Williams                  SO     West Chester University       
  68     Kelly Cassidy                   JR     La Salle University           
 239     Kelly Pollak                    SO     Haverford College             
 326     Kelly Walton                    SO     West Chester University       
 116     Kelly Ward                      FR     Keene State College           
 160     Kevin Cummings                  JR     Villanova University          
 304     Kevin Galloway                  FR     University of Penn            
  56     Kevin Myles                     SR     La Salle University           
 298     Kevin Patric                    FR     University of Penn            
 100     Kristen Bohrer                  FR     Keene State College           
 101     Kristen Burns                   JR     Keene State College           
  73     Kristen Jenko                   FR     La Salle University           
  27     Kristen Lane                    SO     Widener University            
 155     Kristen Nicolini                SR     Villanova University          
 251     Kristen Wilson                  FR     Haverford College             
  26     Kristin Joyce                   FR     Widener University            
  34     Kristin Sheerin                 SO     Widener University            
  57     Kyle Norris                     SO     La Salle University           
  62     Kyle Trocalla                   SR     La Salle University           
  20     Laura Capik                     SO     Widener University            
  23     Laura Detwiler                  JR     Widener University            
 209     Laura Jennings                  FR     George Washington University  
 105     Lauren Gray                     FR     Keene State College           
 328     Leanne Daniels                  SO     La Salle University           
  77     Leyna Williams                  FR     La Salle University           
  86     Liam Moren                      SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 230     Libby George                    JR     Haverford College             
  94     Linda Kobus                     SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 245     Lindsay Turk                    SO     Haverford College             
 240     Lisa Porricelli                 FR     Haverford College             
 143     Liz Awtrey                      FR     Villanova University          
 237     Liz Lucas                       FR     Haverford College             
  32     Liz Roberts                     SR     Widener University            
 151     Lony'e Johnson                  SR     Villanova University          
 307     Luke Kim                        SO     University of Penn            
 132     Luke Mitchell                   FR     Keene State College           
 212     Mackenzie Jessen                FR     George Washington University  
 321     Maggie Addvensky                SO     West Chester University       
  40     Marc Beuparlant                 JR     La Salle University           
 293     Mark Granshaw                   SR     University of Penn            


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 130     Mark Miller                     FR     Keene State College           
  35     Marlin Barrier                  SO     La Salle University           
 325     Mary Ovelman                    SO     West Chester University       
 111     Mary Proulx                     FR     Keene State College           
  78     Matt Bach                       SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 290     Matt Caporaletti                SO     University of Penn            
   6     Matt Doumaux                    FR     Widener University            
   7     Matt Enders                     FR     Widener University            
 292     Matt Gioffre                    SO     University of Penn            
 123     Matt Hjorth                     JR     Keene State College           
 197     Matt Kascak                     FR     George Washington University  
 129     Matt Meyer                      JR     Keene State College           
 282     Matt Spigelman                  SO     Haverford College             
 139     Matt St. Germaine               FR     Keene State College           
  65     Maura Calahan                   JR     La Salle University           
  66     Maureen Carroll                 JR     La Salle University           
  91     Megan Braun                     SO     St. Bonaventure University    
  67     Megan Carroll                   SR     La Salle University           
 145     Meghan Courtney                 JR     Villanova University          
 243     Meghan Sullivan                 SO     Haverford College             
 225     Melicia Escobar                 JR     Haverford College             
 220     Melinda Carlson                 JR     Haverford College             
  45     Michael Dijulia                 SO     La Salle University           
  47     Michael Fox                     SR     La Salle University           
  50     Michael Hendricks               SR     La Salle University           
 306     Michael Hipinstall              FR     University of Penn            
  51     Michael James                   SR     La Salle University           
 296     Michael Lorelli                 SO     University of Penn            
  88     Michael Thomas                  SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 311     Michael Zbiegion                SR     University of Penn            
 194     Mike Donaldson                  JR     George Washington University  
  10     Mike Henly                      FR     Widener University            
 170     Mike Maggio                     FR     Villanova University          
 318     Mike Orzechowski                SO     West Chester University       
  59     Mike Robinson                   SR     La Salle University           
  81     Mikkel Hagen                    SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 233     Molly Kaplan                    SO     Haverford College             
 242     Molly Smith                     JR     Haverford College             
 195     Nathan Edwards                  FR     George Washington University  
 288     Nathan Wright                   SR     Haverford College             
  75     Ndidi Obichere                  FR     La Salle University           
 303     Nick Fawzi                      SO     University of Penn            
  58     Nick Pagano                     SR     La Salle University           
 185     Nick Shunda                     FR     Villanova University          
  30     Nicole Pallazzolo               SR     Widener University            
 110     Nicole Powell                   FR     Keene State College           
  52     Omar Knight                     JR     La Salle University           
 216     Paige Simms                     SO     George Washington University  
 314     Pat Flanagan                    SO     West Chester University       
  48     Patrick Gallagher               SR     La Salle University           
 164     Patrick Hickey                  FR     Villanova University          
 157     Paul Carroll                    FR     Villanova University          


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 169     Paul Levis                      SO     Villanova University          
 135     Paul Phelps                     FR     Keene State College           
 186     Paul Smisek                     FR     Villanova University          
 142     Paul Visser                     FR     Keene State College           
 182     Pete Schultz                    SR     Villanova University          
 279     Peter Rook                      SO     Haverford College             
 287     Ralph Vatner                    SR     Haverford College             
  85     Rich Mason                      SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 173     Rick McVoy                      SO     Villanova University          
 133     Rob Murphy                      SR     Keene State College           
 204     Rob Wolcheski                   FR     George Washington University  
  36     Robert Bell                     SO     La Salle University           
  82     Robert Kernan                   SO     St. Bonaventure University    
  18     Robert Ward                     SO     Widener University            
 258     Ronnie Bossert                  SO     Haverford College             
  72     Roxanne Hughes                  SR     La Salle University           
 213     Ruth Michel                     SO     George Washington University  
  11     Ryota Ishiwata                  SR     Widener University            
  93     Sara Geith                      SO     St. Bonaventure University    
  19     Sarah Brill                     FR     Widener University            
 222     Sarah Cummings                  JR     Haverford College             
 223     Sarah Domby                     SO     Haverford College             
 231     Sarah Hall                      SR     Haverford College             
 217     Sarah Traynor                   JR     George Washington University  
 150     Sarah Vance Goodman             SO     Villanova University          
 312     Scott Burns                     SO     West Chester University       
 291     Scott Clayton                   SR     University of Penn            
 124     Scott Jenson                    SR     Keene State College           
  54     Scott Levell                    SR     La Salle University           
 141     Scott Singleton                 JR     Keene State College           
 190     Scott Tantino                   SR     Villanova University          
 315     Sean Ferrance                   SO     West Chester University       
 297     Sean Macmillan                  SR     University of Penn            
  79     Shannon Ells                    SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 108     Sharon Jensen                   SR     Keene State College           
  84     Shawn Marek                     SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 152     Sheila Klick                    FR     Villanova University          
 229     Shelli Frey                     JR     Haverford College             
  74     Solomiya Login                  SO     La Salle University           
  97     Staci Noecker                   SO     St. Bonaventure University    
 309     Stefan Kolata                   FR     University of Penn            
 324     Steph Moss                      SO     West Chester University       
 275     Stephon Petro                   JR     Haverford College             
 121     Steve Craffey                   FR     Keene State College           
 144     Susan Billings                  JR     Villanova University          
  33     Tara Shaw                       SO     Widener University            
 286     Terry Turner                    FR     Haverford College             
  22     Theresa Coughlin                SO     Widener University            
  43     Thomas Cresong                  SO     La Salle University           
  16     Thomas McLaughlin               SO     Widener University            
   4     Tim Callinan                    SO     Widener University            
  55     Tim McAteer                     SO     La Salle University           


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 188     Tim Styler                      FR     Villanova University          
   5     Todd Donahue                    SR     Widener University            
   9     Todd Hamski                     FR     Widener University            
  49     Todd Henderson                  FR     La Salle University           
 136     Todd Piper                      FR     Keene State College           
  63     Todd Witzlchen                  FR     La Salle University           
 176     Tom Parlapiano                  FR     Villanova University          
  76     Toniann Razzi                   SR     La Salle University           
 274     Tyson Oberndorfer               SO     Haverford College             
 323     Vicki Ludwig                    SO     West Chester University       
 320     Vince Zingaro                   SO     West Chester University       
 200     Vincent Pace                    SO     George Washington University  
   3     Will Brownback                  SO     Widener University            
 284     Willie Stroever                 SO     Haverford College             
 134     Wilson Perez                    JR     Keene State College           
 205     Yumi Cosbert                    FR     George Washington University  

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