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LaSalle Cross Country Individual Men Results

NCAA division III cross country championships, college race, x-country software, team scores, individual x-country results


  DATE                Saturday, October 2, 1999

  TIME                3:30PM (74F SUNNY) 


  DISTANCE            8K                

PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

   1  Sean Macmillan                University of Penn            24:54.27  SR
   2  Scott Clayton                 University of Penn            24:55.04  SR
   3  Kevin Myles                   La Salle University           24:57.95  SR
   4  Scott Tantino                 Villanova University          25:03.12  SR
   5  Matt Gioffre                  University of Penn            25:16.24  SO
   6  Tom Parlapiano                Villanova University          25:24.04  FR
   7  Scott Jenson                  Keene State College           25:26.90  SR
   8  Scott Levell                  La Salle University           25:31.02  SR
   9  Ben Showers                   Villanova University          25:41.07  SO
  10  Eric Reese                    Villanova University          25:45.46  SO
  11  Tim Mcateer                   La Salle University           25:51.67  SO
  12  Colin Dooley                  La Salle University           25:57.99  SR
  13  Kyle Norris                   La Salle University           26:00.46  SO
  14  Dean Smith                    Villanova University          26:01.83  SR
  15  Todd Witzlchen                La Salle University           26:02.16  FR
  16  Bryan Kovalsky                University of Penn            26:12.43  JR
  17  Todd Henderson                La Salle University           26:17.65  FR
  18  Anthony Ragucci               University of Penn            26:19.79  SO
  19  Jeff Mccarthy                 George Washington University  26:22.21  SR
  20  Christopher Cummins           La Salle University           26:24.90  SR
  21  Godfrey Berger                Keene State College           26:25.61  SO
  22  Matt St. Germaine             Keene State College           26:30.12  FR
  23  Patrick Gallagher             La Salle University           26:33.52  SR
  24  Nick Pagano                   La Salle University           26:38.91  SR
  25  Andy Kish                     University of Penn            26:39.24  JR
  26  Mark Miller                   Keene State College           26:47.20  FR
  27  David Talbird                 George Washington University  26:47.58  FR
  28  Paul Visser                   Keene State College           26:48.08  FR
  29  Paul Carroll                  Villanova University          26:49.73  FR
  30  Greg Blaszko                  La Salle University           26:51.05  SR
  31  Dennis Cox                    La Salle University           26:53.08  SO
  32  Nathan Wright                 Haverford College             26:56.04  SR
  33  Jim Steinemann                Haverford College             26:57.31  SO
  34  Anthony Sager                 University of Penn            26:58.08  FR
  35  Ronnie Bossert                Haverford College             27:02.74  SO
  36  Jason Dwyer                   Haverford College             27:03.07  JR
  37  Chris Johnson                 Villanova University          27:03.40  FR
  38  Colin Benner                  La Salle University           27:05.66  SO


PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

  39  Dan Tantino                   Villanova University          27:06.04  SO
  40  Tim Styler                    Villanova University          27:07.85  FR
  41  Doug Bennett                  Haverford College             27:10.10  SO
  42  Peter Rook                    Haverford College             27:10.93  SO
  43  Matt Kascak                   George Washington University  27:11.75  FR
  44  Joe Mccool                    Haverford College             27:12.52  JR
  45  Scott Singleton               Keene State College           27:13.67  JR
  46  Tim Callinan                  Widener University            27:15.05  SO
  47  J.B. Haglund                  Haverford College             27:16.75  JR
  48  Marc Beuparlant               La Salle University           27:31.53  JR
  49  Vince Zingaro                 West Chester University       27:31.85  SO
  50  Willie Stroever               Haverford College             27:34.38  SO
  51  Tyson Oberndorfer             Haverford College             27:39.54  SO
  52  Brian Klick                   Widener University            27:42.95  JR
  53  Michael Lorelli               University of Penn            27:50.47  SO
  54  Nick Fawzi                    University of Penn            27:55.53  SO
  55  Pat Flanagan                  West Chester University       27:56.13  SO
  56  Luke Mitchell                 Keene State College           28:02.28  FR
  57  Colin Mcmanus                 Villanova University          28:08.44  SO
  58  Andy Knapp                    Keene State College           28:09.81  SR
  59  Matt Enders                   Widener University            28:12.83  FR
  60  Michael Fox                   La Salle University           28:14.04  SR
  61  Mark Granshaw                 University of Penn            28:21.34  SR
  62  Carmine Gentile               Widener University            28:25.24  SO
  63  Greg Bielecki                 Haverford College             28:35.18  FR
  64  Duane Serpentine              St. Bonaventure University    28:35.46  SO
  65  Hao Pan                       Villanova University          28:36.23  FR
  66  Judson Redmond                Haverford College             28:37.60  JR
  67  Jason Reider                  West Chester University       28:39.30  SO
  68  Paul Phelps                   Keene State College           28:45.18  FR
  69  Brick Bergeson                University of Penn            28:49.90  JR
  70  Chris Johnstone               Haverford College             28:51.66  SO
  71  Brian Anderson                Villanova University          28:56.82  FR
  72  David Mcguire                 Widener University            28:57.10  SO
  73  Greg Dinapoli                 West Chester University       28:58.03  SO
  74  Nathan Edwards                George Washington University  28:58.97  FR
  75  Mike Maggio                   Villanova University          28:59.46  FR
  76  Matt Doumaux                  Widener University            29:07.59  FR
  77  Scott Burns                   West Chester University       29:10.28  SO
  78  Shannon Ells                  St. Bonaventure University    29:11.11  SO
  79  John Rogener                  Villanova University          29:18.36  FR
  80  Jim Copperthwaite             Villanova University          29:25.83  SO
  81  Geoff Lee                     St. Bonaventure University    29:39.72  SO
  82  Shawn Marek                   St. Bonaventure University    29:54.33  SO
  83  Daniel Uriano                 George Washington University  30:14.54  SR
  84  Jason Mccambridge             West Chester University       30:16.91  SO
  85  Jim Mcgarr                    Haverford College             30:17.18  FR
  86  James Moniz                   George Washington University  30:34.76  JR
  87  Matt Bach                     St. Bonaventure University    30:39.37  SO
  88  Vincent Pace                  George Washington University  30:52.11  SO


PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

  89  Rich Mason                    St. Bonaventure University    30:59.47  SO
  90  Liam Moren                    St. Bonaventure University    31:11.06  SO
  91  Michael Thomas                St. Bonaventure University    31:24.19  SO
  92  Todd Donahue                  Widener University            31:29.24  SR
  93  Robert Kernan                 St. Bonaventure University    31:38.75  SO
  94  Mikkel Hagen                  St. Bonaventure University    31:42.21  SO
  95  Graham Hackett                St. Bonaventure University    32:22.47  SO
  96  Sean Ferrance                 West Chester University       34:57.90  SO


  DATE                Saturday, October 2, 1999

  TIME                4PM (74F SUNNY)    


  DISTANCE            5K                

PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

   1  Stefan Kolata                 University of Penn            16:39.56  FR
   2  Thomas Cresong                La Salle University           16:49.67  SO
   3  Doug Enzler                   Villanova University          16:51.81  SO
   4  Kevin Patric                  University of Penn            16:56.26  FR
   5  Andrew Cameron                Villanova University          17:04.61  FR
   6  Michael Dijulia               La Salle University           17:07.58  SO
   7  Brian Kordeck                 La Salle University           17:09.72  JR
   8  Daniel Rodrigue               La Salle University           17:25.26  SO
   9  Al Clay                       Villanova University          17:28.72  SO
  10  Patrick Hickey                Villanova University          17:31.91  FR
  11  Anthony Fleg                  Haverford College             17:33.72  SR
  12  Robert Bell                   La Salle University           17:34.98  SO
  13  Kyle Trocalla                 La Salle University           17:36.41  SR
  14  Alex Au                       Haverford College             17:39.82  SR
  15  Dan Heinz                     Haverford College             17:41.19  SO
  16  Joe Santonacita               Villanova University          17:58.55  FR
  17  Brian Tillett                 Villanova University          17:59.37  SO
  18  Michael Zbiegion              University of Penn            18:00.91  SR
  19  J.P. Carter                   Haverford College             18:01.46  SR
  20  Bryon Powell                  Haverford College             18:08.43  SR
  21  Eric Rollison                 Villanova University          18:14.26  JR
  22  Dan Grenier                   University of Penn            18:14.59  SR
  23  Bob Sellars                   Haverford College             18:18.16  FR
  24  John Frisbee                  Haverford College             18:19.97  FR
  25  Jon Holmes                    Haverford College             18:22.17  FR
  26  Alex Francani                 Villanova University          18:22.82  FR
  27  Michael Hipinstall            University of Penn            18:23.54  FR
  28  Eric Samansky                 Haverford College             18:27.55  SO
  29  Adam Raphael                  Haverford College             18:29.86  SR
  30  Nick Shunda                   Villanova University          18:31.94  FR
  31  Dave Benson                   La Salle University           18:33.97  SO
  32  Josh Adelman                  Haverford College             18:34.91  JR
  33  Greg Koehrsen                 Haverford College             18:42.16  JR
  34  Joe Kuter                     Villanova University          18:44.63  FR
  35  Craig Moss                    Villanova University          19:12.15  FR
  36  Bryan Wagstaff                Villanova University          19:12.42  FR
  37  Jared Cavagnuolo              Haverford College             19:19.95  SO
  38  Ralph Vatner                  Haverford College             19:35.22  SR


PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

  39  Paul Smisek                   Villanova University          19:44.28  FR
  40  Kevin Cummings                Villanova University          20:05.65  JR
  41  Matt Spigelman                Haverford College             20:13.01  SO
  42  Drew Eldredge Martin          Haverford College             21:07.93  JR
  43  Dan Sweet                     George Washington University  21:29.57  JR
  44  Terry Turner                  Haverford College             29:21.11  FR


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