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Saint Joseph's Bertelsman Invitation - Registered Competitors

NCAA division III cross country championships, college race, x-country software, team scores, individual x-country results

ATTENDING SCHOOLS REPORT                                             09/25/99


Fordham                          MEN       14   WOMEN     14

Haverford College                MEN        1

Monmouth University              MEN       17   WOMEN     17

St. John's University            MEN       14   WOMEN     15

St. Joseph's University          MEN       17   WOMEN     17

Unattached Competitors           WOMEN      2

University of Delaware           MEN       18

University of Penn               WOMEN     29

Wagner College                   MEN       12   WOMEN     13

Widener University               MEN       18   WOMEN     16


COMPETITOR NAME LISTING                                             09/25/99

COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

  79     Adam Young                      SO     University of Delaware        
  12     Alana Pfieger                   FR     Monmouth University           
 132     Alexandra Bliss                 FR     University of Penn            
 229     Allison Reger                   FR     Widener University            
  10     Amala Merritt                   JR     Monmouth University           
 182     Amy Bashore                     FR     St. Joseph's University       
 138     Amy Griffin                     JR     Fordham                       
 101     Amy Lisojo                      JR     Wagner College                
  16     Amy Werner                      SO     Monmouth University           
 144     Andrea Pricskett                FR     Fordham                       
 124     Andrea Scribner                 FR     University of Penn            
  85     Andrew Doyle                    FR     Wagner College                
  41     Andrew Janosick                 SO     St. John's University         
  26     Andrew Rumph                    SO     Monmouth University           
 215     Andy Quaile                     SR     Widener University            
 136     Anne Buchanan                   FR     Fordham                       
  84     Anthony Canova                  JR     Wagner College                
 130     Becky Tracy                     FR     University of Penn            
  36     Ben Catalano                    SO     St. John's University         
 170     Ben Koch                        SO     St. Joseph's University       
 116     Beth Falkof                     FR     University of Penn            
 168     Bill Hoffman                    SO     St. Joseph's University       
  22     Bill Mason                      FR     Monmouth University           
  25     Bill Ott                        SR     Monmouth University           
 169     Billy James                     SO     St. Joseph's University       
  34     Blaine Williams                 SR     Monmouth University           
  30     Bob Shapson                     SR     Monmouth University           
  19     Brad Bisinger                   SO     Monmouth University           
 210     Brian Klick                     JR     Widener University            
 212     Brian McDonnell                 SO     Widener University            
 177     Brian Rosetti                   SO     St. Joseph's University       
 153     Carl Disarno                    SO     Fordham                       
 206     Carmine Gentile                 SO     Widener University            
 146     Carrin Saas                     JR     Fordham                       
  95     Caruso Veronica                 SO     Wagner College                
 200     Chris Baker                     FR     Widener University            
  86     Chris Fekete                    SR     Wagner College                
  42     Chris Kahl                      SO     St. John's University         
  90     Chris Kary                      SO     Wagner College                
 114     Christina Enyon                 SO     University of Penn            
 140     Christina Juva                  JR     Fordham                       
 188     Christine Kane                  JR     St. Joseph's University       
 105     Colleen Thompson                SR     Wagner College                
 223     Corrine Foley                   FR     Widener University            
  43     Damian Kenwood                  SO     St. John's University         
 173     Dan Mays                        FR     St. Joseph's University       
  56     Danielle Eckartz                SO     St. John's University         
  58     Danielle Eckartz                SO     St. John's University         
 193     Danielle Salvia                 SR     St. Joseph's University       
  71     Dave Finneran                   SO     University of Delaware        
 213     David McGuire                   SO     Widener University            
 186     Denise Fergus                   SO     St. Joseph's University       


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 160     Dennis Sweeney                  SO     Fordham                       
  61     Dinah Mensah                    SO     St. John's University         
  82     Doug Auer                       SO     Wagner College                
  70     Ed Douglas                      SO     University of Delaware        
 115     Eileen Duffy                    JR     University of Penn            
 133     Emily Sheetz                    FR     University of Penn            
 123     Emily Turner                    FR     University of Penn            
  99     Erika Heffernan                 FR     Wagner College                
 222     Erin Dirico                     FR     Widener University            
  59     Erin Hayes                      SO     St. John's University         
 142     Erin Murphy                     JR     Fordham                       
  45     Ezra Leslie                     SO     St. John's University         
  24     Felix Olivo                     SR     Monmouth University           
  52     Francis Bundy                   SO     St. John's University         
  96     French Tanya                    FR     Wagner College                
 192     Gabby Quezada                   SR     St. Joseph's University       
  97     Garetano Lauren                 FR     Wagner College                
 164     Garth Jerry                     JR     Haverford College             
 166     Geoff Fahey                     FR     St. Joseph's University       
 234     Georgina Bendana                       Unattached Competitors        
  38     Ghandi Elkantar                 SO     St. John's University         
 149     Grace White                     FR     Fordham                       
  47     Ian Roberts                     SO     St. John's University         
 156     James Grimaldi                  FR     Fordham                       
  28     James Rutzler                   JR     Monmouth University           
 127     Jaqueline Rogozinski            FR     University of Penn            
  44     Jason Kokoszka                  SO     St. John's University         
  29     Jason Santucci                  FR     Monmouth University           
 180     Jeff Storch                     SO     St. Joseph's University       
 162     Jeffrey Walsh                   FR     Fordham                       
  57     Jen Doherty                     SO     St. John's University         
 187     Jenna James                     SR     St. Joseph's University       
 102     Jennifer Merschoff              JR     Wagner College                
 174     Jesse McDonald                  FR     St. Joseph's University       
 134     Jessica Hulse                   SO     University of Penn            
 117     Jessica Lloyd                   SO     University of Penn            
  13     Jessica Pratt                   SO     Monmouth University           
  66     Jim Catella                     SO     University of Delaware        
 179     Jim Smith                       SO     St. Joseph's University       
 181     Jim Tate                        SR     St. Joseph's University       
 211     Joe Lafferty                    FR     Widener University            
 171     Joe Lanci                       JR     St. Joseph's University       
  77     Joe Quigley                     SO     University of Delaware        
 199     John Alvanitakis                FR     Widener University            
 157     John Keaveny                    SO     Fordham                       
 161     John Thomas                     SO     Fordham                       
  33     John Werner                     SR     Monmouth University           
 154     Jonathan Flood                  JR     Fordham                       
 159     Jonathan Scott                  SO     Fordham                       
 163     Jonathan Williams               JR     Fordham                       
  48     Jose Zayas                      SO     St. John's University         
  21     Joseph Daniels                  JR     Monmouth University           


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

   7     Kandace Leuallen                FR     Monmouth University           
 118     Karen Thomas                    SO     University of Penn            
  94     Karina Acevado                  FR     Wagner College                
 178     Karl Savage                     JR     St. Joseph's University       
 227     Kasey Moffitt                   SO     Widener University            
 219     Kate Connelly                   SO     Widener University            
 145     Katherine Rose                  JR     Fordham                       
 111     Katie Henderson                 SO     University of Penn            
 226     Katie L'armand                  SR     Widener University            
 189     Katie Mauger                    FR     St. Joseph's University       
  50     Katrina Blaho                   SO     St. John's University         
 151     Keith Bushey                    SO     Fordham                       
 198     Kelly Fleming                   FR     St. Joseph's University       
 121     Kerry Saladino                  SO     University of Penn            
 112     Kim Huang                       SO     University of Penn            
 103     Kim Naughton                    FR     Wagner College                
 191     Kim O'Donnell                   SR     St. Joseph's University       
  17     Kim Wolozen                     FR     Monmouth University           
 225     Kristen Lane                    SO     Widener University            
 224     Kristin Joyce                   FR     Widener University            
 232     Kristin Sheerin                 SO     Widener University            
  63     Kristin Zajac                   SO     St. John's University         
 147     Lashawn Scott                   JR     Fordham                       
 218     Laura Capik                     SO     Widener University            
 221     Laura Detwiler                  JR     Widener University            
 120     Laura Phillips                  SR     University of Penn            
 113     Lauren Avallone                 FR     University of Penn            
 106     Lauren Werchinski               FR     Wagner College                
 129     Leigh Mesler                    FR     University of Penn            
   2     Lisa Flood                      SR     Monmouth University           
 230     Liz Roberts                     SR     Widener University            
 194     Liz Sweeney                     SR     St. Joseph's University       
 125     Lucia Leone                     FR     University of Penn            
  60     Lynn Medjuck                    SO     St. John's University         
   6     Madeline Hoos                   SO     Monmouth University           
 141     Margaret McDermott              FR     Fordham                       
  68     Mark Dawson                     SO     University of Delaware        
 155     Mark Gennarelli                 SO     Fordham                       
   5     Marquita Hannibal               SO     Monmouth University           
  11     Maryanne Nicks                  FR     Monmouth University           
  67     Matt Clement                    SO     University of Delaware        
  37     Matt Cotter                     SO     St. John's University         
 204     Matt Doumaux                    FR     Widener University            
 205     Matt Enders                     FR     Widener University            
 172     Matt Lewis                      FR     St. Joseph's University       
  78     Matt Swierzbinski               SO     University of Delaware        
  93     Matteo Rosselli                 SO     Wagner College                
 128     McKenzie Tepel                  FR     University of Penn            
   4     Megan Goodwin                   FR     Monmouth University           
  98     Megan Haley                     FR     Wagner College                
 143     Megan Murphy                    JR     Fordham                       
 183     Meghan Clancy                   JR     St. Joseph's University       


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 139     Meghan Hanley                   FR     Fordham                       
 197     Meghan Wynne                    FR     St. Joseph's University       
  14     Melissa Saraiva                 SO     Monmouth University           
 119     Mercy Okoye                     SO     University of Penn            
 109     Meredith Rossner                JR     University of Penn            
 152     Michael Collins                 FR     Fordham                       
 158     Michael Moyles                  JR     Fordham                       
  27     Michael Russo                   JR     Monmouth University           
  69     Micheal Digennaro               SO     University of Delaware        
  83     Mike Brady                      JR     Wagner College                
  20     Mike Clemente                   SO     Monmouth University           
 208     Mike Henly                      FR     Widener University            
  72     Mike Innis                      SO     University of Delaware        
 175     Mike Miles                      SO     St. Joseph's University       
  92     Mike Poole                      JR     Wagner College                
  55     Monique Daniels                 SO     St. John's University         
 196     Nadia Warringer                 SR     St. Joseph's University       
 185     Natalie Difelice                SO     St. Joseph's University       
 131     Neha Amin                       FR     University of Penn            
  64     Nick Barresi                    SO     University of Delaware        
  51     Nicole Braxton                  SO     St. John's University         
 126     Nicole Chargualaf               FR     University of Penn            
  54     Nicole Corsey                   SO     St. John's University         
   3     Nicole Froehlich                FR     Monmouth University           
   9     Nicole McAnaney                 FR     Monmouth University           
 228     Nicole Pallazzolo               SR     Widener University            
 195     Nikki Thiemann                  SO     St. Joseph's University       
 233     Olive Smart                            Unattached Competitors        
 137     Pamela Endres                   FR     Fordham                       
  65     Patrick Boettcher               SO     University of Delaware        
  91     Paul Pampalone                  SO     Wagner College                
  31     Paul Skolarczyk                 SO     Monmouth University           
  32     Paul Spurrier                   SR     Monmouth University           
  81     Paul Visentin                   SO     University of Delaware        
  23     Paulo Oliveira                  JR     Monmouth University           
  35     Peter Alfano                    SO     St. John's University         
  73     Peter Kelly                     SO     University of Delaware        
  46     Phil McClean                    SO     St. John's University         
  39     Rob Gary                        SO     St. John's University         
  89     Rob Julian                      SO     Wagner College                
  75     Robb Munro                      SO     University of Delaware        
 216     Robert Ward                     SO     Widener University            
  18     Ron Bertram                     SR     Monmouth University           
  53     Roslyn Coddette                 SO     St. John's University         
 165     Ryan Anderson                   SR     St. Joseph's University       
 150     Ryan Burgess                    FR     Fordham                       
 209     Ryota Ishiwata                  SR     Widener University            
  40     Sam Haines                      SO     St. John's University         
 107     Samantha Desposito              SO     University of Penn            
 217     Sarah Brill                     FR     Widener University            
 184     Sarah Conway                    FR     St. Joseph's University       
 110     Stephanie Bell                  SR     University of Penn        


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

   1     Stephanie Carlin                SR     Monmouth University           
  74     Steve Majkrzak                  SO     University of Delaware        
 108     Suzie Cook                      SO     University of Penn            
   8     Tara Losito                     FR     Monmouth University           
 231     Tara Shaw                       SO     Widener University            
 190     Taryn McGouldrick               SR     St. Joseph's University       
  15     Terra Sarnacki Rover            SR     Monmouth University           
 122     Terry Alicia                    SO     University of Penn            
 220     Theresa Coughlin                SO     Widener University            
 214     Thomas McLaughlin               SO     Widener University            
  49     Tiffany Barnes                  SO     St. John's University         
 202     Tim Callinan                    SO     Widener University            
 167     Tim Fisher                      FR     St. Joseph's University       
 100     Tina Huggler                    SO     Wagner College                
 203     Todd Donahue                    SR     Widener University            
 207     Todd Hamski                     FR     Widener University            
  87     Tom Hopkins                     JR     Wagner College                
  88     Tom Horan                       SO     Wagner College                
 176     Tom O'Connell                   SR     St. Joseph's University       
  62     Tomika Warren                   SO     St. John's University         
  80     Tony Bockius                    SO     University of Delaware        
  76     Tony Palmer                     SO     University of Delaware        
 148     Tracy Sipka                     SR     Fordham                       
 104     Wendy Roth                      SR     Wagner College                
 201     Will Brownback                  SO     Widener University            
 135     Yolande Tomlinson               SO     University of Penn            

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