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Cabrini Invitational - Attending Schools

cross country results -- cross country invitational, college race, x-country software, lehigh PIAA District I, high school x-country
ATTENDING SCHOOLS REPORT                                             10/23/99


Beaver College                   MEN        9   WOMEN     13

Cabrini College                  MEN        7   WOMEN      9

Georgian Court College           WOMEN      7

Gwynedd Mercy College            MEN        8   WOMEN      1

Holy Family College              WOMEN      5

Immaculata College               WOMEN      7

King's College                   MEN        6   WOMEN     10

Marywood University              MEN       12   WOMEN     14

Misericordia College             MEN       11   WOMEN     12

Neumann College                  MEN        6   WOMEN      5

Rutgers University - Camden      MEN        2   WOMEN      2

University of the Sciences       MEN        7   WOMEN      8

Valley Forge Military Academy    MEN       10

Wesley College                   MEN        7   WOMEN      6

Williamson Trade                 MEN       12

York College                     MEN       15   WOMEN     12


COMPETITOR NAME LISTING                                             10/23/99

COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 118     Aaron Smith                     SR     Beaver College                
 184     Adam Kotowski                   SO     University of the Sciences    
 221     Adam Torgun                     SO     Rutgers University - Camden   
  52     Aimee Oppenheimer               SR     Georgian Court College        
 121     Alexandra Almaguer              FR     Beaver College                
  59     Alexis Strelecki                JR     Immaculata College            
  23     Alice Alexander                 SO     Neumann College               
 122     Amanda Boccard                  JR     Beaver College                
 102     Amanda Ketzner                  SO     York College                  
 133     Amy Young                       FR     Beaver College                
 115     An Nguyen                       JR     Beaver College                
 222     Andrea Belusik                  SR     Rutgers University - Camden   
  13     Andrea Dragone                  FR     Cabrini College               
 217     Andrew Horah                    FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
  83     Andy Clinton                    SO     York College                  
 203     Angela Brown                    SO     Wesley College                
 172     Angela Snyder                   SR     Marywood University           
 105     Angela Tripp                    SR     York College                  
  20     Anthony Mascia                  FR     Neumann College               
 171     Barbara Rattigan                SR     Marywood University           
 130     Becky Schray                    JR     Beaver College                
  92     Ben Rogers                      SO     York College                  
  38     Beth Armwavage                  FR     Misericordia College          
 223     Beth Fox                        SR     Rutgers University - Camden   
  47     Beth Lowe                       JR     Misericordia College          
  18     Bob Hoesch                      FR     Neumann College               
 162     Bob Stevens                     SO     Marywood University           
 160     Brad Carlson                    JR     Marywood University           
 216     Brad Goodwin                    FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 164     Brandon Hill                    FR     Marywood University           
  28     Brian Bianchi                   SR     Misericordia College          
 183     Brian Burke                     SO     University of the Sciences    
 220     Brian Hadley                    SO     Rutgers University - Camden   
 165     Brian Mazzarella                FR     Marywood University           
  33     Brian Patton                    FR     Misericordia College          
  37     Brian Williams                  JR     Misericordia College          
 175     Bridget Walsh                   SO     Marywood University           
  55     Camille Barone                  SO     Georgian Court College        
 178     Carolina Kzenoviaz              FR     Marywood University           
  10     Celena Blasucci                 JR     Cabrini College               
 159     Charlie Ackley                  JR     Marywood University           
 137     Chris Lawhorn                   JR     Williamson Trade              
 149     Chris Lorenc                    FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
 103     Chris Mullinix                  JR     York College                  
 215     Chris Puccia                    FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 197     Chris Ward                      SO     Wesley College                
 188     Chrissy Woodruff                FR     University of the Sciences    
 161     Christian Gerandzol             SR     Marywood University           
  96     Christie Bateman                SR     York College                  
  73     Christine McDonnell             JR     King's College                
  61     Christine Suppa                 FR     Immaculata College            
 201     Clay Beauchamp                  SO     Wesley College                


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

  29     Corey Gallagher                 SO     Misericordia College          
 144     Dan Olenhouse                   FR     Williamson Trade              
 191     Dana Ramsey                     FR     University of the Sciences    
 131     Dana Szwajkowski                FR     Beaver College                
 125     Danie Joyce                     JR     Beaver College                
  54     Danielle Curivan                SO     Georgian Court College        
  98     Danielle Deppen                 JR     York College                  
  26     Danielle Myers                  SO     Neumann College               
  27     Dave Allison                    FR     Misericordia College          
 139     Dave Carrero                    FR     Williamson Trade              
 202     David Ober                      SO     Wesley College                
 116     David Owens                     FR     Beaver College                
 119     David Weinholtz                 FR     Beaver College                
 170     Debby Popper                    SR     Marywood University           
   3     Dom Staino                      JR     Cabrini College               
 211     Ed Ayers                        FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 123     Eileen Butkovic                 FR     Beaver College                
  62     Elizabeth Kazsuba               FR     Immaculata College            
 212     Eric Grabli                     FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
  34     Eric Pyler                      JR     Misericordia College          
 190     Erica Alexander                 FR     University of the Sciences    
  24     Erica Kulcycki                  SR     Neumann College               
 181     Erik Soderblom                  SO     University of the Sciences    
  77     Erin Malone                     FR     King's College                
 142     Ernest Facchine                 FR     Williamson Trade              
 146     Fran McLaughlin                 FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
  21     Frank Ruffo                     FR     Neumann College               
 214     Frank Ruggiero                  FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 204     Gail Norheim                    SO     Wesley College                
 166     Gary Puhalla                    FR     Marywood University           
 141     Gene Graney                     FR     Williamson Trade              
 101     Genevieve Kester                SO     York College                  
  87     Geoff Goyne                     SO     York College                  
  63     Gina Lamarra                    SO     Immaculata College            
 174     Ginny Rose Trainor              SO     Marywood University           
  25     Hayley Bernard                  JR     Neumann College               
  41     Heather Glunk                   SO     Misericordia College          
  50     Heather Mooney                  SR     Georgian Court College        
 132     Heather Wagner                  SO     Beaver College                
  19     J. T. Quinn                     FR     Neumann College               
  66     James Gidosh                    SR     King's College                
  79     Jamie Ford                      FR     King's College                
  43     Jana Hart                       SR     Misericordia College          
 195     Janet Boyle                     FR     University of the Sciences    
   1     Jason Bull                      JR     Cabrini College               
  84     Jason Cook                      SO     York College                  
 185     Jason David Donnelly            JR     University of the Sciences    
 186     Jason Harrington                FR     University of the Sciences    
 136     Jason Jacques                   JR     Williamson Trade              
 192     Jean Macdougall                 FR     University of the Sciences    
  15     Jeanine Williams                FR     Cabrini College               
   2     Jeff Fullem                     SR     Cabrini College               


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

  45     Jen Holmes                      SR     Misericordia College          
 100     Jen Johnston                    FR     York College                  
 127     Jen Patoki                      JR     Beaver College                
 106     Jen Weiss                       FR     York College                  
  14     Jennifer Coots                  FR     Cabrini College               
  51     Jennifer Newman                 SR     Georgian Court College        
  12     Jennifer Przasnyski             FR     Cabrini College               
  56     Jennifer Ruggiero               FR     Georgian Court College        
 140     Jeremy Cole                     FR     Williamson Trade              
 198     Jeremy Dobrinski                SO     Wesley College                
  65     Jerry McHale                    SR     King's College                
  76     Jessica Manzilillo              SO     King's College                
 111     Jill Moroz                      FR     Holy Family College           
 148     Jim Patrowski                   FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
 179     Joann Landry                    FR     Marywood University           
   7     Joe Butler                      SO     Cabrini College               
 113     Joe Carey                       SO     Beaver College                
  88     Joe Kita                        FR     York College                  
 143     Joe Novack                      FR     Williamson Trade              
 187     John Dobler                     FR     University of the Sciences    
 147     John Helm                       FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
 153     John Pindynski                  FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
  69     John Thompson                   FR     King's College                
 134     Jon Kustafik                    SR     Williamson Trade              
 151     Josh High                       FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
 154     Juliane Holz                    FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
  67     Justin Doyle                    SR     King's College                
 158     Justin Zakovitch                SR     Marywood University           
 207     Karen Larsen                    SO     Wesley College                
  90     Karstan Lovorn                  SR     York College                  
 173     Karyn Colombo                   SO     Marywood University           
  58     Katarina Kuklova                SO     Immaculata College            
 168     Kate Lengyel                    SR     Marywood University           
 169     Katie McElhenney                SR     Marywood University           
 107     Katie Smith                     JR     Holy Family College           
 200     Kei Miyata                      SO     Wesley College                
  40     Kelly Dinoia                    SR     Misericordia College          
  48     Kelly Nye                       JR     Misericordia College          
 108     Kelly Smith                     JR     Holy Family College           
  82     Ken Christopher                 SO     York College                  
 155     Kevin Banden                    SR     Marywood University           
 209     Kevin Carter                    SO     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 213     Kevin Dinsmore                  FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
  16     Kevin Tinsley                   JR     Neumann College               
  71     Kim Zalenski                    SR     King's College                
 109     Klaudia Dobrzycka               JR     Holy Family College           
 167     Kristen Henninger               SR     Marywood University           
  97     Kristin Casey                   FR     York College                  
  11     Kristin Zielinski               SO     Cabrini College               
  72     Kristine Plankey                SR     King's College                
 205     Krystal Wright                  SO     Wesley College                
  57     Laura Fanelli                   SO     Immaculata College            


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 206     Laura Macdougall                SO     Wesley College                
   9     Lauren Dean                     JR     Cabrini College               
 208     Lauren Decker                   SO     Wesley College                
  42     Leanne Grzyboski                FR     Misericordia College          
 219     Linda Cylc                      FR     Cabrini College               
  49     Lori Rice                       SO     Misericordia College          
  93     Marc Semke                      JR     York College                  
  60     Maria Lazorik                   SO     Immaculata College            
 110     Maria Williams                  JR     Holy Family College           
 218     Mario Gaglioti                  FR     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 156     Marty Foha                      SR     Marywood University           
  81     Matt Ander                      FR     York College                  
 199     Matt Lindell                    SO     Wesley College                
 145     Matt Wolanski                   FR     Williamson Trade              
  44     Meaghan Hessin                  FR     Misericordia College          
  46     Megan Kirkwood                  FR     Misericordia College          
  39     Meghan Crowly                   FR     Misericordia College          
 104     Melissa Shoffler                FR     York College                  
 196     Michael Schroeder               SO     Wesley College                
  75     Michelle Dougherty              SO     King's College                
   8     Michelle Labant                 SR     Cabrini College               
 129     Michelle Quigley                SR     Beaver College                
 180     Michelle Wolfsberger            FR     Marywood University           
 163     Mike Bonner                     FR     Marywood University           
  85     Mike Daigeaun                   FR     York College                  
 157     Mike Griffin                    SR     Marywood University           
  64     Mike Kolinovsky                 SR     King's College                
   5     Mike Repice                     JR     Cabrini College               
  68     Mike Tomasura                   SR     King's College                
 176     Molly Fasolka                   FR     Marywood University           
  53     Nicole Oppenheimer              SR     Georgian Court College        
   6     Patrick Hutton                  SO     Cabrini College               
  36     Paul Rowlands                   JR     Misericordia College          
 117     Rajan Rai                       SO     Beaver College                
 189     Rakhi Patel                     SO     University of the Sciences    
  94     Randy Whitton                   JR     York College                  
 126     Rebecca Lawrey                  JR     Beaver College                
 150     Renato Lajara                   FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
  30     Rett Holmes                     JR     Misericordia College          
  17     Richard Watson                  FR     Neumann College               
   4     Ricky Romyn                     JR     Cabrini College               
  31     Rob Lutzick                     SR     Misericordia College          
 114     Robert Horvath                  SO     Beaver College                
 210     Rudy Valme                      SO     Valley Forge Military Academy 
 135     Sahun Loper                     SR     Williamson Trade              
  95     Sarah Backhaus                  FR     York College                  
  22     Sarah Dovi                      SO     Neumann College               
  99     Season Hanson                   FR     York College                  
 120     Shane Killian                   SO     Beaver College                
  89     Stefan Kochansky                SR     York College                  
 177     Stephanie Golden                FR     Marywood University           
 112     Steve Breslow                   JR     Beaver College                


COMP. #  COMPETITOR                      GRADE  SCHOOL NAME

 193     Sucheta Patel                   SO     University of the Sciences    
 124     Sue Campos                      FR     Beaver College                
 128     Sue Green                       SO     Beaver College                
 194     Susanne McClellan               SO     University of the Sciences    
  35     Terence Regler                  SO     Misericordia College          
  78     Therese Adelizzi                FR     King's College                
 152     Thomas Miller                   FR     Gwynedd Mercy College         
 182     Tim Bowers                      SO     University of the Sciences    
  32     Todd Matukaitis                 FR     Misericordia College          
  86     Tom Gentzler                    JR     York College                  
  91     Tom Perrin                      JR     York College                  
  80     Tony Agbay                      JR     York College                  
  74     Tracy Zalenski                  SO     King's College                
  70     Tricia Barr                     SR     King's College                
 138     Will Mazewski                   JR     Williamson Trade              


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