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Cabrini Invitational - Women's Individual Results

cross country results -- cross country invitational, college race, x-country software, lehigh PIAA District I, high school x-country

  DATE                Saturday, October 23, 1999

  TIME                12:10 - MUDDY TRACK


  DISTANCE            5K                

PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

   1  Lauren Dean                   Cabrini College               19:57.90  JR
   2  Chrissy Woodruff              University of the Sciences    20:31.30  FR
   3  Jennifer Newman               Georgian Court College        20:38.66  SR
   4  Kim Zalenski                  King'S College                20:50.47  SR
   5  Jen Johnston                  York College                  21:03.10  FR
   6  Angela Snyder                 Marywood University           21:09.14  SR
   7  Debby Popper                  Marywood University           21:16.50  SR
   8  Tracy Zalenski                King'S College                21:27.27  SO
   9  Jennifer Przasnyski           Cabrini College               21:27.60  FR
  10  Angela Tripp                  York College                  21:32.54  SR
  11  Kristin Zielinski             Cabrini College               21:35.18  SO
  12  Camille Barone                Georgian Court College        21:35.50  SO
  13  Nicole Oppenheimer            Georgian Court College        21:43.36  SR
  14  Beth Armwavage                Misericordia College          21:44.07  FR
  15  Juliane Holz                  Gwynedd Mercy College         21:51.93  FR
  16  Angela Brown                  Wesley College                21:55.55  SO
  17  Season Hanson                 York College                  21:58.74  FR
  18  Becky Schray                  Beaver College                22:02.75  JR
  19  Katarina Kuklova              Immaculata College            22:04.23  SO
  20  Heather Glunk                 Misericordia College          22:08.08  SO
  21  Jen Patoki                    Beaver College                22:13.46  JR
  22  Tricia Barr                   King'S College                22:16.04  SR
  23  Jana Hart                     Misericordia College          22:19.06  SR
  24  Sarah Backhaus                York College                  22:24.00  FR
  25  Leanne Grzyboski              Misericordia College          22:25.76  FR
  26  Andrea Dragone                Cabrini College               22:30.71  FR
  27  Kate Lengyel                  Marywood University           22:38.45  SR
  28  Laura Fanelli                 Immaculata College            22:40.15  SO
  29  Jen Weiss                     York College                  22:43.45  FR
  30  Katie Mcelhenney              Marywood University           22:49.11  SR
  31  Molly Fasolka                 Marywood University           22:54.54  FR
  32  Kelly Nye                     Misericordia College          22:56.41  JR
  33  Amy Young                     Beaver College                23:15.74  FR
  34  Alexis Strelecki              Immaculata College            23:19.92  JR
  35  Karyn Colombo                 Marywood University           23:21.90  SO
  36  Genevieve Kester              York College                  23:32.88  SO
  37  Jennifer Ruggiero             Georgian Court College        23:33.38  FR
  38  Christie Bateman              York College                  23:39.09  SR


PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

  39  Christine Mcdonnell           King'S College                23:42.71  JR
  40  Krystal Wright                Wesley College                23:50.68  SO
  41  Katie Smith                   Holy Family College           23:55.07  JR
  42  Hayley Bernard                Neumann College               23:59.03  JR
  43  Barbara Rattigan              Marywood University           24:01.77  SR
  44  Therese Adelizzi              King'S College                24:14.40  FR
  45  Kelly Smith                   Holy Family College           24:26.43  JR
  46  Joann Landry                  Marywood University           24:29.29  FR
  47  Carolina Kzenoviaz            Marywood University           24:43.79  FR
  48  Danielle Deppen               York College                  24:47.74  JR
  49  Karen Larsen                  Wesley College                24:50.33  SO
  50  Kristin Casey                 York College                  24:55.21  FR
  51  Jessica Manzilillo            King'S College                24:59.39  SO
  52  Maria Williams                Holy Family College           25:00.05  JR
  53  Amanda Boccard                Beaver College                25:01.70  JR
  54  Erin Malone                   King'S College                25:02.41  FR
  55  Alexandra Almaguer            Beaver College                25:03.07  FR
  56  Megan Kirkwood                Misericordia College          25:11.42  FR
  57  Danielle Curivan              Georgian Court College        25:17.24  SO
  58  Klaudia Dobrzycka             Holy Family College           25:23.12  JR
  59  Alice Alexander               Neumann College               25:24.21  SO
  60  Sue Campos                    Beaver College                25:25.70  FR
  61  Amanda Ketzner                York College                  25:36.63  SO
  62  Jill Moroz                    Holy Family College           26:11.18  FR
  63  Rebecca Lawrey                Beaver College                26:14.03  JR
  64  Meghan Crowly                 Misericordia College          26:15.90  FR
  65  Michelle Quigley              Beaver College                26:38.86  SR
  66  Jen Holmes                    Misericordia College          26:48.75  SR
  67  Michelle Dougherty            King'S College                27:25.38  SO
  68  Sarah Dovi                    Neumann College               27:30.82  SO
  69  Meaghan Hessin                Misericordia College          27:33.84  FR
  70  Andrea Belusik                Rutgers University - Camden   28:22.89  SR
  71  Linda Cylc                    Cabrini College               28:30.41  FR
  72  Melissa Shoffler              York College                  28:30.96  FR
  73  Danielle Myers                Neumann College               28:31.62  SO
  74  Celena Blasucci               Cabrini College               28:50.90  JR
  75  Christine Suppa               Immaculata College            28:55.40  FR
  76  Sucheta Patel                 University of the Sciences    29:12.70  SO
  77  Erica Kulcycki                Neumann College               29:42.36  SR
  78  Beth Fox                      Rutgers University - Camden   29:44.40  SR
  79  Ginny Rose Trainor            Marywood University           30:04.83  SO
  80  Janet Boyle                   University of the Sciences    30:20.59  FR
  81  Beth Lowe                     Misericordia College          31:01.29  JR
  82  Elizabeth Kazsuba             Immaculata College            31:59.68  FR
  83  Stephanie Golden              Marywood University           33:15.64  FR
  84  Michelle Labant               Cabrini College               33:41.46  SR


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