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Lebanon Valley College Women's Individual Results

cross country results -- cross country invitational, college race, x-country software, lehigh PIAA District I, high school x-country

  DATE                Saturday, September 11, 1999

  TIME                9:15AM (80F SUNNY) 


  DISTANCE            5100 METERS       

PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

   1  Nargis Harounzadeh            Cedar Crest HS                22:36.77  SO
   2  Allison Converse              York Suburban HS              24:18.33  JR
   3  Erin Fisher                   Cedar Crest HS                24:27.89  SR
   4  Steph Eiffes                  Cedar Cliff HS                24:49.25  SO
   5  Faith Nussbaum                Dallastown HS                 24:50.08  SO
   6  Lacey Davis                   York Suburban HS              25:18.86  FR
   7  Amanda Kime                   Cedar Cliff HS                25:20.12  FR
   8  Rochelle Corrado              Hershey HS                    25:31.00  SR
   9  Ashley Barnhart               Hershey HS                    25:32.37  FR
  10  Anna Tellez                   York Suburban HS              25:37.31  SR
  11  Nikki Cummings                Cedar Cliff HS                25:54.78  FR
  12  Erin Crawford                 Hershey HS                    25:55.28  SO
  13  Amanda Wilson                 Indian Valley HS              25:58.24  JR
  14  Darla Gray                    Indian Valley HS              26:07.19  FR
  15  Jordan Willis                 York Suburban HS              26:20.43  FR
  16  Melissa Willis                Hershey HS                    26:27.41  SO
  17  Kelly Carruth                 Upper Darby HS                26:28.45  SR
  18  Megan Zentz                   Cedar Crest HS                26:42.29  JR
  19  Julia Porter                  State College HS              26:43.83  JR
  20  Williametta Simmons           Upper Darby HS                26:53.83  SR
  21  Megan Eckart                  Cedar Cliff HS                27:27.11  FR
  22  Charmain Singh                Indian Valley HS              27:38.81  SO
  23  Page Mccreary                 Cedar Cliff HS                27:48.86  FR
  24  Emily Gordon                  Cedar Cliff HS                27:49.58  SO
  25  Lisa Lamela                   Hershey HS                    27:51.17  SO
  26  Rachel Ralls                  Cedar Cliff HS                27:51.55  JR
  27  Kati Thompson                 State College HS              27:53.47  SO
  28  Ashley Druckenmiller          Indian Valley HS              27:55.07  SO
  29  Jess Lamont                   Cedar Crest HS                27:56.06  JR
  30  Val Morgan                    York Suburban HS              27:58.31  FR
  31  Diana Zackey                  Cedar Crest HS                28:17.09  SO
  32  Mary Molina                   Central Dauphin East HS       28:21.87  SR
  33  Lauren Fieman                 Central Dauphin East HS       28:26.81  SR
  34  Dylan Gee                     York Suburban HS              28:31.43  FR
  35  Alison Felty                  Upper Darby HS                28:32.31  SO
  36  Abbey Hess                    Central Dauphin East HS       28:34.34  SR
  37  Amy Dietz                     Central Dauphin East HS       28:38.40  JR
  38  Lea Hochberger                York Suburban HS              28:48.51  FR


PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE

  39  Kelly Dean                    Upper Darby HS                28:56.42  FR
  40  Kelli Ellis                   Hershey HS                    29:05.21  SO
  41  Maggie Moran                  Hershey HS                    29:09.16  SO
  42  Jenny Merrifield              Indian Valley HS              29:21.52  JR
  43  Jen Good                      Lower Dauphin HS              29:26.19  JR
  44  Anne Sharp                    York Suburban HS              29:26.46  FR
  45  Laura Sinn                    State College HS              29:52.99  JR
  46  Nicole Holler                 Lebanon Valley HS             31:12.85  FR
  47  Chris Huffman                 Hershey HS                    31:37.41  JR
  48  Toni Miller                   Kennard-Dale HS               32:04.87  SO
  49  Sarah Major                   Hershey HS                    34:58.93  SO
  50  Jocelyn Stauffer              Hershey HS                    35:19.31  JR
  51  Sheena Testerman              Kennard-Dale HS               36:24.01  FR
  52  Cali Borkowski                Kennard-Dale HS               36:24.94  SO
    DATE                Saturday, September 11, 1999
    TIME                9:45AM (80F SUNNY) 
    DISTANCE            5100 METERS       
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
     1  Lisa Nagorny                  York Suburban HS              19:58.38  SR
     2  Christine Bare                Cedar Cliff HS                20:02.72  SR
     3  Maureen Mccandless            Nazareth Academy              20:12.33  JR
     4  Holly Jones                   Lower Dauphin HS              20:13.92  JR
     5  Jessie Jandouitz              Central Dauphin East HS       20:18.43  JR
     6  Caroline Olivetti             Scranton Prep HS              20:22.82  SR
     7  Jessica Rinesmith             Cedar Cliff HS                20:29.41  SR
     8  Kathrin Davis                 Hershey HS                    20:34.47  FR
     9  Cory Perewiznyk               Upper Darby HS                20:38.09  JR
    10  Nicki Eicher                  York Suburban HS              20:45.45  JR
    11  Margot Le Strange             Scranton Prep HS              20:52.15  SR
    12  Gretchen Schuller             Cedar Cliff HS                21:08.30  SR
    13  Rebecca Wright                Cedar Cliff HS                21:11.38  SO
    14  Trish Fullmer                 York Suburban HS              21:11.92  FR
    15  Katie Nussbaum                Dallastown HS                 21:14.12  SR
    16  Marlo Walker                  Central Dauphin East HS       21:23.18  JR
    17  Liz Colechio                  Bible Baptist HS              21:24.83  SR
    18  Brandi Goss                   Indian Valley HS              21:27.91  SR
    19  Jess Riden                    Indian Valley HS              21:29.06  SR
    20  Sherry Olsen                  Mechanicsburg HS              21:30.65  SR
    21  Erin Maloney                  Scranton Prep HS              21:32.25  SR
    22  Stefanie Rynkewitz            Lewistown HS                  21:33.24  SR
    23  Jess Weik                     Cedar Crest HS                21:33.51  JR
    24  Courtney Kenney               Nazareth Academy              21:34.11  JR
    25  Jean Rehig                    Lower Dauphin HS              21:46.09  FR
    26  Sarah Bright                  York Catholic HS              21:47.24  SR
    27  Kirsten Hoffsmith             Manheim Central HS            21:52.51  FR
    28  Erin Miller                   State College HS              21:52.73  SO
    29  Emily Hulme                   Cedar Crest HS                21:58.56  SO
    30  Lisa Olshefski                Hanover Area                  21:58.94  SO
    31  Erica Symanovich              State College HS              21:59.98  SO
    32  Jennifer O'Connor             Nazareth Academy              22:01.03  SO
    33  Erika Cramer                  Central Dauphin East HS       22:03.44  SR
    34  Erica Drevenak                Hanover Area                  22:04.71  SO
    35  Carlyn Fendrich               Hershey HS                    22:07.18  FR
    36  Heather Unger                 Williams Valley HS            22:09.05  SR
    37  Karli Kotulka                 State College HS              22:12.29  JR
    38  Marcy Zucek                   Nazareth Academy              22:15.91  FR
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
    39  Nicole Le Strange             Scranton Prep HS              22:17.07  JR
    40  Heather Siler                 Cedar Cliff HS                22:17.56  SO
    41  Lauren Alloway                Central Dauphin East HS       22:24.37  SR
    42  Natalie Bradfield             York Suburban HS              22:25.91  FR
    43  Michelle Gorman               Nazareth Academy              22:32.56  SR
    44  Becky Carlson                 State College HS              22:32.83  SR
    45  Kerrie Stephanik              Hanover Area                  22:35.30  JR
    46  Shannon Gamble                Cedar Crest HS                22:35.63  JR
    47  Marcy Castelgrande            Cedar Crest HS                22:36.24  JR
    48  Amanda Brown                  Lower Dauphin HS              22:38.93  SO
    49  Carol Powell                  Mechanicsburg HS              22:39.48  SR
    50  Alicia Bray                   Indian Valley HS              22:40.46  JR
    51  Judy Doherty                  Scranton Prep HS              22:40.90  SR
    52  Stephanie Hellberg            Conestoga Valley              22:42.28  SR
    53  Jen Meil                      Scranton Prep HS              22:42.83  JR
    54  Katie Dunn                    Cedar Crest HS                22:43.16  SO
    55  Joccelyn Eberly               Dallastown HS                 22:43.65  JR
    56  Kristi Miller                 Dallastown HS                 22:44.31  SO
    57  Jelee Kemper                  York Suburban HS              22:45.13  FR
    58  Liane Bianco                  Mechanicsburg HS              22:45.63  FR
    59  Meredith Sprecher             Indian Valley HS              22:46.01  SR
    60  Grace Doherty                 Scranton Prep HS              22:47.33  SO
    61  Beth Zmitrovich               Hershey HS                    22:47.77  SO
    62  Chrissy Shiro                 Hanover Area                  22:50.30  SO
    63  Andrea Levenberger            Hershey HS                    22:54.03  SO
    64  April Bradi                   Conestoga Valley              22:57.66  JR
    65  Heather Angel                 Central Dauphin HS            23:03.75  SO
    66  Jen Norton                    Cedar Cliff HS                23:04.52  JR
    67  Emily Pantalone               Lower Dauphin HS              23:05.02  SO
    68  Sarah Bay                     Central Dauphin HS            23:07.21  SO
    69  Diana Hernandez               Upper Darby HS                23:10.51  SO
    70  Sarah Robertson               Mechanicsburg HS              23:11.61  SO
    71  Kristin Funk                  Manheim Central HS            23:12.27  SR
    72  Melissa Mcnichol              Dallastown HS                 23:20.12  SO
    73  Maria Whitman                 Hanover Area                  23:21.05  SO
    74  Jess Sweitzer                 Dallastown HS                 23:24.95  SR
    75  Kerriann Hanlon               Nazareth Academy              23:25.78  SO
    76  Andrea Furhman                Manheim Central HS            23:31.44  JR
    77  Ali Morris                    Hanover Area                  23:42.42  SO
    78  Sara Lengler                  Central Dauphin East HS       23:43.13  FR
    79  Jennie Roberts                Central Columbia HS           23:43.74  SR
    80  Amy Zapotosky                 Nazareth Academy              23:44.62  SO
    81  Erin Ploskonlea               Conestoga Valley              23:45.61  SR
    82  Jen Kline                     Lower Dauphin HS              23:48.35  SO
    83  Jessica Brillhart             Dallastown HS                 23:48.79  FR
    84  Emillie Ney                   Central Dauphin HS            23:50.05  JR
    85  Lindsay Briggs                Conestoga Valley              23:53.19  JR
    86  Maria Campion                 Annville-Cleona HS            23:53.63  JR
    87  Meg Labas                     York Catholic HS              23:54.61  FR
    88  Mandy Light                   Cedar Crest HS                23:57.74  SR
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
    89  Melissa Wiale                 Lewistown HS                  23:58.02  FR
    90  Miranda Luken                 Manheim Central HS            23:58.40  FR
    91  Maureen Paynle                Hershey HS                    24:00.11  SR
    92  Brie Berkowitz                York Suburban HS              24:00.93  FR
    93  Rae Jones                     Cedar Cliff HS                24:01.53  JR
    94  Jenna Maloney                 Hershey HS                    24:09.39  FR
    95  Allison Laubach               Mechanicsburg HS              24:09.77  JR
    96  Jacquee Houts                 Lower Dauphin HS              24:19.06  SO
    97  Danielle Wolfe                Cedar Crest HS                24:21.14  SR
    98  Maureen Ferguson              State College HS              24:21.69  JR
    99  Shelby Rance                  Central Columbia HS           24:29.55  FR
   100  Lisa Christenson              York Catholic HS              24:30.97  SO
   101  Ashely Adams                  State College HS              24:33.12  SR
   102  Rebecca Russo                 York Catholic HS              24:42.23  SO
   103  Terri Crowne                  Upper Darby HS                24:44.93  FR
   104  Ashley Small                  York Suburban HS              24:45.97  SO
   105  Sarah Stoermer                Kennard-Dale HS               24:49.15  JR
   106  Sarah Slabaugh                Annville-Cleona HS            24:54.10  FR
   107  Danielle Yeater               Indian Valley HS              24:55.31  FR
   108  Jonna Davis                   Central Dauphin HS            25:04.59  SO
   109  Eina Volpicelli               Hanover Area                  25:10.19  SO
   110  Jen Johnson                   Lower Dauphin HS              25:14.26  JR
   111  Janet Sowers                  Lewistown HS                  25:14.48  SO
   112  Karla Stewart                 Dallastown HS                 25:22.55  SR
   113  Kalee Knepp                   Indian Valley HS              25:25.24  JR
   114  Pam Wampler                   Annville-Cleona HS            25:32.82  SR
   115  Amanda Henry                  Upper Darby HS                25:35.46  SR
   116  Lea Marcotrigiano             State College HS              25:37.38  SR
   117  Megan Paolantonio             York Catholic HS              25:38.04  SO
   118  Michelle Stoltzfus            Conestoga Valley              25:38.59  SO
   119  Amanda Whitsel                Lewistown HS                  25:47.21  SO
   120  Holly Kristovensky            Lebanon Valley HS             25:54.35  SR
   121  Mary Faris                    Upper Darby HS                25:59.84  SR
   122  Sara Harris                   Manheim Central HS            26:03.69  SR
   123  Eileen Gill                   Upper Darby HS                26:12.04  JR
   124  Heather Fahringer             Kennard-Dale HS               26:24.12  SO
   125  Andrea Clare                  Indian Valley HS              26:35.77  JR
   126  Rebecca Gibble                Annville-Cleona HS            26:40.38  FR
   127  Cara Gardner                  Bible Baptist HS              26:42.25  JR
   128  Megan Mcgrory                 Upper Darby HS                26:49.66  SR
   129  Courtney Zern                 Manheim Central HS            26:54.66  JR
   130  Maureen Bell                  York Catholic HS              27:01.80  SO
   131  Meladie Hoffer                Manheim Central HS            27:40.19  SO
   132  Sarah Gibble                  Annville-Cleona HS            28:03.26  SR
   133  Heidi Hitz                    Lebanon Valley HS             29:28.78  SR
   134  Emliy Smith                   Annville-Cleona HS            30:05.25  SR
   135  Lindsey Venditti              Mechanicsburg HS              30:18.49  JR
   136  Patricia Connaghan            York Catholic HS              31:08.14  FR
   137  Ashley Peters                 Lewistown HS                  31:18.91  JR
   138  Lindsey Shoop                 Lewistown HS                  32:11.52  SO
                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS -- WOMEN'S COLLEGE
    DATE                Saturday, September 11, 1999
    TIME                11:00AM (80F SUNNY)
    DISTANCE            5100 METERS       
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
     1  Casey Smith                   Roanoke College               19:34.64  JR
     2  Kristin Roberts               Gettysburg                    20:07.21  SO
     3  Erin Cadwell                  Susquehanna                   20:14.35  FR
     4  Joko Agunloye                 Swarthmore                    20:21.55  JR
     5  Jennifer Stieg                Lynchburg College             20:22.70  SO
     6  Rachel Leverenz               Dickinson College             20:23.69  SO
     7  Megan Openhym                 Dickinson College             20:26.11  SO
     8  Slan Fernas                   Dickinson College             20:27.10  JR
     9  Jess Ellerman                 Dickinson College             20:30.01  FR
    10  Rebecca Lewis                 Messiah                       20:35.11  FR
    11  Jessica Edberg                Mary Washington               20:36.38  FR
    12  Elizabeth Allen               Dickinson College             20:41.16  SO
    13  Sarah Costello                Susquehanna                   20:42.36  SR
    14  Natalie Alexander             Mary Washington               20:45.11  JR
    15  Laura Roth                    Muhlenberg College            20:47.42  JR
    16  Erin Kilker                   University of Scranton        20:48.24  JR
    17  Megan Mcgolrick               Gettysburg                    20:48.74  SO
    18  Stephanie Jenkins             Mary Washington               20:49.45  FR
    19  Carolyn Clements              Messiah                       20:52.31  SO
    20  Cassy Crouse                  Mary Washington               20:56.59  FR
    21  Nancy Landon                  Messiah                       20:58.35  JR
    22  Gretchen Junko                Elizabethtown College         21:00.49  SR
    23  Katherine Hill                Washington & Lee Va           21:01.26  FR
    24  Teresa Joerger                Mary Washington               21:02.69  JR
    25  Shara Grasso                  University of Scranton        21:03.35  SR
    26  Kristen Lane                  Widener University            21:03.79  SO
    27  Mary Beth Sexton              University of Scranton        21:04.23  JR
    28  Renee Rowlette                Dickinson College             21:04.44  FR
    29  Jacey Bennis                  Dickinson College             21:04.72  FR
    30  Karen Lloyd                   Swarthmore                    21:05.82  SR
    31  Alex Forte                    Dickinson College             21:08.18  FR
    32  Angela Levine                 Susquehanna                   21:21.53  FR
    33  Lauren Davis                  Gettysburg                    21:24.27  SO
    34  Dana Folta                    Mary Washington               21:30.15  SO
    35  Julie Rakowski                Mary Washington               21:30.97  SR
    36  Alissa Parmelee               Swarthmore                    21:31.36  JR
    37  Maggie Martin                 Elizabethtown College         21:31.91  FR
    38  Gabrielle Santilli            Mary Washington               21:32.35  SO
                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS -- WOMEN'S COLLEGE, PAGE 2
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
    39  Lauren Hindley                Lebanon Valley College        21:33.72  FR
    40  Kim Heimerl                   Gettysburg                    21:35.04  JR
    41  Jessica Hawthorne             Messiah                       21:36.03  FR
    42  Christina Woodruff            University of the Sciences    21:37.35  FR
    43  Marga Fischel                 Mary Washington               21:38.17  SR
    44  Becky Karasack                Dickinson College             21:41.08  SO
    45  Kim Owens                     Susquehanna                   21:43.50  SO
    46  Mary Lanphear                 Messiah                       21:44.32  SO
    47  Jen Johnson                   York College of Pa            21:44.71  FR
    48  Rebecca Mcclintock            Messiah                       21:44.98  SO
    49  Carrie Jones                  Albright                      21:45.20  JR
    50  Amy Giudice                   Dickinson College             21:47.67  SR
    51  Katie Bauer                   Messiah                       21:48.11  FR
    52  Kathleen Moroney              Washington & Lee Va           21:51.79  JR
    53  Amy Glennon                   Dickinson College             21:52.28  SO
    54  Melissa Hollmann              Gettysburg                    21:52.56  FR
    55  Christine Kornbau             Messiah                       21:52.78  SO
    56  Bridget Wildt                 Goucher                       21:53.27  JR
    57  Kara Felty                    Dickinson College             21:53.60  SO
    58  Emily Brown                   Lynchburg College             21:54.37  SO
    59  Kristin Mills                 Gettysburg                    21:55.75  JR
    60  Sara Kenehan                  University of Scranton        21:56.73  SO
    61  Kim Zalenski                  Kings College                 21:58.38  SR
    62  Leah Stafford                 Messiah                       22:00.19  SO
    63  Rebecca Griffith              Mary Washington               22:00.25  FR
    64  Jenna Nugent                  Elizabethtown College         22:01.57  FR
    65  Amy Goodrich                  Lynchburg College             22:02.12  FR
    66  Katie L'Armand                Widener University            22:04.42  SR
    67  Janel Farrell                 Gettysburg                    22:05.47  SO
    68  Kathleen Toone                Mary Washington               22:08.60  FR
    69  Erin Williams                 Mary Washington               22:10.96  FR
    70  Cindy Bredefeld               Muhlenberg College            22:11.84  SR
    71  Mara Patterson                Dickinson College             22:14.69  SO
    72  Michele Palmer                Juniata                       22:15.24  FR
    73  Melissa Gingerich             Messiah                       22:15.52  FR
    74  Ashley Davis                  Washington & Lee Va           22:16.62  SR
    75  Erin Howard                   Susquehanna                   22:17.39  FR
    76  Jen Davis                     Dickinson College             22:20.68  SO
    77  Jennifer Hoss                 Susquehanna                   22:21.83  SR
    78  Melissa Black                 Lebanon Valley College        22:22.71  JR
    79  Christine Baran               University of Scranton        22:23.65  SO
    80  Jessica Earrillo              Washington & Lee Va           22:24.20  JR
    81  Christen Lungren              Swarthmore                    22:25.46  SO
    82  Angela Snyder                 Marywood University           22:27.38  SR
    83  Kelley Lord                   Gettysburg                    22:32.98  JR
    84  Marubeth Gallagher            University of Scranton        22:35.62  FR
    85  Ceferatti, 1st Name Unknown   Susquehanna                   22:35.95  SO
    86  Allison Small                 Gettysburg                    22:39.80  FR
    87  Laura Garland                 Muhlenberg College            22:40.12  FR
    88  Megan Fielder                 Lynchburg College             22:40.95  SO
                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS -- WOMEN'S COLLEGE, PAGE 3
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
    89  Beth Arminavage               Misericordia                  22:42.16  FR
    90  Angela Tripp                  York College of Pa            22:44.08  SR
    91  Laura Capik                   Widener University            22:44.85  SO
    92  Gina Bonaventure              University of Scranton        22:45.51  FR
    93  Emily Lanning                 Gettysburg                    22:47.27  SO
    94  Elissa Murphy                 Muhlenberg College            22:48.97  SR
    95  Katrina Beck                  Muhlenberg College            22:49.30  JR
    96  Sarah Karpinus                Lycoming                      22:52.32  FR
    97  Leighann Mclaud               Lycoming                      22:53.86  SR
    98  Sage Stefiwn                  Dickinson College             22:54.13  SO
    99  Tina Ratulowski               Lycoming                      22:54.46  SR
   100  Anna Malocu                   Lebanon Valley College        22:55.12  JR
   101  Kelly Hill                    Dickinson College             22:57.98  FR
   102  Laura Curtis                  Lebanon Valley College        22:59.84  FR
   103  Laura Byroade                 Albright                      23:00.89  JR
   104  Amy Frazier                   Valley Forge Christian        23:01.88  SR
   105  Amy Street                    Dickinson College             23:02.31  FR
   106  Amanda Hoeser                 Lynchburg College             23:02.59  FR
   107  Jennifer Fallon               Washington & Lee Va           23:03.03  FR
   108  Sherrie Yancey                Lynchburg College             23:05.23  SO
   109  Chesha Miller                 Gettysburg                    23:05.56  SR
   110  Lauren Weisenberger           Muhlenberg College            23:07.04  SR
   111  Bethany Parliment             Messiah                       23:11.82  SO
   112  Abby Jackson                  Gettysburg                    23:12.48  SO
   113  Heather Glunk                 Misericordia                  23:13.63  SR
   114  Elizabeth Grenfell            Washington & Lee Va           23:14.56  JR
   115  Sarah Oakman                  Juniata                       23:16.38  SR
   116  Heather White                 Messiah                       23:17.36  SR
   117  Allisonfelty                  Elizabethtown College         23:17.86  SR
   118  Joanna Bissell                Lebanon Valley College        23:18.08  SO
   119  Wendy Case                    Washington & Lee Va           23:19.56  JR
   120  Katie Price                   Messiah                       23:24.56  FR
   121  Ann Richard                   Washington & Lee Va           23:26.37  JR
   122  Sara Hunter                   Roanoke College               23:26.59  FR
   123  Adriane Biggio                Roanoke College               23:26.87  SO
   124  Maria Deliberato              Lebanon Valley College        23:28.62  SR
   125  Melissa Smith                 Mary Washington               23:28.95  FR
   126  Loring Pfeiffer               Swarthmore                    23:30.77  JR
   127  Tara Shaw                     Widener University            23:31.04  SO
   128  Lucy Rankin                   Washington & Lee Va           23:31.97  SO
   129  Sarah Backhaus                York College of Pa            23:32.74  FR
   130  Annalisa Debacco              Gettysburg                    23:34.34  SO
   131  Ingrid Stein                  University of Scranton        23:34.61  FR
   132  Nicole Cassel                 Albright                      23:34.89  SR
   133  Kelly Nye                     Misericordia                  23:35.38  JR
   134  Elizabeth Pierce              Lebanon Valley College        23:36.31  FR
   135  Kate Lengyel                  Marywood University           23:36.97  SR
   136  Sara Couse                    Lynchburg College             23:37.74  SO
   137  Kate Connelly                 Widener University            23:38.29  SO
   138  Courtney Cronley              Oglethorpe College            23:39.77  SO
                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS -- WOMEN'S COLLEGE, PAGE 4
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
   139  Kim Brothers                  Messiah                       23:41.42  SO
   140  Laura Cooper                  Lynchburg College             23:42.30  FR
   141  Amanda Lewis                  Washington & Lee Va           23:43.51  SO
   142  Sandy Tatarynu                Delware Valley                23:44.17  SR
   143  Melinda Darrow                Dickinson College             23:46.80  SO
   144  Heather Hughes                Oglethorpe College            23:49.66  SO
   145  Rakhi Patel                   University of the Sciences    23:51.75  SO
   146  Lori Vanorder                 Elizabethtown College         23:53.67  SR
   147  Katie Mcelbenney              Marywood University           23:54.82  SR
   148  Liz Swink                     Howard County                 23:55.10  FR
   149  Sarah Brill                   Widener University            23:55.81  FR
   150  Season Hanson                 York College of Pa            23:57.84  SO
   151  Patricia Barr                 Kings College                 24:00.37  JR
   152  Maggie Thomer                 Swarthmore                    24:01.91  JR
   153  Jessica Graham                Goucher                       24:02.24  FR
   154  Allison Miller                Muhlenberg College            24:04.38  SO
   155  Alicia Goodins                Swarthmore                    24:04.82  SR
   156  Jennifer Gittings             Goucher                       24:09.54  SO
   157  Jessica George                Swarthmore                    24:11.69  JR
   158  Ann Stiner                    Oglethorpe College            24:13.28  JR
   159  Jana Hart                     Misericordia                  24:13.55  SR
   160  Kate Frederick                Albright                      24:14.27  SO
   161  Michelle Walmsley             Lebanon Valley College        24:15.97  JR
   162  Stacey Brautigan              Susquehanna                   24:18.22  SO
   163  Jill Orlando                  Oglethorpe College            24:20.58  SO
   164  Danielle Fillis               Roanoke College               24:20.86  SR
   165  Kelly Schlichter              Washington & Lee Va           24:25.03  FR
   166  Jennifer Weiss                York College of Pa            24:27.17  FR
   167  Corina Strange                Delware Valley                24:28.60  SR
   168  Courtney Dool                 University of Scranton        24:28.99  FR
   169  Lisa Interrante               University of Scranton        24:29.92  SO
   170  Kerry Mauger                  Roanoke College               24:32.45  FR
   171  Tasia Kavaler                 Juniata                       24:33.05  FR
   172  Molly Fasolka                 Marywood University           24:34.21  FR
   173  Sonia Winman                  Valley Forge Christian        24:34.70  SR
   174  Kristi Riley                  Lebanon Valley College        24:35.63  FR
   175  Jenn Wise                     Gettysburg                    24:39.48  SR
   176  Jen Busillo                   Albright                      24:41.95  SO
   177  Katie Garrett                 Muhlenberg College            24:42.61  SO
   178  Kristy Miller                 Messiah                       24:45.68  SR
   179  Lauren Paxton                 Washington & Lee Va           24:54.31  JR
   180  Christine Mcdonnell           Kings College                 24:57.93  JR
   181  Michelle Lomas                Lebanon Valley College        24:58.70  SO
   182  Genevieve Kester              York College of Pa            24:59.69  SO
   183  Leanne Grzyboski              Misericordia                  25:00.84  FR
   184  Shalini Ayyagari              Swarthmore                    25:01.12  SR
   185  Azure Reaser                  Lycoming                      25:12.98  SR
   186  Jennifer Boesmiller           Juniata                       25:13.20  SO
   187  Heather Wilt                  Lycoming                      25:14.69  JR
   188  Rebekah Carney                Goucher                       25:16.00  SR
                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS -- WOMEN'S COLLEGE, PAGE 5
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
   189  Barbara Rattigao              Marywood University           25:16.44  SR
   190  Christie Bateman              York College of Pa            25:16.72  SR
   191  Thersa Coughlin               Widener University            25:16.99  SO
   192  Wendy King                    Roanoke College               25:21.00  JR
   193  Heidi Kunsch                  Muhlenberg College            25:22.10  JR
   194  Jen Holmes                    Misericordia                  25:23.09  SR
   195  Kristin Sheerin               Widener University            25:30.28  SO
   196  Erin Malore                   Kings College                 25:32.70  FR
   197  Kristen Salverson             Delware Valley                25:34.79  SR
   198  Joano Lanari                  Marywood University           25:35.89  FR
   199  Megan Kinkwood                Misericordia                  25:36.55  FR
   200  Erin Dirico                   Widener University            25:39.35  FR
   201  Emily Gudat                   Oglethorpe College            25:40.17  SO
   202  Lasley Ammon                  Lycoming                      25:45.06  SR
   203  Nicole Gebs                   Lynchburg College             25:47.97  FR
   204  Allison Reger                 Widener University            25:54.73  FR
   205  Melissa Gudleski              Elizabethtown College         26:01.98  JR
   206  Katie Turner                  Gettysburg                    26:04.23  FR
   207  Lauren Corvino                Lebanon Valley College        26:07.36  FR
   208  Chris Panko                   Lycoming                      26:18.73  SO
   209  Kathy Valeo                   Elizabethtown College         26:19.11  JR
   210  Kristin Joyce                 Widener University            26:21.75  FR
   211  Rachel Dailey                 Lebanon Valley College        26:25.15  FR
   212  Amanda Ketzner                York College of Pa            26:27.19  SO
   213  Megan Anderton                Gettysburg                    26:27.63  SR
   214  Kelly Divoia                  Misericordia                  26:29.00  SR
   215  Laura B. Viventi              Roanoke College               26:32.08  JR
   216  Megan Southwick               Goucher                       26:33.12  FR
   217  Amy Shoemaker                 Lebanon Valley College        26:35.92  SO
   218  Megan Mcginnis                Juniata                       26:36.25  JR
   219  Mary Ellen Bocchickio         Delware Valley                26:39.38  FR
   220  Dody Smith                    Juniata                       26:41.36  SR
   221  Tori Rappold                  Goucher                       26:42.57  SR
   222  Carolyn Razzano               Muhlenberg College            26:43.61  FR
   223  Jessica Manzolillo            Kings College                 26:45.31  FR
   224  Liz Alsdordf                  Muhlenberg College            26:52.40  FR
   225  Michelle Dougherty            Kings College                 26:54.65  SO
   226  Meghan Crowley                Misericordia                  27:06.02  FR
   227  Sara Mcdonald                 Kings College                 27:06.84  SO
   228  Ronit Kinbar                  University of Scranton        27:23.92  SO
   229  Kristin Casey                 York College of Pa            27:28.59  FR
   230  Lori Rice                     Misericordia                  27:43.48  SO
   231  Kristine Plarkey              Kings College                 27:51.17  SR
   232  Therese Adelizzi              Kings College                 27:52.16  FR
   233  Christina Arrow               University of Scranton        27:56.61  SO
   234  Corrine Foley                 Widener University            27:58.97  FR
   235  Ann Scarp                     University of Scranton        28:25.17  FR
   236  Jlaine Holmes                 Valley Forge Christian        28:33.74  JR
   237  Sarah Lyon                    Washington & Lee Va           28:44.01  SO
   238  Meghann Clark                 Lycoming                      28:58.73  SR
                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS -- WOMEN'S COLLEGE, PAGE 6
  PLACE    COMPETITOR                     SCHOOL                      TIME  GRADE
   239  Danielle Deppen               York College of Pa            29:05.65  JR
   240  Erika Alexander               University of the Sciences    29:11.85  FR
   241  Melissa Shoffler              York College of Pa            29:20.53  FR
   242  Andrea Belusik                Rutgers - Camden              29:22.45  SR
   243  Cheryl Beezup                 Lebanon Valley College        29:26.02  SO
   244  Audrey Josephite              University of Scranton        30:01.40  SO
   245  Amelia Zerden                 Kings College                 30:08.32  FR
   246  Sheri Zeiders                 Lebanon Valley College        30:12.60  SR
   247  Ginny Trainor                 Marywood University           31:00.28  SO
   248  Beth Lowe                     Misericordia                  31:20.54  JR
   249  Amy Bustin                    Kings College                 32:01.90  JR
   250  Stephanie Golden              Marywood University           32:12.67  FR
   251  Ann Anders Mullen             Delware Valley                32:26.89  SO
   252  Kimberly Richardson           Lebanon Valley College        32:37.60  FR
   253  Beth Fox                      Rutgers - Camden              36:43.67  SR
   254  Jen Anderson                  Howard County                 40:12.99  FR
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