O.S.S. program
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The Out of School Suspension Program

The O.S.S. Program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to stay afloat academically, and give them support in re-entering the classroom environment.

    Truancy and behavior problems at school are the first signs of trouble, and usually indicate that a young person is experiencing difficulties in one or more aspects of their life.
    The O.S.S. program is both an accountability and a prevention program.
    It is a structured and supervised day program that gives students an opportunity to make up work and participate in activities aimed at motivating them to return to the school setting.
    Chronic truancy or poor behavior may result in further disciplinary action up to and including:

1.    Wrap around session
2.    Saturday or Vacation suspension
3.    Expulsion
4.    Filing a C.H.I.N.S. petition w/ the court

Program Goals
1.    To stay afloat Academically.
2.    To make a connection and contribute to the community
        through community service.
3.    To offer a structured day for suspended students in lieu
       of a day out of school.
4.    To offer a deterent to truancy and misbehavior in school.

Code of Conduct
1.    Respect - yourself and others around you.
2.    Be safe.
3.    Take responsibility - for your actions.
4.    Cooperation - this program was designed to help you.
5.    Stay focused on the work at hand.
6.    Follow all program rules and instructions given by the
       program coordinator.

1.    Comfortable Footwear
2.    Comfortable work clothes
3.     Lunch\Beverage
4.    Make-up school work
5.    Pencils, Pen, & paper
6.    Medical release form (If applicable)
The Truancy/O.S.S. Program is a collaboration
between Youth Services Bureau, D.C.Y.F., Area
Middle Schools and Area Police Departments.
Funding provided By:  The New Hampshire
Attorney General's Office and County Incentive

Program Location
Our Lady of the Lakes
Church in Lakeport.
Phone Numbers
Y.S.B. #    524-9457
Program Hours
During regular school hours.
Students are required to
transport themselves to
school in the usual
manner.  Upon arrival at
school they are to report
directly to the main office.