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Welcome to the faboulous Board page.

These board members are the best ever and are going to make this year the year of Har Zion's dominance. So help us out by going to events, contributing time, calling us with ideas, and most of all make great friends.


Rocky and Bullwinkle ORDER you to

Below are all of the board members and there e-mails so if you need to contact any one of us please do not hesitate to write.

El Presidente

Lenny Teplitsky

Mr. Executive Vice-President

Scott Karpen

Social Action/Tikun Olam VP

Keep the social action events coming

Dannah Raz

Programming VP

a.k.a. your events man

Josh Cohen

Membership Kadima VP

To get the little ones involved

Mark Rosenburg

Religion Education VP

The brainiac of all of us

Rachel Tasky

Communications VP

Just to keep in touch

Danielle Cooper

9th Grade Representitave VP

For the youngsters that want to stay connected to the oldsters

Shila Borstien

Har Zion USY Youth Advisor

The Connecting person, between the young and old


Har Zion USY Youth Director

The person the gets things done

Fran Richter