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"The Fallen"


Served with the 173RD Airborne in 67-68
Not ever knowing what would be my fate.
Not long after being there in the jungle deep
I found there, times I wanted to weep.
Each time I saw a buddy fall
There was no time to feel or weep at the call.
Lots of Herd Brothers were at Dakto
being outnumbered, we still had to go.
Went through all the heavy battles
losses were heavy, and I was rattled.
Coming home was not pleasant ...
People were very angry ... and distant.

I know now my brothers have a place on the wall...
and people come from all over to look in awe.
Behind each name is a family and a connection.
My heart aches in anticipation.
Not been there to the wall yet;
But:  When I feel the time is right,
I'LL be there as a vet.
Each name is a story, within itself ...
That's what keeps me putting it on the shelf.
For I know that when I have to go ...
Lots of tears are going to flow.
Yes ... Soon I will go to the wall
and be there to answer my buddy's call.
But in my heart will be the thoughts of all.
Yes, ALL ... The families and Friend of He that gave it all.
Yes, I even dread the call of the dead;
But:  I have to go settle this in my head.

All you flower people from the Sixties ...
and the politicians ...
You have blood on your hands.
No soap or cleaner can cleanse your hands.
Hope you find the peace that back then you preached.
That war was for real
and we got a raw deal.
Even today ... Some of you are that way.
God be with you in every way ... Each and every day.
Those of us that were there
Will Always Care.
There's no blood on my hands, that will not wash,
Was there to help, at any cost ...
Dedicated to those that served ~
Especially the 173RD.
With Tears in my eyes, I will see you at the wall ~
I hope to find comfort from you all.
To the families of all, I wish you had the best ...
To those on the wall:  "We Were The Very Best"


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