sometime, 2001 hey, this is joey and been and we're updating the site becuase we have nothing else to do. that's all- Been July 14, 2001 Shitty News! Anatedaephobia is dead! We have been for a really long time now, in case you haven't noticed! I put the page back up for the memories... I might also make some changes to restore the site to its original splendor (if i can get off my lazy ass). Oh yeah, we also have a studio ep now. CLICK HERE. if you want to download an mp3 of Something' Wrong, but keep in mind that this is from the bad live cd instead of the good studio one. peace- Been May 27, 2000 More Great News! The Mp3 of Something's Wrong is on the site NOW!! Also, get it on Napster, just search for Something's Wrong with Anatedaephobia as the artist. Or, you can add vivisel or spooncult to your hotlist, vivisel is almost always on (thats me (: ). So go listen!- Paul May 26, 2000 Great News! The Anatedaephobia Live CD has been made up, and although it is not ready for sale yet, it will be soon. As soon as I get a copy of the CD, I will put samples on the site and one full song will be available through Napster. However, I don't have the CD yet...the web guy is always the last priority (:. But look forward to hearing Anatedaephobia on this site!!- Paul May 13, 2000 Hi! It's me, Paul, with good news! This site can now be reached from!- Paul May 8, 2000 It was announced today that Anatedaephobia will play at the battle of the bands at the BB&N upper school on Labor day weekend. Any further information will be posted as available. - Been May 6, 2000 We lugged all our equiptment to the Lower School to play in the BB&N circus. We played after the the Middle School jazz band (all members of Anatedaephobia are in this band), who were mediocre (meaning we sucked major ass). Right before going on, Joey (being the little bastard he is), said he couldn't sing. We argued with him and finally decided on skipping Inspired. We played all the other songs to a rather large croud and didn't mess up at all (because there was less pressure with no recording). Two little girls came up to the large amp and plugged their ears. The cover of our live cd will be a picture of these girls. The cd will be available soon, for a cost of about $2.50 for the manufacturing, plus any shipping costs (i.e. to L.A. or Atlanta). Any donations to the band are welcome, please e-mail for details on where to direct these donations.- Been April 5, 2000 After practising every day this week and working on two new songs, it was the night of the dance and we came early to set up. We had a high up set-up with lots of glitter etc. supplied by Molly, Lizzie and Krissie (i think). The DJ, who was recording our cd for us, plugged us into a mixer and had a sound-check. We didn’t need our amps because we were playing out of two huge speakers on either side of the stage. The singing and all technical stuff worked very well. We sounded very good playing as well, we played Still Looking for Your Name, Inspired (by #$!*&), A Dream Within a Dream, Forgiven (about #@$&) and Something’s wrong. We (Boris) messed up a couple times, on the bridge of Still Looking for Your Name, and on Something’s Wrong, Boris hit the cymbal the wrong way, causing the stick to fly off, bounce off the snare drum and land back in his hand backwards which is how he played the rest of the song. We were under a lot of pressure, this being our first recording and all. The rest sounded very good and was of much praise by the audiance. And cheeze.- Been Apr. 13, 2000: Hopes were shattered today when Joey didn't show up in the morning for the performance. It was cold outside and Mr. Dotoli wasn't sure weather or not we would have an outdoor performce. In addition it was a pizza lunch day, which would make moving equiptment seemingly impossible. Luckily, Joey eventually showed up. Another event occured which almost stopped the performance as well - as Been was coming down the stairs at break, he slipped and badly injured his ankle, rendering him unable to walk. He fought it off for a little while until his dad showed up to take him to the hospital. He talked his dad into letting us perform and he made his way up to the big room to get the equiptment. The show itself was spectacular, we played A Dream Within a Dream, Something Wrong (which the croud particularly liked) and Still Looking for Your Name, which was not as strong as the others, but who cares. We have sound clips and pictures and movies we're trying to get up as soon as possible. Hope you can come to our next concert on May 7!- Been (I like talking about myself in 3rd person) person Apr. 11, 2000: We had our first practise with our new bassist, Lila Wright. She learned the songs in 10 minutes, so we had no problem with this dress rehearsal. Been brought his keybord from home, which has a recodnizable piano sound. The performance is going to be awesome, so you should all come or we'll find you and smash our instruments on you.Been April 11,2000 A person named Ally from LA has made a message board for the site! Thanx Ally, whoever you are! Well, anyway, the board is at this link. So go there and post!-Paul Mar. 31, 2000--Our practise last Wednesday was very successful, we're finishing up BJ's song and are working on a song by Joey tenitavely titled "Something "Wrong." We are looking for a bassist to improve our sound, so if you are interested and can come to the monday and wednesday practises, please contact one of the band members ASAP. We are planning on performing at the next BB&N MS dance (I'll post the date when I find out) where we will be recording a live alblum. Our regular alblum is due out in approximately 3 months. - Been Schriesheim For Archived News Click Here. |