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This interview is from British magazine "Top of the Pops."
It's an old interview, but one of my favourite ones. I think it's really funny! Read it and see if you agree...

"Wanna know loads of Backstreet Boys secrets?" whispered a certain BSB in our ear. So here, exclusively for TOTP, are those Backstreet revelations in full. And just who was our informer?
...Step forward AJ...

Which Backstreet Boy has a secret wild side?
Definitely Brian. I see all his different moods because I share a house with him. He's at his wildest when he and Nick get together. They both act really crazy, especially if they've been drinking loads of Coke, cos the caffeine makes them hyper! Sometimes in interviews they act like the class clowns, making farting noises and fooling around!

Which one of you is the party animal?
Oh no, I've been found out! It's me! ( Howie nods vigorously in agreement.)At least, I'm the one who persuades everyone else to party. We're just back from Spain, where we stayed out all night on our last day, going from club to club, then having a party back at the hotel until ten the next morning. You do have to force yourself to stay awake, but it's worth it. I passed out on the plane though!

Does anyone sneak out of your hotel at night?
No, but I have been very tempted. I'd go, too, but if I found myself in trouble or ended up in a fight without any security around I'd have my butt kicked, and I'm not looking to have my butt kicked any time!

Who's the vainest Backstreet Boy?
Phhrrrtt!That would have to be Howie! He's a, ahem, visual perfectionist. He likes to look good, man. I guess it always pays to be cautious, and at least it's better than leaving the room looking terrible. But I'm glad we don't share a room when we're travelling, so that I don't have to fight him for the mirror!

Which Backstreets fight the most?
(Looks hurt.) We don't fight! ( Thinks hard.) I s'pose things can happen between Nick and Kevin because there's such a big age gap. They have differenr views on things, but phew, it was worse when Nick was younger! There would be arguments about all sorts of things - what to wear, what music to play, what football team is the best....but it never came to blows - thank goodness!

Describe an ideal future Mrs Backstreet Boy...
Jeez, this is a tough one! ( Wibbles for ages.) I'll choose someone for Kevin, right? It would be someone very resourceful, who can relate to him and has the same very sensible way of thinking. Heck, I dunno who she'd be! I certainly don't always know what he's thinking, let alone what he's looking for.

Who has the worst reputation with the ladies then?
Wayhey!Do you mean the best reputation? We all have our share of a reputation with the laydees, oooh yeah! I guess I'm the one everyone tries to talk out of things in clubs. Do they manage? Ha! No, I do what I like. I'm out of control!

Your mum goes on tour with you. Don't you ever wish she wasn't around to see what you're up to?
Erm, maybe! I act the same on tour as I do at home, except that I can get away with more at home because I'm on my own. I don't have to worry about security or anybdy else.

What's most likely to cause trouble on the tour bus?
Probably what we're gonna wear on stage. It's a black or white thing - three of us will want to wear black and two will want to wear white. Luckily, though, we always vote on everything and decide democratically. Otherwise we'd fight and accomplish nothing.

Who was the last person to crack under pressure?
Oh gee, that has to be Brian! Lemme tell you, Brian really had enough yesterday, and I'm not kidding! He suddenly turned round and said: ' Hey, you know what, you gotta give us some more time off. We've been working too damn hard! We're all gonna go nuts!' Did he shout? Of course. If the Backstreet Boys aren't happy, we don't mumble in a corner, believe me. We say it out loud!

Who phones home the most?
Oh, well that is Howie without a doubt. He calls home every day. Whenever you need him, he's on the phone ( adopts on-for-the-night telephone pose ) and you can bet your boots that he's gonna be on for a long while!

Who would you say is the most stylish and individual-looking member of the Backstreet Boys?
(Long pause.) Mmmmmm. Do you want my honest opinion? Well, it has to be me then. But only when it comes to wearing really weird outfits. I would say I'm probably very abstract when it comes to clothing. I don't like to wear something anyone on the street would actually wear - I like to look different and stand out from the crowd. Yes, I'd say I'm an individual when it comes to clothes. I always tend to go for the abstract, crazy look.

Who's always grumbling about being ill?
That would be Kevin but (pause) he does have the most ailments. At the moment he has strep throat ( a singer's infection ) and a sinus infection. He's a good patient if it's something he can deal with. If it's more serious - like he had his appendix out - well, let's just say he complains a little more.

Do any of you have bad handwriting?
Nick's writing is the worst. It's really scratchy. He tries to write joined-up and all curly but it comes out a mess. Howie tries joined-up writing too, but the problem is that it's just unreadable.

Which Backstreet would you be scared to borrow clothes from?
( Look of terror crosses AJ's face.) I'd never borrow Kevin's clothes. If I were to ask if I could borrow something he'd be like, 'Yeah, sure you can borrow it. Just don't crease it. Don't lose it. Don't spill anything down the front...' Arrgghhhh!!

Tempers must fray from time to time. Who loses theirs quickest?
Erm, myself, Nick and Kevin all have our moments! In fact, Nick lost his temper a few days ago when he was playing video games with Brian. He was shouting and screaming - erm - bad words. Definitely bad words.

Which of you is the best listener?
If we have any problems with the band or our family we go to Howie. He's always there to listen and give advice. I'm least likely to go to Nick for advice. Now, that's not because he doesn't know stuff - I'm sure he does, but he's younger than me! I want someone with experience.

Which Backstreet is the most uptight?
Oh, that's Kevin. Sometimes we try to get him to chill a little, but you can't really say too much cos it's just his nature. I guess you could say our Kevin pays attention to detail. Very close attention!

Who has the shortest attention span?
It has to be Nick, without a doubt. Sometimes in photo shoots or interviews he'll begin to lose interest - but he's only young. We all put up with him cos he'll grow up soon enough. It's just that we're still waiting...

Who leaves the hotel room in the biggest mess?
Usually Nick. On the last tour we went on, his room looked like it had been hit by a tornado. Clothes everywhere, video games, his console, food, candy bars, everything. It could be called the comfortable, lived-in look - but only if you could actually find the bed.

What do you all find most frustrating about being a Backstreet? ( With a 'most sincerely' smile.) It's not frustrating at all. We get along remarkably well, we're brothers and we help each other. ( Howie jumps in.) Being with AJ every day is frusrating, man! It's hard! ( AJ looks hurt.) Gee, thanks for that, friend. I'm gonna follow you home tonight Howie. I'm gonna getcha...

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