Have you ever watched Sailor Moon and wished that you might actually be a senshi? No? Then maybe this page isn't for you. This is your chance to be an honest to goodness Sailor Sesnhi. I got the idea for this page when a little while back I visited the Moon Kigndom's Armed Defences web page. I saw that you could apply to be a Sailor Senshi. I was really excited. However, when I entered the page and started to fill out an application I saw that you could no longer use the prefix Sailor in your name. What is the point of being a Sailor Senshi if you can't be called Sailor something? I found various difficulties including the test. half of the questions had NOTHING to do with Sailor Moon.(:p) I decided to create an easier and more fun page. I just have a few rules.
1: If you want to be a character from the show it doesn't have to be a Sailor Senshi. You could be Grandpa if you wanted. However, I am NO LONGER ACCEPTING made up characters. Sorry but I want to fill in the basics first.
2: You don't have to answer all the questions but the more you answer, the better your chances are. Try not to leave any blanks.
3: Don't fill out this form as a joke with retarded answers and put downs. I may post them and point out to the world what a retard you are.
4: Have fun. The most important part of this is that you are trying to meet a group of people with whom you will exchange e-mail addresses and maybe ICQ numbers. This is for people who are serious about the show and will become their character.
5: If you ever want to quit the Sailor Senshi you will need to write me an e-mail saying you resign so the position will be open to others.
Understand the rules? Great! Click my e-mail link at the bottom of the page and write your answers there in chronological order. If you don't know an answer put N/A. Arigato and happy testing! Tsukino Usagi *^_^*
Personal Section-Must be filled out truthfully
Name(your real name)
Age and Birthday
E-mail addy
Webpage-if you have one
Person you are applying for and webpage they are from if original character.
The real names of the five inner senshi in English or Japanese (bonus for knowing last names) (5)
What is Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite's relationship to Prince Endymion? (1)
Which inner Senshi had been a Senshi the longest? (1)
Tuxedo Kamen/Mask throws a ____(1)
Who defeated Queen Beryl? (bonus if you give both the anime and manga) (2)
What is the real name of the Doom Tree (english series answer please) (2)
What does Ann always say? (2)
What is the first thing Chibiusa/Rini says to Usagi/Serena in the show? (bonus points for knowing both english and Japanese phrases) (3)
What does Chibiusa/Rini call her kitty-shaped ball? (2)
The four sisters are...?(bonus points for knowing Japanese names) (4)
What does Chibiusa do when she returns to her mother in the last episode? (2)
What are the five Sailor Moon Series called? Extra point if you can tell me the individual names of the series that was called the same but had two meanings? (5)
What are the names of the Amazoness Quartet?(4)
Pegasus is really who? (2)
The creator of Sailor Moon is?(2)
There are three Sailor Moon Movies. True or false? (1)