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The Magickal Caldron

The caldron is a vessel wherein magical and mystical transformations takes place, it symbolizes change, renewal, and initiations; it also represents fullness and abundance.

The Magickal Caldron is where you will find aids to change or transform your plight or karma. Blended oils and incense, as well as astral candles can help changes to occur quickly, improving one's life. Chakra candles, oils and bath salts brings balance, harmony and healing. These Hermetics supplies are very beneficial to use for Blessings, Invocations, and Ceremonial Rituals.

Come for a visit...
Stay for a Spell
Light your candles
and ring your bell.


A delightful book compiled and written by Celeste H. Blair from ancient traditions and curios including seasonal rituals, secrets of moon magick and the faeries. A must have for all those who wish to aspire in the ancient traditions of the Wise. Sales for $14.95 plus S&H.

Spell Packs
We, at Celestial Light Castle offer Spell Packs for the most novice to the most experienced practioner of the Ancient Traditions. These Spell Packs come with everything you need including easy to follow instructions. These Spell Packs cost $7.00 each.

Quick Money Spell PackTo bring fast Money.
Love Spell PackAttraction.
Protection Spell PackWard off Negativity.
Ganapati Spell PackFor removing large obstacles.
Stability Spell PackTo give structure and order to ones life.
Past-Life Healing Spell PackTo overcome/heal past-life karma.
Spirit Walker Spell PackTo commune with your Spirit Guides.
Reversing Spell PackTo reverse circumstances/losses.


Celestial Light Castle presents... Angels of the Seven Rays

Chakra Function Out of Balance
Crown The totality of a person opens to the Divine forces through the Crown chakra. Unable to overcome anxiety, fear. Unable to imagine Cosmic Unity. Depressed, unsatisfied.
Third Eye Recognition of 'Being'. Connects the part of creation which is beyond science and physical manifestation. Rejects spiritual aspects. Focus on intellect and science. Only sees the obvious,surface meaning.
Throat Feelings and emotions are transformed into expressions. Communicates emotions and fellings. Fears judgement and rejection. Talks a lot but cannot express. Afraid of silence.
Heart The centre of the chakra system. Aesthetic impulse (art, music)are processed into feelings and emotions. Somewhat insincere, looking for rewards. Does not find it easy to accept the love given by others.
Solar Plexus Connecting the base wiht the sublime. Here is where the personality is formed. No trust in the natural flow. Needs to dominate. Insecure. Emphasis on the material.
Lower Abdomen Centre of sexual energy, creativity and pure emotion. Balances the giving and recieving of emotions. Unsure, unstable in sexual and emotional matters. Cannot express feellings. Suppresses needs.
Root Links the indivdual with the physical world. Defines the concept "Being" and "Accepting Being". Inability to trust nature. Focus on the material possessions. Need to satisfy own desires.

Moon Oils

Moon Oils are used in conjuction with certain periods of the moon to help with envocations and charging of tools used in Ancient Traditions. Listed below are a few of the oils that we create just for these occasions. $4.00 each.

New Moon***
Full Moon***
Waning Moon***
Blue Moon***
Amber Moon***

Zodiac Oils

Zodiac Oils available in all signs. $8.00 each.

Bees Wax Candles

Hand rolled and Blessed for your special purpose or needs. Available in most colors, 8" candle or 14" Tapers. Great idea for birthdays. Call to place your order early.