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Welcome to Chemical House & Lab Instrument Co., Ltd. 's Home Page

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General Laboratory Instruments

Product Index

Alcoholometer, Balance, Barometer, Bilirubin Analyzer, Cell Counter, Combustion Calorimeter (isoperiblic), Colorimeter, Cooling Bath, Disinfector, Dispensing Unit, Fats Contents Analyser, Heating Circulator, Hemoglobin Meter, Hood, Homoginiser, Hot Plate, Hydrometer (API), Hygrometer, Immersion Circulator, Incubator, Karl Fischer Titrator, Glassware Cleaner, Lactometer, Magnetic Stirrer, Microscope, Mixer, Moisture Balance, Oven, Particle Analyzer, Refractometer, Rotary Viscometer, Saccharometer, Saltmeter, Shaker, Spectrophotometer, Tensiometer, Thermometer, Timer, Vinometer, Water Bath, Water Still


Lovibond PFX880 Series

Automatic Colorimeters for Oils, Fats, Chemicals and Fuels

Tintometer has introduced a new range of three (3) automatic colorimeters for objective colour analysis of oils, chemicals, fuels and other transparent products;


PFX880/L & PFX880/AT Colorimeter


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Last modified: 07/09/1999 16:35:15