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Welcome to Chemical House & Lab Instrument Co., Ltd. 's Home Page

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On-line Instruments

Product Index

Conductivity - range 0-2000 mS, suitable for water and food products

Dissolved Oxygen - suitable for water supply, waste water and food industry

Free Chlorine Analyzer - can be customised the measuring range as narrow as 0-1ppm in order to increasethe sensitivity

pH/Redox/ISE - range 0-14pH and 0-2000mV, can be also customised depends on application, measuring probes can operate under high pressure conditions

Toxicity in Water - suitable for waste water monitoring including biological paratmeter, heavy metals, bacteria, organic contaminations.

Turbidity Meter - range 0.0 - 2000 NTU

Refractive Index & Brix Sugar Concentration - offer both benchtop and wall mounting version

Vapor Pressure of Gasoline according to ASTM D 5191 (DVPE), D6277, D6278 (Vapor Pressure of Gasoline; VPx Grabner Method)

Sulphur Contents of Diesel by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrophotometry according to ASTM D4294

New Instrument

A-Kruss - Process Refractometer

Refractive Index (RI) and Brix (Sugar Concentation) measurements become the main test parameters for all kinds of major industrie such as food, chemical, petroleum, etc. To be able to control the liquid properties in the easy but effective way, on-line or process refractometer is your solution. All results will be displayed continuously and operator can get the hard copy as soon as the results are printed out.

Key Benefits

Can optimized the measuring range from 0-35% Brix and 0-70%Brix
Two versions of display available i.e. hand held and wall mounted terminal
Results can be displayed and stored from PC using special software

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Last modified: 23/07/99 15:23:22