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Welcome to Chemical House & Lab Instrument Co., Ltd. 's Home Page

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Chemical House & Lab Instrument Co.,Ltd.


Products Range

Chemical House & Lab Instrument Co., Ltd. - we provide all kinds of chemical substances and instruments in the following fields;

General Lab Instruments
API hydrometer, analytical balance, colorimeter, cooling bath, hot plate, pipette, shaker, spectrophotometer, stirrer, traceable timer, thermometer(ASTM, IP), water bath...lots more.
Petroleum/Petrochemical Testng Instruments
Flash point tester, distillation units, cloud and pour point, vapor pressure determination of gasoline, freezing point, sulfur meter, CCS, viscosity, Unit Operation... lots more.
Pulp and Paper Testing Instruments
Brightness tester, colorimeter, glossmeter, dirt tester, residual ink, absorption, fibre analysis, printibility, whiteness ...lots more.
Environmental Testing Instruments
Water testing, drinking water, waste water analysis, pH meter, BOD, COD, DO, free chlorine, trace element analysis, hardness tester ...lots more.
On-line Instruments
Brix meter, conductivity, pH, DO, free chlorine, turbidity, gasoline vapor pressure, sulfur meter, brightness tester, roughness, ...lots more.
Material Testing Instruments: We provide exclusive range of material testing instruments, contact us for more information

Unit Operation: Absorption, Adsorption, Computer Controlled Distillation, Crystallization, Thin Film Evaporator, Liquid/Liquid Extraction, Pilot Plant for Crude Oil Distillaiton, Reactor, Solid/Liquid Extraction, Spray Dryer for more information email us


There are growing numbers of our customers at the present who place the enquiry to us about the after sale service, which we called "P&M Contract". This package covers reliable service after sales for preventive-maintenance, calibration and validation of instruments after re-calibration.

Preventive & Maintenance Contract

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Last modified: 07/19/99 14:47