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The First Church of Christ
58 Dagobert Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

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First Church of Christ, Wilkes-Barre
presented cantata
"Rise Again" Easter, 1999/2001

LeaderNet/Donna Phillips

Members of the First Church of Christ choir, shown, first row, from left, are: Sylvia Scanlon, Sandy Fox, Stephen Fox, Sarah Fox, Mary Conrad, Darla Carey and Daniel Carey. Second row: Cathy Jackson, Mary Warman, Connie Guesto, JoAnn Third and James Thomas. Third row: Colleen Jones, Judy Smith, Mildred Hughes and Alexis Shipula. Forth row: David Smith, the Rev. William Hughes and Fred Lew.

LeaderNet/Donna Phillips

Rehearsing a song for "Rise Again" are Stephen Fox, Sarah Fox , Mary Conrad and Darla Carey.

The First Church of Christ senior choir, directed by Daniel Carey, recently presented the Russell Mauldin cantata, "Rise Again".

"Rise Again" combines narration and song to tell about the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The cantata contains a mixture of traditional and contemporary music such as "Christ the King! Medley," "We followed the Christ" and the "Crucifixion Medley" - featuring the title song, "Rise Again."

Sopranos Sandy Fox and Sylvia Scanlon perfomed solos in "Jerusalem Called."

Communion was offered after the choir sang "Bittersweet." James Thomas Jr. and William Hughes provided the narration.

William Hughes is minister of the church, located on the corner of Carey Avenue and Horton Street in Wilkes-Barre.

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This site was last updated on 03/28/2000 by Daniel Carey.

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