when someone bitches about their new album, i just nod and ignore them. what right do they have to bitch? hole will forever be amazing. i think it's terrific that they are what they want to be. i admire them for making a heavy album like POTI and then a sugar album like CS. i understand if you don't like the new music, but i think that you should atleast respect hole for the album.
i was reading a korn article from circus magazine and they opened my eyes up completely. they said that if fans are angry cuz their music is on the radio, then what kind of fans are they? it's true. either you like the music and the band, or you don't. and i love hole and the music.
i think it's becuz hole is a release from the world. i can put on a cd and just escape. live through this really moves me. miss world must be what made me fall in love with hole. i was watching spotlight on muchmusic and just was mesmerized. i'm miss world, somebody kill me, no one cares my friends? i couldn't believe it. that's how i felt. the song haunted me until i bought the cd. then i played it for the first time and i had the words memorized. my friend said it was really creepy.
hole has lived through everything, that's for sure. to me, it's kind of a fantasy in comparison to my perfect little life . there's something inside of me that is aching to play music like hole does, something that just wants so badly to create music as powerful and provactive as hole does. the closest i can get to releasing that desire is by listening to their music. gawd, i'm getting too deep *hehe* see, i can be serious sometimes. i'm getting guitar lessons soon, that might help too. though i know i'm gonna suck! o well, what can ya do?
basically, hole is an amazing band that has practically been in hell and now they're shining in heaven. i admire that and love it. everyone's entitled to an opinion, that i've learnt, but this is mine. i hope u can agree to some extent. xoxo