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Angelic Encounters

Angelic Encounters


For those of you whom have never seen or had an Angelic Encounter, but have heard stories of people who have, are often left wondering what exactly those people have seen and what the Angel looked like. Well, the truth of the matter is, everyone who has had an Angel Encounter has seen something different from others who have seen or experienced an Angel. An Angel will appear to each of us differently according to how open we are to receive, and according to our belief system.

When most people think about seeing an Angel, they imagine an Angel with big white wings and a shining golden Halo. While most of the time, Angels might appear to humans in this form, the truth is, we do not know what Angels really look like. They do not have a body, or a gender like we do. So if an Angel shows itself as a girl or a boy Angel, it is not necessarily a girl or a boy Angel. Experts say that each Angel might even be a separate gender. They appear in many forms with numerous identities, according to your belief system or what is necessary to make the connection with you.

So how do we know that we have had an Angel Encounter? Well, an Angel Encounter will be completely different for each of us, but it will be a truly life-changing and uplifting experience. Also, we will never have an Angel Encounter unless we ask for one, and unless our Angels think that we are ready for one. On another note, we might have an Angel Encounter when we do not ask for one, but when we are in a life threatening situation or in a great need of some faith, hope, and love in our lives.

Some people have said that when they had an Angel Encounter, they didn't really "see" the Angel, but just felt the Angel inside within them. Some also claim that they got goose bumps, chills up their spine, and just a touch on their shoulder, or some other way that left no doubt. But when you have an Angelic Encounter, it will be in a way that your Angels think you are most ready for one, and it will truly be life-changing and spiritualy up-lifting for you.

Sometimes, our guides and guardian angels speak to us only through a "knowing" and not a voice in our ears or heads. This "knowing" is just as valid as actual communication, and can ususally be felt in the solar plexus (heart) area.

Another way in which our guides communicate with us is through coincidences, or synchronicity. Perhaps you find a feather on your path, perhaps you think of a rainbow - and then you see one, perhaps a butterfly lands on your arm. These small gifts are often a form of communication from the angelic realm, and should be noticed and honoured.

And, the best way of communicating with your angels and guides is to acknowledge them as often as possible. Speak to them out loud with an open mind and heart- as the vibration of the spoken word can set up the right energies for manifesting a channel of communication and or an angelic encounter.

Above all, ask your guides and angels how THEY would like to communicate with you - and then listen with your spirit and open your heart (not only with your eyes and ears).

- When we speak with tinderness and kindness, from the heart, we all speak the language of the angels.-

Do not search for us, for we are always near to thee.
One spoken word or thought is our connection to you.
Do not wait for us, we are here...all ready.
Do not whisper your name, we know it very well.
We have loved you unconditionally forever...
We are your Guardian Angels.


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"We are ALL Spiritual Beings having the human being experience, not human beings having the Spiritual Experience.

For each of us are here together on Earth, attending Earth school- to learn, to love & teach love and evolve to move forward."
-----Reverend Daniel D. Kudra

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