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Invitation To Your Angels




     If you would like to begin a glorious and wonderful spiritual connection and you want to work with your angels, you must first start by accepting and believing in their very existence. When you think about them, invite them to join you, request their blessings, unconditional love and their guidance. It is a learning process that requires patience and practice. You may want to light some wonderful scented incense, a candle of your choosing and listen to some harmonious music when inviting your angels to be with you. Sit down where you can be comfortable and relax. Close your eyes and be quiet. Quiet your mind and Open your inner self widely and concentrate on your heart center (the 4th chakra), this is the place where you can always find and endless amount of deep peace and an abundance of light within. Now....Imagine that you are penetrated by this glorious light. Let is shower you with its warm rays. Let it penetrate your every fiber and cell of your body. Feel the warmth and the unconditional love and peace that it brings to you. Feel the joy within. Let it overcome all your worries, fears and doubts. Let it rinse away these things and replace them with unconditional love and peace.

     Invite your Guardian Angel and all other angelic beings from the heavenly realms that wishes to come in your presence. Talk to them, quietly or out loud, tell them that you believe in them, love them and thank them for their always present love and service. Accept them truly with all your being. Request them to be with you always, even if you forget about them sometimes. Send them love and immerse yourself in their presence, feel their presence. The thoughts have to be quiet. Feel the gentle, comforting vibration of love, of peace, of comfort of whatever you need at this moment. Close by gratefully thanking the angels for this blessed, quiet time.

     The blessing of your angelic friends flows with the ray of attention, gratitude and unconditional love. This divine connection is very warm and comforting. Maybe it is not a new experience for you - you just did not know that it was the angels that created this feeling of bliss within you.

     Each of the forces of virtue has a representative in the realm of angels: the angels of joy, of love, of faith, of hope, of comfort, of healing... Isn't it wonderful that they are ready to hear our call to come into our homes and lives and share their pure vibrations? Angels are mighty allies for each individual who is convinced of their existence and invites them into his life.

-- _ Your Personal Birth Angel  --

     Click above to find out about your

        Birth Guardian Angel

Only Unconditional Love Is Eternal


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The song playing is "Always Something There To Remind Me".


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*Words Of Wisdom*

  *All graphic images, text descriptions, and any other content on this website are the exclusive property of Daniel D. Kudra, Angels Of Light Gifts, St Jude's Angel Shop and may not be used, copied or reproduced under any circumstances in any way without the express written consent of Daniel D Kudra or the creative artists. To do so is ILLEGAL and constitutes legal action! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!! Site Designed & Maintained By Daniel D. Kudra ©1993-2013